
  1. R

    Yet another weird worm: White/Gray body with black stripes, black tail

    I've noticed there are a lot of posts about worms already but I don't have time to check each one. So sorry but here's another one! Backstory: Bought a bunch of macroalgae from Gulf Coast Ecosystems and noticed a weird worm still alive between a bunch of branching Coralline algae. When I poke...
  2. candycanefan

    Pest on damsel

    Saw this on my damsel this morning… impossible to catch the fish so far ☹️. Can anyone tell me what type of pest it is and if it’s going to come off on its own?
  3. J

    Curvy White Object Identification Request

    Hello, Just noticed this today. Any idea what this could be? Should I remove asap? Total size is about 2in wide 2in tall. Thanks
  4. eartheater

    Worm id?

    Just added 4 new hermit crabs. They all were immediately active after putting them in the tank. Couple hours later this guy stopped moving and I saw a pink worm looking thing come out of his shell. Now he appears to be slowly evacuating the shell. What is the pink worm thing crawling on his...
  5. G

    What is this centipede-like bug? Are they harmful to fish?

    Hello, I recently started noticing 2 small white centipede like “bugs” on the glass of my tank. They have antennaes, many “feet” like a centipede, move slowly, and are completely white. The bugs are very small but still bigger than pods. My tank has been fallow for 8 weeks now following a...
  6. W

    Can someone help me identify this hitchhiker.

    Just saw this floating around in the bottom of my bare bottom tank. Took it out for some inspection. Included pictures of what I would along with the rock if that would help identification. Thanks!
  7. G

    What are these white & black worm-like things?

    Have had these in my tank for a little while now and haven't been able to figure out what they are for sure. They're white and black stripped and like to collect around this coral and I'm not sure if they're benign or something I should be removing. Here's an image, please ignore the turf algae...
  8. R

    Some bristle worm related questions

    Hi, Im trying to restart my tank aiming for a bristle worm free tank (I know bristle worms are good CUC but I just have mental problem with them so my tank cant have them and please dont attach any worm related images or ill freak out thanks). I know as a fact there are tons of them in my tank...
  9. elm03

    Yucky Worm

    Hi! I noticed a nasty lil worm thing moving, inching its way out of a hole in the rock. Obviously I was curious to see what the heck it was so I turned the tank light on and it shrunk back in the hole. I'm new to saltwater tank keeping so I just want to make sure this isn't a harmful parasite of...
  10. P-Hod


  11. Blake509

    Worm ID

    Looking for help identifying worm in tank. Doesn't seem to be hurting anything just hangs out in xenia most of the time. Tried to remove thinking was bristleworm but it's to fast for me and one time I did get him split in half and regrew. Is about 4in when fully stretched out.
  12. jaime31

    IM DESPERATE!! Feather duster invasion

    idk how I got these tiny feather duster guys in the first place but they are getting completely out of control. I really don’t mind them on my rockwork but they are completely covering my eagle eye zoa. I’ve tried picking at them and brushing them off with no luck.. I heard from my lfs that a...
  13. egdirbkram

    Bad or good hitchhiker worm?

    I'm trying to ID this guy (white hairy/bristlelike worm on glass) to know if I should pull it or keep it. I have new tank with florida aquacultured live rock. I'm hoping it's not a bristleworm as I know they're bad and have to go. I'd like to keep it if will be helpful stirring up the sand...
  14. FishAreCool

    Coco Worm Questions

    I like the look of coco worms after deciding against a sea cucumber. I have a few questions to start with if anybody can help me. 1. Are they hard to care for 2. Could one fit in a 16 gallon biocube
  15. F

    Flat worms

    I have had flat worms for a while now hoping the would recede as of now they look like they’re getting worse. Should use use flatworm x. Any recommendations or suggestions will be helpful. Trying to get ride of them.
  16. maxemorris

    What’s on my hammer? Help!!

    I just moved my livestock to a new tank, and when I picked up my big hammer colony for the first time in months it had these dark worms and white spongey stuff all over the base. What is it? Is it harmful? I see some of the same white on another hammer. What is it?
  17. P

    Found a bobbit worm. Fish have been disappearing.

    I was rearranging my scape and took two large pieces of live rock out overnight. This giant worm was on the floor, still moving so I put it in water. Bobbit worm, correct? I had 3-5 fairy wrasses disappear in the last year and a half. Most recently a Naoko. All new additions so I assumed...
  18. Hordearii

    White Worm Looking Things on my Neon Green Cabbage Leather

    Hi all, I'm wondering if you all can help me figure out what pest is on my neon green cabbage leather? They are white and are about 4mm long and 1 to 1.5mm thick. They only seem to be in my cabbage leather and nothing else in the tank as far as I can tell. I did a RODI rinse and it seemed like...
  19. D

    Mysterious yellow sponge/worm looking creature

    Can anyone please help me identify what I have growing throughout my reef tank? Are they going to become a problem? If so, does anyone know of a natural predator that would be reef safe?
  20. ReefIO

    What are these? Pictures from under the microscope

    Hi, I have two different subjects that need ID-ing. First, I've been battling Amphidinium Dinoflagellates and have been dosing Silica (Brightwell's SpongExcel) to encourage diatoms. Here's the first shot. Looks to me like possibly pennate diatom. Thoughts? Second, Just recently dipped a...
  21. P

    Scary worm ID?

    I think/hoping its just a bristle worm, but the pictures I've looked up look a little different from this guy in my tank. This is the best video I have, hoping to get more evidence. Thoughts?
  22. Kolby’s Reef

    What is this?

    what are these little brown like clear worms? and are they good or bad? Sorry can’t really get good pictures they are tiny.
  23. chemicals

    Tiny worm ID

    Hi, I’m trying to identify a tiny worm. I added some live copepods and 1hour later my tank is covered in thousands of these tiny white worms. I’ve tried to get some good microscope pictures so maybe you could help me! Thanks!
  24. Jsscahd

    Weird Worms

    Sooo I haven't been able to conclusively figure out what this is, answers have varied widely. What are these things? Hasn't harmed anything yet and I thought it was just a type of algae, but last night I saw a worm poking out of the rock near it. It seemed to be searching for something, poking...
  25. nomad6

    What’s growing on my snail?

    Newbie here, seen it get larger over past few weeks there’s two growths on it, Thoughts???
Coral Frenzy