Hello there. I am just getting into reefing and I am slowly rolling into a 20g long as the money allows.
Currently, I am using a Nicrew ClassicLED 12-18inch as I had an extra from my 55g. Right now I have 1 Turbo snail chilling in the tank helping in the cycle (been about 2 weeks).
When on a budget what lights do you recommend for a 20g long? I am looking for a light good enough to maybe do sturdy anemone, coral, and other planets.
For reference, I am looking to end up getting 2 Clowns, a Decotaror crab, a few more Turbos, and 1 or 2 hermits.
I want to end up doing anemone but for right now I plan to stick to basic coral and maybe some Red Mangroove seeds as well as Halimeda to add some color since I am not doing anemone for a bit.
My current set up is:
Aquaclear 5-20g
AQUANEAT Circulation Pump
1 Large Texas Holey
Basic heater
Basic live sand
Basic bubbler
Nicrew ClassicLED 12-18inch
Thanks for any help and if you have any recommendations please let loss and reply if you can.
Currently, I am using a Nicrew ClassicLED 12-18inch as I had an extra from my 55g. Right now I have 1 Turbo snail chilling in the tank helping in the cycle (been about 2 weeks).
When on a budget what lights do you recommend for a 20g long? I am looking for a light good enough to maybe do sturdy anemone, coral, and other planets.
For reference, I am looking to end up getting 2 Clowns, a Decotaror crab, a few more Turbos, and 1 or 2 hermits.
I want to end up doing anemone but for right now I plan to stick to basic coral and maybe some Red Mangroove seeds as well as Halimeda to add some color since I am not doing anemone for a bit.
My current set up is:
Aquaclear 5-20g
AQUANEAT Circulation Pump
1 Large Texas Holey
Basic heater
Basic live sand
Basic bubbler
Nicrew ClassicLED 12-18inch
Thanks for any help and if you have any recommendations please let loss and reply if you can.