Hello, I discovered this creature which I believe is Aiptasia but hoping it’s an innocuous liverock hitchhiker. Can anyone confirm?
In case it’s pertinent for identification, I believe it came on TBS live rock. The only commonality between QT and frag tanks are the live rock I split between the two tanks. About 3 months ago, I discovered like two Aiptasia in the QT, although they were much smaller and appeared different in form. About 6 weeks ago, baby Aiptasia (I think) appeared in the frag tank but they were different in form from the Aiptasia in QT and the specimen at issue — they were shaped more like jellyfish, moved around the tank rather than settling in one spot (the others were/are static), although perhaps bulldozing CUC made them move, and they did not appear to have long tentacles protruding from the head. I went heavy on joe’s juice and sucked them out via hose whenever I spotted them and I haven’t seen any of them in the tank for maybe a month? So I’m hoping this fella is not one that got away.
I believe unrelated, yesterday I also saw a growth on my blasto that I’ve had for like 3 months — appearing to be a small white tube with a head and feathers but I haven’t seen the feathers retract at all. If not Aiptasia, should I try to get rid of it?
Perhaps also following a false lead, afterwards l I also spotted a white tube protruding from around the head of a candy cane but without the feathers.
Any insight appreciated.
In case it’s pertinent for identification, I believe it came on TBS live rock. The only commonality between QT and frag tanks are the live rock I split between the two tanks. About 3 months ago, I discovered like two Aiptasia in the QT, although they were much smaller and appeared different in form. About 6 weeks ago, baby Aiptasia (I think) appeared in the frag tank but they were different in form from the Aiptasia in QT and the specimen at issue — they were shaped more like jellyfish, moved around the tank rather than settling in one spot (the others were/are static), although perhaps bulldozing CUC made them move, and they did not appear to have long tentacles protruding from the head. I went heavy on joe’s juice and sucked them out via hose whenever I spotted them and I haven’t seen any of them in the tank for maybe a month? So I’m hoping this fella is not one that got away.
I believe unrelated, yesterday I also saw a growth on my blasto that I’ve had for like 3 months — appearing to be a small white tube with a head and feathers but I haven’t seen the feathers retract at all. If not Aiptasia, should I try to get rid of it?
Perhaps also following a false lead, afterwards l I also spotted a white tube protruding from around the head of a candy cane but without the feathers.
Any insight appreciated.