3 Tanks corals growth experiment


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Dec 28, 2016
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1. It is against the TOS to post a crowdfunding link.
2. Replication would mean that rather than having 3 tanks - you would have 6 or 9 tanks - with 2 or 3 tanks being treated the same way - OR - you would repeat the study 3 times.
3. You said:
I have been dealing with marine aquariums for over 10 years and this hobby has taught me that there will always be someone who thinks otherwise. This is nothing bad because everyone has the right to their opinion, but the results would be unambiguous.
FYI - the purpose of the 'experimental forum' is for someone to post their ideas and initiate discussion before the studies are actually done. So - the comments you are receiving are not designed as personal attacks. The fact that you are willing to do an experiment - and post it is extremely important - and encouraged by R2R. I'm glad you're going to think about your design.

But - here is an example of one potential issue you haven't thought of. You are making a point about having no skimmer in tank 1 because it will not be fed. This alone means that you can't use tank 1 as a 'control' for tanks 2 and 3 - because the skimmer may be doing other things you don't account for - like oxygenation, removal of other organics, etc.

One thing to perhaps think about is (because it's confusing to me) - what are the purposes/rationale for using each of the tanks in the manner you are? In your first post you mention you want to use the experiment to 'check the corals growth'. What's missing is your hypothesis. I.e. - I think tank 3 will be best - because of phytoplankton or I think xxx (you can pick any number of things).