20 gallon light recommendations for Macro/Softies


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Howdy all…
hoping for some help figuring out what to do lighting wise that is affordable and doesn’t break the bank, but can support my macro algae and softies (mushrooms and a couple leathers)…

I had a 7.5gal tank with everything built it but it sprung a leak and we did an emergency upgrade to a 20 tall…. Ended up with the aqueon hood to match to keep my kids out (3 & 5, 5 yo is good but the 3yo thinks she’s Ariel and wants to play with the fish… work in progress that one is LOL).

I’ve always had t5s or Hallides so the LED lighting is all new to me… been about 10 years since I’ve been active in the hobby myself.

Does base LED lighting do anything for growth and could I add a secondary aqueon color max strip to enhance it or is there something that doesn’t break the bank I can stick on with the hood? I know I keep getting told AI primes, but I don’t have $300 to drop on a light and mount right now… we’re in the process of moving so this wasn’t a wanted upgrade but I definitely need the lighting to be acceptable for what we have currently.

Tank is 16” deep x 24” long x 12” wide

Any and all recommendations welcome!

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I have an AI prime over my 20g. I have no problem growing LPS Softies and hair algea. There are almost always a couple of used ones for sale on here every week. Just set your alerts to the market place and you can usually pick 1 up for around $180-$200 with a mount. Just look out for burned lenses as they generally indicate lack of maintenance(fan screen cleaning). I have been running mine for over a year and haven't burned the lens yet. I clean the fan screen quite often.(every week or 2)


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Howdy all…
hoping for some help figuring out what to do lighting wise that is affordable and doesn’t break the bank, but can support my macro algae and softies (mushrooms and a couple leathers)…

I had a 7.5gal tank with everything built it but it sprung a leak and we did an emergency upgrade to a 20 tall…. Ended up with the aqueon hood to match to keep my kids out (3 & 5, 5 yo is good but the 3yo thinks she’s Ariel and wants to play with the fish… work in progress that one is LOL).

I’ve always had t5s or Hallides so the LED lighting is all new to me… been about 10 years since I’ve been active in the hobby myself.

Does base LED lighting do anything for growth and could I add a secondary aqueon color max strip to enhance it or is there something that doesn’t break the bank I can stick on with the hood? I know I keep getting told AI primes, but I don’t have $300 to drop on a light and mount right now… we’re in the process of moving so this wasn’t a wanted upgrade but I definitely need the lighting to be acceptable for what we have currently.

Tank is 16” deep x 24” long x 12” wide

Any and all recommendations welcome!

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Ditch the kids.. err hood.. :)

Something like this is way over-powered but dimmable. Price is "reasonable" though not like $50 reasonable.
60 Watts..
The design is a bit better for a long narrow tank than any of the puck style lights.
Prism II LED Light Fixture 24-36 Inch - Marine
SKU: 250045
In stock
Since you are already running a "daylight" spectrum probably no harm in using a more fw centric LED
They are cheap but lower wattage like 15W

As far as adding another Aqueon bulb..well they don't list the wattage or anything useful so it is impossible to guess at this point.
Maybe just give me the output of the wall wart. Should be built for 2 tubes.
