Advice on Upgrading Pest Infested Tank During Upcoming Move


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Hey all! Looking for some advice here as I haven't really found consistent answers in other threads I've been checking out.

Today is May 15 and by the end of June I will be moving to a new place. I'm taking this opportunity to upgrade my tank and have some questions about the process and moving from one tank to another with Aiptasia.

Here's some basic information to help.

My current system:
A modified DIY Fluval Flex 15 with LifeReef Overflow box and an Octo 15A Sump. The tank has about 1 inch of live sand and about 10 lbs of live rock in the DT. The sump contains ~2 nano sized bio media bags and another couple pounds of rocks that I keep in case of needing to set up an emergency QT. Along with some fish, I also have a few corals very well glued down to the rock (A mix of 1 LPS, 1 SPS, some Zoas, and a leather). The sand bed holds a few fragments of rock each holding a small colony of Xenia or GSP, as well as my favorite coral- a beautiful Alveopora.

The new system:
I recently came across an incredible deal and decided to upgrade my system now from the Flex 15 to a used ~40 gallon cube (24x24x18) with a drilled internal overflow. I just did the leak test this week and it held water great for 24 hrs with the exception of two of the bulkhead seals dripping a little so all I'm going to do is replace the rubber on those. The tank did come with it's own sump (look like a custom built one and is approximately 15 gallons or so at running volume with extra room for backflow if the power shuts off. I however do not like this sump at all as it lacks the ability for any mechanical filtration and I plan to re-use my current sump on this tank. Does anyone know if an Octo 15A can handle a max flow of ~450 gph? During the leak test I established that the DT backflows about 2.5 gallons into the sump (if I have all of my returns pointed basically at the very surface of the tank) and I'm pretty sure the Octo 15A can handle that running it as I do now.

The new tank came with virtually everything I would need to have a fully functioning, somewhat automated system, including what I estimate to be about 30-40 lbs of dry rock (old live rock). I just started the BRS recommended method of soaking it in a 1:10 bleach solution for 7 days, after which I will dechlorinate and begin to cycle before the move. Currently I estimate I will have about 3 weeks of time before the move to finish the cycle/curing of the rocks . I plan to use all brand-new sand and this rock during the move.

As for the new/current equipment I will have and use in the new system, I plan to soak it for about 6 hrs in a vinegar solution/bath before using it in the new system. Or should I use citric acid instead?

Where I'm running into problems:
My current tank is absolutely infested with Aiptasia. It's mostly been manageable with only a few of the buggers showing their heads every couple of weeks. A quick treatment with Joe's Juice and life moved on. Sometime in February this year I started getting an outbreak. I treated more frequently, but there just was no way for me to get all of them based on location and my ability to access. It got so bad I added 3 Berghia Nudis in early April hoping to have them do a major cleaning, but I don't think they took as my problem is still severe and growing (I estimate I had dozens of Aiptasia in my display between the sand and the rock last week before a major culling using F-Aiptasia and they're still bouncing back). I absolutely hate the idea of loosing all of my established biome in my live rock by just cycling with a starter bacteria and ammonia. Not to mention, I'm not sure about being able to remove all of my attached coral from it. In addition, I've noticed Aiptasia growing on all of the fragmented rocks holding corals, and even the base of my Alveopora. Basically, everything but the fish (which at this point wouldn't surprise me if they started growing some Aiptasia on them) has visible Aiptasia on them; Including the bio-media and rock in my sump. I don't see a way of re-using anything at this point without having an Aiptasia hitchiker. I was planning on curing my new rock using some of my old bio-media to help establish the biome, and originally was going to incorporate my current rock-work into the new build DT.

I know this isn't a cheap hobby, but I simply absolutely do not have the budget, room, or ability, to create a QT tank to try and treat/remove before adding into the new build. It is simply absolutely not an option for me and nothing will change that.

From posts I've read and research I've done, starting with a clean system is the ideal method, with some careful/watchful QT and transfer when ready; even then though, there's still a risk I can get an unwanted hitchhiker. Others say it's not a manner of if, but when you get Aiptasia and then dealing with it. This stuff has already irritated many of my corals and I'm worried for my livestock too based on the size of some of those I just can't reach are so I am trying to come up with more natural ways to prevent/ manage it.

I have been problem solving in my head for weeks about this and I just don't really know what to do. I cannot do a completely fresh restart of my system and livestock and I can't QT. I'm considering using my sump's bio media (cleaning it with a brush in fresh saltwater and hopefully removing any potential Aiptasia) and then curing the new rock with it. I don't love the idea, but I could also break/cut the coral off my current rock and do the same as with the bio-media- a good scrub with a stiff brush on the bony parts and a rinse/dip before adding into the new system. But I don't think there's any way to absolutely get it all and I'll be back to where I'm at soon-enough.

I've done plenty of research on live stock and with the new tank I'll have some good room to put an Aiptasia Eating File Fish and Peppermint Shrimp into my set up (would love a Copperband instead, but I know those are tricky at the best of times. So maybe on the next upgrade build). I would even consider doing Berghia again if the Aiptasia population bounces back quickly and/or I use all of my old media in the new build. Any other livestock advice?

I guess what I'm asking for is what would you do in my situation- say screw it and just re-use everything and stay on top of it in the new system? Try to re-use some things, but not my DT rock work? Use nothing from the old tank and just try to screen my coral as I transfer them into the new tank? It's going to be a tight time-line from the day I sign the new lease to when my current one is up so I'll have to do a complete set up and tear down over the course of a couple of days-luckily it is an inner-city move and the new place is 10 minutes away.

I appreciate any insight you guys have for me. Thank you in advance!

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