July 6 and 7th entryes completed. I have completed entries one, three, four that I forgot to post on this page but I posted the first one on here. So as of now I have completed the first, third, fourth, sixth and seventh. Sorry for the trouble but I am caught up through seven
Started in February 2020 with dry rock. We decided to go with that to avoid introducing any pests or a Mantis Shrimp (even though I kind of want one in it's own small tank). We recommend having a piece of acrylic instead of the lid that domes with this tank, original lid is rather annoying...
July 4 - HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!! Start a new thread in any of our general forums (not marketplace, local, or sponsor forums) about any reefing topic you'd like. Not sure how to start a thread? We're glad you asked. CLICK HERE!
::Let me open up by saying, I'm fully aware of my cyano outbreak. Its an ebb and flow for my relatively new tank as I try to keep nutrients low BUT dosing aminos to help some suffering corals after a recent move. :: My wife and I recently moved, she got a new job and I work from home so we...
July 5 - Tag a member of Reef2Reef that you are super thankful for! You do that by add the @ symbol in front of their user name. So for revhtree it would be the @ then revhtree. It would look like this once complete: @revhtree
I will give a shoutout to @Humblefish for being amazingly helpful and his simple guidance allowed me to QT anything "wet" going into the tank.
July 7 - Be part of a conversation by commenting (make a post) in any thread in any of our general forums (not marketplace, local, or sponsor forums).See all the new posts and topics here.
Posted in the tranquility thread regarding an upcoming build.
The tank was actually taken down a few months back so I can prepare to knock out the wall that sits behind it for a larger in wall installation. The room is small at 11x12 so the reclaimed space will be nice to have. The current plan is to move the 150g that is currently in the living room into...
Hi everyone am building my 120gal new tank and today i hook up my 4 stage rodi unit brand crystal pro all cartridges filters carbon membrane di are all brand new, after flushing for about 10 mins, and i tested my product water with a tds meter and reading was at 7 tds so am i good to go at 7...