white spots

  1. nightmarepl

    White spots that pop when poked what is it?

    hey guys found some white spots all over my rocks snail shells empty shells pretty much everywhere My first idea was to poke it and rip them open looks like a dust comes out i suspect snail eggs or something looks like eggs that’s for sure isn’t calcium cause it’s only on the rocks and shells...
  2. Mwag

    McCosker Flasher Wrasse Fin Rot??????

    Hello all. I recently got a McCosker Flasher Wrasse that looks like it might have some fin rot. I have never seen fin rot like. It puzzles me quite a bit. He is still eating. I gave him some pellets this morning and gave him some mysis after I got home. He ate both times. He is swimming out in...
  3. JustinW

    Anyone used Furan-2? Thoughts and suggestions please!

    This ones been in 20 gal qt for 48hrs 1 dose of cupramine, white patches still present. Should I go through with the second dose of cupramine, or water change and switch to Furan-2?
  4. P

    Undergravel Filter in 180g saltwater, fish, inverts, live rock aquarium

    I built a 180 g saltwater tank about a month and a half ago. I have a weipro protein skimmer, wave maker, and two cannister filters(one sun sun and other dophin),two powerheads connected with an UNDERGRAVEL FILTER. Yes, the person who was helping me building the tank put it in. I have 1 sailfin...
  5. K

    Dying Tang

    Hey everyone, I got a Bristletooth Tomini from a sale at my LFS 3 days ago and he's looking very bad today. He didn't look great when I got him, a bit beat up looking (thought he'd been stung by some coral), but he was grazing and seemed active and alert. He hasn't eaten much since I got him...
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