ALK Usage Spike Help

Ian Pelletier

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Aug 10, 2023
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Seeking help from Randy Holmes Farley!

I have just added a C02 Scrubber to my system. Within 24 hours my alk consumption went from 0.3 DKH per day to 0.8 per day. Every day since it has risen. It’s now up to 1.6 DKH per day. I’m just worried something is wrong. I can’t see the coral I have using that much so quickly. I don’t believe there’s precipitation happening. I can’t tell because my sand was already hard from bad chemistry when I first started the tank so I don’t get to use that as a judge. I don’t see any white anywhere really. Is it possible the tank is really using 1.6 per day and climbing? I’ve only been able to keep it stable one day since.

I’m using a salifert PH test and it’s showing my PH up at 8.6. Reading some of your articles Randy, it seems that’s not possible without chemical dosing additives for PH. A C02 scrubber wouldn’t boost it that much. I’ve been keeping ALK at 7.7 DKH before the C02 because I have low nutrients. 0.5 PPM Nitrate and 0.02 phosphate. It’s now dropped to 7.1 and I can’t seem to get it back up. I have upped the dose each day after testing and it drops another point even though I’m adjusting the dose to give me an “extra” 0.2 that day.

I’m just at a loss. Everything sure does look happy but I can’t wrap my head around the continued consumption. I’m on day 5 of this now.


Nitrate - 0.5
Phosphate - 0.02
Mag - 1470-1480
Cal - 435 - 440
Alk 7.1 DKH
PH - 8.6? I don’t know if I believe it.