zoa advice

  1. TinyFish

    Zoas and Palys

    Has anyone ever had any experience with palytoxin from a Zoa or Paly? I’ve heard and read about it and it seems to be pretty nasty but i’m not sure what the actual risk is.
  2. A

    Zoa/Paly ID?

    Hi everyone, Any help on IDing these zoas/palys would be greatly appreciated!
  3. J

    Build Thread A poor boy's reef. :)

    Hello R2R family. My name is Jimmy, I am from south south Texas. and I am a customer service supervisor for a global audio group. After years of working as a IT/Cable technician in the field on ladders with extreme heat here in South Texas, as well as attic work, I now work from home and I am...
  4. B

    20 Gallon high phosphates and coral help!

    Hello, I am wanting to hear from some experienced reefers and get some advice on how I should approach this situation. I have noticed in the last 2-3 weeks small changes to my zoanthids, chalice, and overall look of my tank. Specifically, zoas seem to have a few heads close or barely open...
  5. R

    help with my reef tank

    HI, im fairly new to the hobby. I have a reef tank just over 8 months old. Ive never tested my reef tank and have always hoped for the best until now. I have alot of corals that have died (Zoa/ Goni / Hammer/ Frogspawn / Favia / Acro / candy cane and even GSP) everything looked well when i...
  6. A

    Zoas partially opening

    Hi all! I’ve had my zoas for little more than a month and they’ve never fully open. I’ll post photos and parameters bellow. I have a 5gal pico tank successfully growing Leptoseris, Gorgonians, mushrooms and cyphastrea. I use RedSea Pro test kits -double checked by LFS with Hanna-. I’ve had them...
  7. LiLinka

    White specs on zoas

    I’ve had this Rasta colony for about 2 months. The polyps during the day seem to be half opening or not opening all the way as if something is irritating them. The lights went out last night and I noticed all of these dots on the stems of the zoas. I am aware of the sponge on the colony and am...
  8. B

    Zoanthids not looking great

    My JF stargazer zoas have closed up and look like nubs. They don’t look just closed, they almost looks like they’re losing their skirts or something. they looked similar to the purple monster zoas behind them a week or two ago. Parameters are in within normal ranges except for...
  9. afamuz

    Is My Zoa dying ?

    Got this Zoa a week ago and it’s been expelling it’s zooxanthellae since a day after. Today half of the heads released something from their mouths ( black tentacles). Do they look healthy ? or are they dying
  10. S

    Any ID on this zoa ?

    Good evening all , I found this little zoa in a LFS the other day and had to buy it as I loved the colours. Paid around £20 for it. I’ve tried zoa library online but can’t seem to find it .. or I’m entering the colours wrong. anyone got any idea ?? thanks
  11. S

    Weird brown algae growing on my corals?

    Hello! I have this weird brown algae growing on some of my corals. It looks like it could either be dinos or brown hair algae but it only grows on a few of my corals plugs and only a couple spots on my rockwork. The tank is about 5 months old. I run a protein skimmer just did a 20% water change...
  12. Fishrocker1

    Elegance Corals and Torch Corals

    Hey guys, I’m happy to say I have now had a very happy elegance coral for a little over a year now. However, as it’s gotten bigger it’s begun to get uncomfortably close to a few zoas. I’m thinking of relocating it near a few torches or at least under an arch where I keep a few torches. Would...
  13. rudy3


    Mods please delete
  14. Fishrocker1

    Unhappy LPS and Zoas during fallow period

    Hey Guys, I recently set up a qt tank to deal with an ich outbreak in my Red Sea 250. Since then I've noticed that many of my Lps corals such as my torches and trachyphyllia have not been extending their polyps nearly as far as they have in the past. My zoas have also been affected with many of...
  15. NSS

    Zoas Struggling

    I'm having trouble figuring out why some of my Zoas are struggling. I have a mixed tank and everything else (SPS, LPS, Softies and BTAs are doing great and growing). I have a bit of Cyano that is only giving my encrusting Monti a bit of trouble. On the image I've labeled 8 clusters where some...
  16. N

    Zoa Pox? Zoas Closed up

    Hi Everyone, I'm afraid I might have zoa pox. Since yesterday, my zoas have started closing up. Just now I noticed a white spot on one of the closed up polyps. Could this be anything else? Is there any good treatment for this?
  17. kdtorgy

    Zoa attacked by Asterina Starfish

    My new zoa frag was doing well until I found an Asterina starfish attached. Starfish couldn’t have been attached for more than 12 hours. Removed carefully but frag still looks bad after 3 days. Any suggestions on helping it get healthy? I dose ReefEnergy AB+ every other day.
  18. W

    Please help! Zoa seems to be holding on by a thread

    recently got this zoa rock and the power head seems to be too much flow for the zoa? I didn’t have a problem for the first week now it flops all over and looks like it’s hardly staying on. I’ve had a few polps fall off the rock and I don’t have glue to put them back. Tried to glue them tk a dry...
  19. A

    Fluval marine sea 3.0 46 W- mixed reef tank? Enough light??

    Hi all, I am wondering if these light settings are okay for coral growth? I have a 40 gallon tank with zoas, goni, hammer, clove polyp, gsp, mushrooms and favia. I noticed that my zoas are starting to melt and turn black/die. I am not sure if it is an infection affecting the zoas or not, since...
  20. Reef_Tanks

    What is this?

    What are these saw it on my Zoa then on a different rock plz help
  21. A

    Zoas melting- Looking Bad :(… Help!

    Hi all. I am having issues with my zoas. I noticed that they have started to not open up, some areas are disappearing and I am noticing a some are kinda turning black and disappearing. Can anyone hell. I have them in a relatively low flow and parameters seem good. Nitrates maybe a lil low since...
  22. T

    Build Thread Greetings to all

    Hello everyone, long time lurker but new to posting. 90 gallon display with 20 gallon sump, roller mat filter, oversized skimmer. Cheap Nicrew lighting, really want to upgrade to a couple AI or Kessil, but been running these for the last year at 50%. The lighting may be my issue, which I'll...
  23. A

    ZOA colony looking BAD!…Help please :(

    Hi everyone! I am a new tank owner and new to the forum. I have had my tank up and running for the last few moths and have added coral slowly. my first coral ended being a colony of zoas, mushrooms and clove polyps. Over the last month my zoas seem to have lost there color, began getting...
  24. N

    What coral is this?

    Good day everyone! i need help to define what coral is this on the picture. When i bought it i thought it was a zoa/polys. I’m new on this hobby and my tank is just 2 months old. I appreciate the response. Thank you.
  25. Hannahmunt

    Does anyone know the names of these zoas?

    I got these today but not sure on the names