
  1. rbourgeois64

    Boring Worm on Goni

    Wanted to post this just for everyone's knowledge. One of my Goni colonies stopped opening 2 weeks ago with all the others, just fine. So, I read an article about worms boring into the skeleton at the bottom of the base and I decided to take a look. Well sure enough there was a large worm...
  2. E

    Transparent Worm with weird mouth

    I noticed a transparent/translucent worm on my glass. It's not big, maybe half an inch. It also has odd looking mouth parts. Any ideas?
  3. 19Mateo83

    Microscopic critter identification

    My microscope isn’t the best but do these look like large cell dinos and what is this microscopic red worm?
  4. Lolleo


    Would this be a flatworm that could be killed by using flatworm exit? I currently have a sixline(been in for 2months) and a yellow coris wrasse(just added yesterday) but this population on my euphyllia keeps coming back and it kills like a head each month even when dipping every week for four...
  5. M

    What is on my haitian anemones foot?!

    I got this anemone yesterday and he seems to be doing really well. He has stayed open since I got him and has found a spot that he seems to like. This morning I noticed that he appears to have something on his foot. I have no idea what it is but assume it may just be poop? Can someone please...
  6. q.o.kingss

    Powder blue skinny

    I have a small powder blue that eats, but doesn't get any meat on his bones. From top view, he looks like a tadpole. Full belly but skinny body. Ive been trying to give him metroplex on mysis once or twice a day but im not really sure he's eating it, he's shy. He will eat non medicated though...
  7. Danny's Aquariums

    Christmas Rock Update

    I recently took some pictures of my Christmas tree rock, absolutely love this piece! So much bio diversity on a ‘boring’ rock. Bought this rock two years ago when my tank was just three months old. The worms are doing great but some time ago the Cyphastrea on the rock died off. I might glue a...
  8. mackenzie1441

    Critter ID ??

    I need an ID! Found these guys just now (lights are off). They were floating / swimming around in a 160 gallon. I only saw these… 1 black / white and 5 red pinkish / white.
  9. k2-

    Strange LPS getting disconnected from roots - Bristle Worm

    Hello Fellow LPS owners - I wanted to share my recent experience and see if anyone has had similar observation. My circumstantial evidence only points to Bristle worm at some part of lifecycle being responsible. My tank had a huge algae outbreak - primarily due to lack of maintenance (fully my...
  10. N

    Need help identifying worm

    I just got some new live rock from another hobbyists tank and found these worms. Anyone have any idea what they are and if they are harmful?
  11. D

    Candy Cane Coral Growth

    I’ve had this candy cane Coral since March I think. It’s always been two heads. But for a while now one has always been bigger than the other and the other one won’t open up because there is no space. Also not sure how candy canes grow but I’ve had two heads since March which kinda sucks. Not...
  12. D

    Candy Cane Coral Worm?

    Hi. I’ve had this candy cane Coral for a while now. And recently it’s been developing these worms or some sort of slime on the stalk of it, not sure what it is. There is also those white dots on it aswell. And recently when I was on vacation they have formed everyone on my tank. The back...
  13. D

    EMERGENCY Parasites or Worms?!

    Hi! I’ve had these weird worms on my corals before and these little bubble things on my corals and now they are growing on my rocks. I’m not sure what these are. I was never worried about these until I just saw them right now on my rocks. I will upload a couple of pictures.
  14. S

    Caught this guy under a duncan

    My frag tank is bare bottom. This guy was moving across the glass then got under my large duncan. It’s been removed, but I’d still like to know what it is.
  15. D

    EMERGENCY What are these?

    These worms appeared on my downpipes, can someone identify them?
  16. Maria A

    Worms in sand after lights out

    Wormlike things? What are they? New reefer here. Only have zoas, a paly, a Kenya Tree. Saw them coming out of sand after lights were out.
  17. maxemorris

    White worms on glass- is it parasites?

    Can someone help me identify what these are? I appear to have two groups of them. One are little white circular organisms on the front glass, which are much more dense and prevalent, and then I have little white worms on the sides and back wall of the tank. My fish are swimming and appear...
  18. L

    Red hair worms or algae ? Any suggestions?

    I have these… things seem to be active at night towards bottom of tank on some rocks. almost like red stringy hair . I guess it could be red hair algae but it looks different. Any help?
  19. L

    Red vein worm active at night ?

    I have these… things seem to be active at night towards bottom of tank on some rocks. almost like red stringy hair . I guess it could be red hair algae but it looks different. Any help?
  20. Seabiscuit & Friends

    New Tank ~ Wild Live Rocks

    All kinds of fun stuff happening here! Looks dull and boring from far but I've been enjoying using the magnifying glass to find all the tiny critters. We started out by accidentally bringing home a Cone Shell Hermit crab inside this Auger shell, threw him in a bucket of water with a nice algae...
  21. Dad2Wyatt

    Vermatid snails?

    Are these vermatids snails on my hammer coral? i recently found one on a candy cane and immediately superglued the tube. this was about a week ago. Today I saw these little growths on the base of my hammer. Was hoping I was quick enough on stopping an outbreak but now I’m getting worried and...
  22. MarshallB

    Word ID

    Worm ID* Just noticed a few of these swimming around in my refugium. I couldn't find anything ID'd that looked similar. Thanks!
  23. F

    What eats these “worms”??? Help needed!!

    Looking for name/ID on these worms (this is about the best picture I can get unfortunately). They have a very soft “shell” and tend to live in holes and crevices. They sting soft corals and eventually the corals will die from not opening. These things have propagated and are now all over my...
  24. M

    Zebra worm?

    The worm is in the center extending from the rock. It bores into the rock and has been in the same spot for months. I can tell it is boring into the rock because it leaves behind a small pile of castings every so often in the exact same spot. It has no bristles and does not appear to be...
  25. J

    Creepy Free Swimming Tiny Worms!!! Detritus Worms?

    Hey Reefers, So I went to my tank to do a bit of maintenance this evening. So I put my tank in feed mode to stop the gyres and turn the return pump down to 1%......and when I turned on the tank lights, to my surprise, I see thousands of very tiny worm-like creates swimming around. I am...
Pacific East