zoa id

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    Help me ID my Zoa!

    I got some new Zoa today and my wonderful wife got me an orange lense for Christmas. You guys have tried to help me before but it was too blue. So Zoa experts, what name do these go by? Thanks!! edit: multiple pics attached. Some are of the same colony!
  2. El_Compa_Javi

    Help with ID - Candy Apple Reds or Hyper Phoenix?

    Help me out with a positive ID on these palythoas. I was told they may be Candy Apple Reds or they may be Hyper Phoenix. Any help is appreciated.
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa ID Help please

    Can someone help me ID these colonies I have please? The one with only two heads was sold to me as CB white zombies. The store was going out of business so I got it for 5$!
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    Utter chaos morph?

    So I posted my own zoa that came from this mother colony. Mine are tiny and haven’t grown out enough to see the striations yet. Can anyone tell me if these are utter chaos?
  5. Zoa_Fanatic

    Utter chaos morph and a mystery zoa?

    Hey guys. I just got a new small zoa colony but they didn’t tell me what it’s called. Also I’ve been on vacation for a week, upon coming back my normally brown zoa have morphed into a red speckled set. I’m wondering if they may be an utter chaos morph. Both photos attached below. I don’t know...
  6. BighohoReef

    Zoanthid ID'ing - R2R Database

    Folks there is great DB on here for Zoanthids. Wondering how we can keep this at the top for people to see it, Keep it updated an keep it safe :) https://www.reef2reef.com/showcase/categories/zoanthids-jps-database.3/ Keeping R2R up to date one thread at a time :)
  7. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa ID

    Can anyone tell me if these are anything special? I don’t think so but they’ve got some orange in the mouth and a white ring around the edge.
  8. Zoa_Fanatic

    Creamsicle zoa

    Hey guys I got some zoa from a LFS that are a bright orange with a white ring around an orange mouth. All I have for pics is my iPhone which is terrible but I’m wondering if anyone can see if they’re possibly creamsicles?
  9. Zoa_Fanatic


    I got these for 10$ yesterday and I have no idea what they are. They have an orange core under the black lights and an orange ring around the outside of the bell. I’m happy with any guesses.
  10. Carebearsss.x

    Unidentifiable Zoa

    Hello everybody! Yesterday my boyfriend and I went up to our LFS and decided to buy some corals!! (Exciting Right!?!) Anyways while we were there, we seen these BEAUTIFUL Zoas that both my boyfriend and I couldn’t identify! We asked one of the workers what the name was, & he couldn’t...
  11. J

    I need help identifying these Zoas I bought as a bundle

    I purchased a pack of four different zoanthids at one of my lfs and I’m not sure what specific types they are. Any information would be highly appreciated.
  12. esther

    Bet you can't ID these Zoa's!

    Need your help in IDing these. Got these from a reefer. Have no idea what they are. Thanks in advance for your help! Unidentified Zoa #1 Unidentified Zoa #2
  13. danieyella

    And who might you be? (a zoa ID thread)

    Alright, some photos of the start of the other half of my zoa garden. The Armor of Gods and Fairy Dust grew in way faster than any of these guys so far. Most are rando's I purchased simply because I liked the looks of them, some were from multipacks, some were freebies, some I know names of...
  14. Reefer37

    Zoa ID

    This was sold to me as a seduction zoa, just wanna verify it is. Either way, I love it.
  15. Reefer37

    Zoa ID?

    Got this guy for like $20 and he was super pretty, but never got a name. He kinda looks like a Sunny D's but not sure. Any help is appreciated!
  16. Reefer37

    Zoa ID

    Got a new zoa but never got the name, picked him up for like $15, so not expecting anything crazy, just loved the neons. Any one know the name?
  17. C

    Zoanthid Identification Help Needed!

    Just fragged these zoas that I picked up from a buddy and need to know what they are before I post them up for sale or take them to the LFS for a credit. I tried looking around to find something online but no luck. If anyone can help ID them it would be greatly appreciated! (Only need to ID the...
  18. AWIL57

    Help with ID

    Hi all! I recently got some coral from a friend who was breaking down his tank but he wasn't sure the name of one zoa/paly that he sent me. Hoping someone here can help me figure out if it has a name.
Coral Frenzy