I know flukes have been brought up a lot and I think I read every contribution that Jay has made and I just want your advice if possible.
I have a FOWLR and I believe my fish have neobendenia flukes and that they came in on my Niger triggerfish. I have seen the flukes with my naked eye.
The advice I seek is wether to go down to 1.012 or 1.009 since I know for a fact that there are neobandenia flukes but don't see any specific symptoms of ich. I saw one of your comments that listed the symptoms of flukes and my fish are doing every single symptom you listed.
My fish have not been quarantined or treated for ich with copper so would you assume that they have it and that it is present in my tank and treat for it by going down to 1.009 since I am already going throught the effort of going hypo? The tanks salinity is now at 1.015 and I am bringing it down as I type this.
I know flukes have been brought up a lot and I think I read every contribution that Jay has made and I just want your advice if possible.
I have a FOWLR and I believe my fish have neobendenia flukes and that they came in on my Niger triggerfish. I have seen the flukes with my naked eye.
The advice I seek is wether to go down to 1.012 or 1.009 since I know for a fact that there are neobandenia flukes but don't see any specific symptoms of ich. I saw one of your comments that listed the symptoms of flukes and my fish are doing every single symptom you listed.
My fish have not been quarantined or treated for ich with copper so would you assume that they have it and that it is present in my tank and treat for it by going down to 1.009 since I am already going throught the effort of going hypo? The tanks salinity is now at 1.015 and I am bringing it down as I type this.