I am looking for recommendations for lights for the 93 cube that I am building right now. It is 30"x30"x24" and I plan on going mixed reef with it. I am at a total loss on what to go with and the more I look at my options I just get even more lost. Right now I run a hybrid set up and its doing ok on my 30 cube. But to me everything I see has a 24x24 coverage so I would need two of what ever unless I am missing something that might cover it. I thought the G6's was a 30x24 but I can't find the coverage for them anymore. Someone the other day say maybe look into Orphek but I really don't anything about them. I was thinking about a 8 bulb T5 but like I said I am getting totally confused on what to go with and need so options on what has worked for you and if anyone has the same size tank what have you used on it.