3 of my 5 pre-quarantined fish won't eat...


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Sep 6, 2021
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I bought the following fish from an online quarantined fish retailer- don't want to name them publicly. I've overall had good experiences with them in the past. The fish are:

Cubicus Boxfish
Yellow Assessor
Royal gramma
Wheeler Shrimp Goby
Lawnmower Blenny

I'm about 36 hours post delivery (no issues w delivery) and having issues. Ironically, only the boxfish seems especially interested in any food. I've seen the assessor eat maybe 3 or 4 pieces of small mysis but otherwise isn't interested. There is 0 interest from the rest. In my many years of reefing, while I've had trouble getting fish onto dry foods, I have yet to run into an "easy" fish that wouldn't take frozen. I've kept shrimp gobies, algae Blennies, and royal grammas before without issue, so seeing that none of the three will remotely touch frozen Mysis has me at a bit of a loss.

I'm getting some garlic extract in tomorrow (the kind that's meant for this) to hope for the best, and I'm going to go buy any kind of food I can find at my LFS to try to get a feeding response, but I don't know what else to do. The vendor says they feed Mysis and brine, so I'm not sure what's wrong. Truly, never had a hint of an issue with any of these species before and I'm worried I'm going to lose them, much less the $200+ I spent on what should be easy fish to take care of. Any ideas?


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Are they behaving normally? Any erratic behavior?

Spir. Brine always does the trick for me. But I keep 10x different foods on hand usually for occasions like this…