
  1. C

    What is this yellow stuff growing on my live rock?

    not sure what this is. It bloomed after a big water change. The tank has been up 8+ weeks and this came out over the weekend. The rock was curing for 13 weeks, started with a 2 week cycle of bleach solution then 11 weeks with just salt water changing the water weekly. Please help.
  2. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Yellow Tang Hiding

    I put this in the newbie section since it's probably a stupid newbie question. I just finished my QT period. Matched salinity and temperature of the QT to my DT, and added my yellow tang directly in. He looked a bit distressed upon entry to the DT and has no gone into hiding in the rocks. Is...
  3. SR Reefing

    New York FS CC Full Tilt/Yellow Sub Favia Small Colony

    Hi, have this small colony of CC Full Tilt/Yellow Sub Favia for sell. $550 New Price: $500 shipped DOA for shipping. Must accept the package at 1st attempt 2 Hours with unopen bag, once in your system DOA no longer applied. If carrier delay results in coral death, I will be 50% responsible...
  4. jimmert33

    Florida WTB Wtb yellow bubbletip

    Does anyone have a yellow bubbletip for sale would love to have one in my tank
  5. Perpetual Novice

    I have no idea what these yellow sea slugs are, but they're everywhere. (Video)

    I have tried to get good photos for months since I saw the first one. I only see them when I disturb the aquascape but at night they come out in force. They're about a centimeter or less and bright solid yellow. Today I got a lens kit for my phone. I couldn't take a picture because I couldn't...
  6. Perpetual Novice

    Reducing tang aggression with more tangs?

    I have a tank with a 5.5 inch desjardini, a 4 inch powder blue, and a 3 inch blue hippo. They were added at the same time and have been getting along with literally no aggression for about 6 months now. But in the last few days I have noticed the powder blue occasionally chasing the blue hippo...
  7. Lylelovett

    Yellow fish ideas?

    Hi all, I've got a 7mos old 150g mixed reef; my first. My current bioload: Chromis, Clownfish, Cardinal Banggai, Convict Tang, Royal Gramma, Diamond Watchman Gobi, Cleaner Shrimp, Tiger Conch, variety of softies, LPS, and down the road some SPS, hermit crabs, emerald crabs, sand sifting...
  8. Pinback

    Tennessee Kole Tang / Coris Wrasse - wanted

    I'm in east tennessee. I have a 75 gallon tank. i'm looking for a kole tang, or other tang that can thrive in my tank. also looking for a coris wrasse (yellow, green, etc) thanks for looking
  9. Brian Goldstein

    I need your opinion on a YELLOW HAMMER CORAL I just purchased.. Green?

    Hey Reefers! So I just purchased an Australian yellow hammer. It was labeled as "FLORESCENT NEON HIGHLIGHTER YELLOW AUSSIE ULTRA YELLOW BRANCHING HAMMER" . (What a mouthful ) I just dipped the coral and its starting to open up... However, I am a little concerned. It doesn't look nearly as...
  10. Moonfruit777

    Yellow/orange Acropora

    There are some crazy pictures of yellow and orange Acropora on the internet. Maybe I am colorblind but I have yet to see a true yellow Acropora in person. Online it is often hard to tell because everyone is using PS or camerafilters. So I'm talking >yellow to the eye under blue LED< no cheats...
  11. Injoynit

    Yellow Head Jawfish. Where are they?

    There seems to be a shortage of yellow head jawfish as my LFS can't seem to get them in the last 3 weeks ;Sour and they are hard to find online. Anyone know what's up with that? I did find 1 that was $34 ;Greedy but they are normally $20. It was also from a site I did not see a reason to trust...
  12. pmaddox

    Can I Save My Yellow Tang?

    I have a 150g with: (2) clowns 1 Yellow tang 1 anthias 1 bangaii 1 coral beauty (3) chromis 1 Starry blenny ------------------------------------ I recently worked with a local, professional aquarium consultant to purchase 2 yellow tangs and a blonde naso. I went lights out for 24 hours. I...
  13. Bdog4u2

    Pink Floyd acro

    Anyone growing Reef Raft's Pink Floyd? I've had a frag of it since October and im not sure it's grown hardly at all besides encrusting. i have a frogskin 4 inches away that i got the same day that's double in size and added 7 2inch branches. so my question is how slow does the floyd grow? its...
  14. L

    Are these Jawbreakers?

    Colors are yellow,green, pinks/red. Visually its neon yellow with little green hues and red/pink outlines. Want some expert opinions on these.
Reef Diaper