AF Lab Components Pro How much to dose


SBB fed the Addiction
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Jun 14, 2020
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Ok…I bought the AF Lab Components Pro 1,2,3.

I need to run test on my alk, cal, and mag. But let’s assume I’m right where I want to be.

Should I dose their recommended 12ml per 27 gal?

My DT is 75g. I have a 40breeder for a sump. I always just use 80g as my total volume (my sump is mostly rocks and I have plenty of rock up top, and this number seems to work).

So that would mean 35.6ml daily. It says to dose in equal parts of 1,2,3.

Does this sound right?

And if you don’t know here is details of each component

Component 1 Pro

Contains: Ca, Sr, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Co, Mo

25mL in 100L of water will raise Ca by 9ppm

Component 2 Pro

Contains: HCO3-, F, I

25mL in 100L of water will raise KH by 1.3 dKH - Alk 0.46 meq/L

Component 3 Pro

Contains: Mineral salts, Mg, S, K, B, Sr, Li

25mL in 100L of water will raise Mg by 0.76 ppm



SBB fed the Addiction
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Jun 14, 2020
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Your dosing is up to you. Start out with your best calculation. Test often. And adjust as needed. You got this
I’m currently working on getting my numbers right…..I may have added tooo many corals at once. First my alk dropped. Got that back up. Then mag and calcium.

Cal was like 350 and mag 1200 :oops: I was soo use to seeing 400+ and 1400+ that I made the LFS test it again lol

As of today I’m at 1350 for mag (and dosed my last boost) and I dosed the first half of the boost for calcium.

Got all the parts for my DIY dosing containers! Woohoo.

Got one done…

Gonna test tomorrow and see what all the numbers are. Dose the last calcium boost. Then check numbers 1 more time before I turn off the dosing pump that’s running my brightwell alk supplement.

I figure this is the best way to get a true idea on what my consumption is. I’m thinking 3 days between test. Then determine what I would need to raise it up the the alk part divide by 3 and tada. I’ll use my brightwell to get it back where I want it and then start the AF stuff to maintain