
  1. jotoole

    What are these worms and are they problematic?

    I moved a couple pieces of coral and all of the sudden all these little worms emerged.
  2. M

    Spaghetti worm in gsp frag?

    Hi guys I'm new in the hobby and got my first frag 2 days ago. I tried cutting away a bad part today and when the lights went out I noticed tentacles comming out of the part where I cut the GSP frag. After some research I think it is a spaghetti worm. Can anyone help me identify it? I dipped...
  3. C

    What are these thin little orange worms?

    Trying to identify these orange worms
  4. mell0w

    Infestation of copepods / lots of particles in water? Worms? Video and Pictures included!

    I have a new saltwater tank that is approximately 11/2 months old. It is 55 gallons, but I have 60 lbs of sand and 75 lbs of live and dry rock. I started with a bunch of live rock from a LFS with coralline algae and hitchikers on it. I did a fishless cycle. Dosed Fritz Pro Ammonium Chloride and...
  5. Kamate

    Large Bristle Small Tank

    I have a two month old 20 gallon that I’m setting up to introduce corals into in about 3-4 months. I have 4 fish (Clowns and Bangai Cardinals). I only have 6 rocks (about 12-15 lbs) they were all dry but I messed up and did get one live one which must have had hitchhikers . I’ve noticed about...
  6. lazycouch

    please help me do a quick health check!

    i just purchased these zoas a couple days ago and was wondering if you can help me I.D any issues with them? they had bubble algae so i did a hydrogen peroxide spray 50/50 with water and now i’m thinking these little tentacles aren’t part of their anatomy either? i also noticed the algae on a...
  7. BigOunce11

    What are these worms?

    Hi, these started appearing pretty much as soon as i started my tank and i think they're really ugly. Does anyone know what they are and how to remove them? They seem to like growing right where the soft lps tissue would cover when they grow whuich may be a problem as theyre very sharp and hard...
  8. CmbFish

    What is this on my Naso Tang?

    Hi, I bought this guy the two days ago. I noticed this spot yesterday and was very faint. Today it has gotten darker and maybe pushing out against it's skin. I don't remember seeing this when I purchased it. He is picking at the rock, has eaten some seaweed and some frozen brine shrimp. He is...
  9. Reefer37

    White tube? Worm?

    So I've started seeing these random white tubes along my sandbed and rockwork. Any ideas on what they might be? A worm? I'm really not sure.
  10. Jtfortune3

    White spots on snails??

    I bought a few Snails today and noticed one of them has white spots on it... I’ll attach a image below, any clue what this is?
  11. Reefer37

    Frogspawn Worm...or?

    So I hadn't noticed this before, but tonight saw these white almost rings coming off my frogspawn. Not sure but they look like worms. Is this something I need to worry about?
  12. ScubaZ

    Worm pest identification

    I passed by my tank when the lights were off and noticed these worm like things on the glass. I removed from what I can see but sure there’s plenty more. I do not know what they are or if they are harmful to my coral any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  13. J

    I think I have worms

    Can someone please I.D. these pictures
  14. Emi2852

    Found odd white things on base of coral and frag plug

    When my Torch coral closed up for the night I noticed some odd white growths. (Not the white curly worms... I don’t know their name) but I’m wondering about the larger white tube like things. Sorry for the quality my phone refused to focus on the plug. Does anyone know what these are and if they...
  15. damselindistress

    Bristle or Fire?

    Couple of questions please...woke up to find 3 of these bristle ? worms cruising around my unlit tank. I'd just like to say I MAY NEVER STICK MY HAND IN MY TANK AGAIN. 2 of the worms looked like greyish-tannish nondescript bristle worms but this one looked different...is it a fire worm...
  16. Jcat2k

    Hairy Hammer?

    So... one of my 2 hammer corals has things (hopefully not things) that look like hair on its base. Is this some kind of worm or other critters?
  17. BoSalman

    Tube worm?

    Hello everyone, I just noticed this thing when i was looking around at night. It reacted super quickly to the light and i thought it "popped" as it just disappeared to a tiny hole in the rock... Had to point my camera on video and finally it emerged again.. hopefully those video screenshots...
  18. nickloeuf


    Hey guys, I have been having MANY of these little things all over my shrooms... 6 weeks ago I removed most of them with a small pump... I thought I was done with them but I just realized that they are back!! I think they are flatworms.. and there are many of them (hundreds, maybe a...
  19. A

    Please help a novice with a question on worms...

    Greatly appreciate if you can help me with a question... I am renting an apt that has a tank maintained by the owner. I have noticed some repulsive worms at night, I believe based on photos and description that they are bristleworms. My question is, is there any possibility of them escaping...
  20. Jaybella8

    Please help! I don't know what type of parasite/worm this is!?

    So I really need help, I recently had an infestation of these worms in my tank. I asked a local aquarium employee what It could be and I guess their lack of experience couldn't identify what I'm looking at here. Please! If anyone knows and can recommend a good, safe treatment for this, I've...
  21. Kevinkmk

    Worm ID please

    Hi I found this worm living under my scoly. Is this a normal bristel worm or something bad like fire worm? How can I remove them? Any fish that is good? I have tried fit trap, it doesnt work that well. Thank you!
  22. Zoolife xD


    hey guys i have a few questions on flatworms but first let me add some background information, i currently have a nano aquarium set up for a G. chiragra mantis shrimp and i has some other cuc in there as well but no corals or fish just a marine planted tank if you will dominated by macro algae...
  23. Hugo Garcia

    I'm afraid I might have some Bristle Worms

    Hello guys, I'm afraid I might have bristle worms on my tank. I'm still cycling my first tank and its has no fish yet. I've add 15 pounds of live rock and live sand a month ago. And I've seen a few pests such as majano anemoes that I've tried to remove. But today I saw something that looked like...
  24. Keeks09

    ID these

    Can someone tell me what these are? I know the one is a starfish but what kind?
  25. K

    Unknown Critters... Hopefully Harmless...

    I recently noticed that a frag of green mdntipora had a small area where the flesh was gone and the skeleton was exposed. It had soon before i noticed this fallen from it's spot, so I thought that it had possibly been damaged and the flesh had simply fallen off. I kept an eye on it, and a week...