what is this

  1. Courtney & David

    What is this?

    What is the darker colored algae? It won’t blast off with a turkey baster and barely wants to come off with a blade. I know we have bits of coralline but we can’t figure out what the other stuff is. Any ideas?
  2. Breebree293

    What are these things!! Please help!

    I need help! I just found these things in my tank tonight. I tried to look up what they were but all it said was cephalopods and I am not convinced that’s what they are. They are swimming and kind of hoping around the bottom of the tank, just above or on the sand. I just would like to know if...
  3. M

    I don’t know what this coral is help!

    I just got this coral today from my local petco don’t worry I dipped it twice and made sure it is pest free but when I got it no one told me what it was so I was wondering if you guys had any idea what it was thanks
  4. M

    Need help finding out what this coral is!

    Hey I just got this new coral from my local pet co don’t worry I’m dipping it now but when I got it all it said on the tag was coral frag so if someone could help me out on what this is and what the care is that would be awesome thanks!
  5. S

    What coral is this?

    Hello, what coral is this? I saw it the other day and really like it Thank you. :)
  6. Meara

    First Hitchhiker

    Hello My aquarium is only about 6 months old and while I’ll admit I have a very simple set up it has been going fantastic. I mostly did the rockscape out of dry rock too keep the price down but I did put a little live rock in the tank (one piece) and a little in the refugium. I didn’t think I...
  7. Chowder3

    What is this on my live rock?

    Hi, so I’m starting over due to a possible contamination. I was removing everything from the tank and noticed these white crystal like things growing on the bottom of my live rock that was sitting on live sand. I’ve done research but I am not sure if this is dead coralline. Anyone know what this...
  8. new2reefing123

    Algae ID please.

    Can you help me identify this algae? It’s only on a couple rocks, I thought it’s bryopsis but I’m not 100% sure. Pulling it off the rocks is difficult but not impossible. The root system holding it down is very strong.
  9. imarino326

    What in the name of all things holy is this?

    No explanation, just what the heck is this? It’s really hard to take a picture but it has a small orange base with like 30 tentacles?
  10. Greenebean04

    Two red fan things on my coral, what is it?

    So here is a picture and a video of what they look like, I’m pretty stuck on what they might be. Does anyone know?
  11. Britttt

    What is this on my Acan?

    Hi all, I recently bought a new Acan and today I've noticed these arms growing off it that look similar to a colourless Zoa or Duncan head. One of them seems to have detached from the Acan and growing out of a hole in the live rock. I've never noticed anything like this on my other Acan that...
  12. sarahwoods

    Just curious what these are

    I’m curious if anyone knows what these are? They aren’t in my tank I just saw them in the tide pools where I collect my hermits and snails. Location is south Florida... Florida keys. Just curious if anyone knows?
  13. Wednesday99

    What is this?

    Is this a baby feather duster?
  14. Wednesday99

    Critter ID

    Hello! I’m completely new to having a saltwater tank and I’m trying to learn as much as possible. The other day I got a feather duster (been in my tank for 3 days) and today I saw this little guy crawling on him. Looks like a really tiny snail but I’m not sure.
  15. Sashaka

    Hydroid or jellyfish?

    Came in on some coral. Sorry about the poor video. It is tiny and was really hard to keep it in frame. Good or bad? Do I need to try to find it and get it out? Thanks! If you can't see the video, let me know. I'm new at posting videos on Youtube.
  16. Jeremy Lain

    Algae Growth On Glass

    Hello, I am cycling my tank and I am now getting some algae growth on the glass. Is this the same thing as diatoms? Or maybe the beginning of coralline algae? Should I clean it off the glass or leave it? I will attach a picture.
  17. Moonfruit777

    What are those antennas? (Setosa)

    Hello, a friend of mine has a setosa and would like to know about these little antennas sticking out of the coral. They move in the flow and retract on contact, like a feather duster. Are they any reason to be concerned or to dip the coral? Could they cause the polyps to not extend fully...
  18. Q

    Is this my tangs brain I see lol

    I see like a brownish translucent spot right between eyes of my yellow tang and I’m worried it might be something I need to worry about or is it normal