zoa advice

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    Hephaestus zoa

    Local guy wants 50$/head here. Are they worth that and are they melters? Have some high end already (CB white zombie, and WWC illuminati). Can I keep these ok?
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Tissue between heads disappearing

    Some of my zoas have been losing tissue between the individual heads. Any ideas what the issue could be? 78F 20ppm nitrates 0 nitrite 1.026 salinity
  3. markon87

    Cleaning up after Zoas

    Hi all, I am new in reefing hobby. I recently bought Zoa frag (green bay packes). It arrived in plastic container that I opened over the kitchen counter when dipping coral. After that I cleaned the counter with Lysol. Do you think it's safe to use that counter for eating or should I do...
  4. O

    Is it dead or still alive?

    Help! Is it dead or alive ? I'm new to this hobby. I believe this is a zoa frag...I got it last Wednesday but it hasn't opened up since...it looks dead to me.
  5. xtravism

    ID for what’s on my zoa

    Looks kinda brown and stringy.
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Mohawk Zoa

    Anyone have these? Thought I had pandoras but I’m pretty sure they’re Mohawks. I’ve had the frag about a month and it’s still a single head. Are they invasive? Head in question is the far left here. I have separated it onto its own frag.
  7. Zoa_Fanatic

    WWC Illuminati

    Do these dudes grow fast/slow? What about tank placements? My wife just ordered me a frag from WWC.
  8. xtravism

    Zoa help

    All my zoas are doing good but this one frag of Rastas and I don’t know what’s making it stay closed originally was open for like the first week about and then slowly one by a be close out of the four polyps.
  9. xtravism

    What’s coming out from my zoa

    And is it good or bad. Not trying to have something grow that night over take my tank.
  10. Zoa_Fanatic

    How many hornet zoa are there really?

    How many actual varieties or hornet zoa are there? I have red/rainbow hornets (idk which), and I’ve got some others that were labeled king jawbreaker hornets but Im pretty sure they aren’t a true hornet. What constitutes a real hornet zoa and how many types are there? Red-and/or- rainbow...
  11. Zoa_Fanatic

    Bob Marley zoa

    Anyone have bob marleys? Are they super small in your tank? The heads are staying very very small in my DT. I’ve got like 15-20 heads on a frag plug that’s how small they’re growing. They’re one of the smallest zoa that are happy and growing that I own. Just wondering if these are typically a...
  12. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa ID?

    This finally opened. What is it? Sorry if the photo is blurry I have a trash iphone. Thanks for any help. I got it in a trade and I have a few more polyps of whatever it is waiting to open in another tank.
  13. Cantusaurus

    Reasons for certain polyps of a Zoa frag no longer opening?

    I had gotten 2 Zoas frags semi-recently. In the past 2 months (one a bit more recently). 5 Smallish polyps of Gold Dust Zoas (just basic gold and brownish). And some Mandarin Orange (about 7-8 polyps). I dipped them. They opened up quickly and looked good. My Red/Orange Oxides (not sure what...
  14. H

    Help ID

    So I got this from a friend not to long ago and she said it was a zombie eye, I believe her but it's clearly not a white eye and idea what it is?
  15. Tekothan

    My zoa is covering with something and peeling by frag

    美女と野獣ゾアを繁殖させたい。 しかし、彼はまだ健康に見える成長していません 私が彼の断片をチェックすると、彼の組織は革のようなもので覆われていて、彼の組織は旗から剥がれていました。 どういうわけか原因がわかります ・藻類は旗で覆われています ・接着剤を大量に使用しました ・ストリームが足りない 私はそれらを解決しました。以前より頻繁に水を交換しました。藻を取り除きました。 静かに見るべきですか? そして彼のカバーは彼自身を保護していますか?
  16. kylesmith661

    ZOA ID help

    Can someone help me ID these guys…
  17. Zoa_Fanatic

    Zoa ID?

    Got this frag for 10$ at a swap. I know it’s some kind of hornets but it’s got a thousand names at the swap. @footgal what you think?
  18. A

    Zoa turning red

    Hi everyone, New here and new to the coral/marine keeping world, I have a few questions for all you more experienced lot, my zoa (newly acquired) has been retracted for most of the day and has started to develop red fur, looks quite unhappy (see photo) it has since spread further after this...
  19. mikemathis555

    WWC Red Bull Zoa closed and dark

    Bought a WWC Zoa called ‘Red Bull’ - got them back ok Aug 12 and they looked great. Opened right up, consistently looked great. Placed them on my rock structure, and they seemed just fine for about 3 weeks. Several other Zoas on the same rock doing well and growing, but this frag is about...
  20. D

    Need help with names of zoas

    I just got these Zoas not too long ago and I forgot to ask the name of both the ones in the first pic and the kinda goldish speckled ones in the second, by chance does anyone know the names of them? Thanks!
  21. Mr.Kegel

    What are those?

    Hey! I'm new here, but have had a waterbox cube 10G since start of April. My question: I have some zoas(rastas) which have been closed up tight for a couple of weeks now. Today I did a freshwater dip for 2,5 minutes and these little orange ish little things came off. What are those? I had the...
  22. mikemathis555

    Zoa bulging temporarily

    New White Zombie frag from WWC in the tank (awesome coloring). the past 24 hours I’ve noticed the disc will occasionally ‘bulge’ (best description of it) temporarily. It doesn’t last long enough for me to grab my phone and snap a picture - will try next time. It bulges to twice it’s side, the...
  23. hiClouds

    Ideas for additives

    I have a tank of zoa frags and I'm going to be buying additives to help them grow. Im currently dosing reef roids and I plan on using Koral Color and AB+. How does that sound? Am I leaving out anything important?
  24. agame2021


    So I have had this zoa in my tank for about 2 or so weeks. Got it as a test coral to see where my tank is at and see if I would be ready for more. However the zoa went square and has stayed this way for a little over a week. Am I doing something wrong? Feed it every other day lights were blue...