what is this

  1. theasherrr

    What is this on my clownfish

    This showed up this morning. Not sure what it is. Could it be poop? Is it in the process of laying eggs?
  2. theasherrr

    New kid - what’s this edition

    This is currently what my tank looks like Question 1) the brown algae -read a lot about it being good, but how much is to much? I also have green algae on my glass. Question 2) close up of rocks with micro bubbles - is this okay? Question 3) should I be running lights on a normal day/night...
  3. dawnhello

    This started growing in my tank. What is it?

    Can anyone tell me what this is? It started growing on a base live rock for a cave, so it does not have much light. It doesn’t move or retract when you touch it.
  4. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY What is this?????

    Don’t know what these are but found one growing on a rock and one growing on a Zoa Plz let me know what they are and if I should remove thx
  5. sarinaruu

    what is this ? came with live rock and it keeps opening and closing

  6. B

    Small creature identification? What is this?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is. I’ve never seen anything like it in any of my systems before. It’s mostly transparent and is stuck to the glass. It appears to have tentacles that it uses to feed from the water column. It’s very small, maybe the size of a...
  7. Foggy Pirate

    Is this a bristle worm? Good or bad?

    Hey y’all, I posted on the first worm I found like a week or two ago and only got one response. But I just for another one and he’s a little darker than my first photos so maybe it tells y’all something different. He’s so small I found the sweet spot where my phone would focus. I haven’t put...
  8. Reefer9871

    What kind of coral is this?

    What kind of coral is this? The whole thing was the dark purple color but it recently started to lose tissue. It was attached behind another coral I purchased about 6 months ago. Today I noticed it has lost tissue and not it’s normal deep purple color. I don’t know what to do because I have no...
  9. shawnriv

    Identify: What is this attached to my Euphyllia coral? (picture)

    I woke up this morning and saw this attached to my Euphyllia coral. At first I thought it was one of my white clownfish since they like to hang out in this coral at night, but no. I checked my fish roster and everyone is accounted for. I've personally never see this before and wondering what it...
  10. NSS

    Unknown Life Form

    Can someone help indentify the item I circled in yellow? It has grown from nothing to this within about 10 days. It is super hard like a shell and I cannot get if off the rock with normal tweezers. I would have to use more force I think. (Don't want to bother it further until I know if it is...
  11. SeaMaiden92

    Strange orange disk thing in sand

    Hi! About a month ago, I found this weird red-ish orange disk in the sand near the glass. It was before I had an account here, so I had no one to ask about it. I took some pictures of it, but it disappeared when the substrate was disturbed. (I'm assuming it was buried) Last night I saw it again...
  12. SaltyShel

    What is this?

    I was vacuuming some cyano out of my tank last night, so I got the hose into the sand bed really well in an attempt to rectify the previous owners (and my dads while he had it for 6 months) long term neglect…. i don’t know where this came from, but I saw it sticking up out of the sand, so I...
  13. SaltyShel


    Hey guys, so this thing is stuck on the inside of my tank’s glass. I have no clue where it came from and I have never seen it until just now, today. It moves with the flow of the water, but it doesn’t move locations. It’s just stuck in one place. Please someone tell me what this is, because I...
  14. Petrichor

    Baby mystery snail/whelk ID please

    Found this guy on my glass today and was wondering what it could be. I haven't added anything in probably 2-3 months, one which was a clump of Dragons' Breath/Chaeto macroalgae. Current list of snails is as follows: 5-7 Ceriths 1 Bumblebee 1 Magherita (maybe 2?) 2 Money Cowrie It looks almost...
  15. D

    EMERGENCY What is this???

    Can anyone tell me what this is? I have a coral tank. 90 gallons and was just putting my my zoo plankton and noticed thing guy. Is he good? Bad? What is he???
  16. B

    Little fruit fly looking things?

    Almost looks like little brown bugs? The other thing I am wondering about is the white ovalish thing. the algae has been a problem too. Tough place to be keeping the tank, filled with sunshine
  17. tattedupabe

    What is wrong with my puffers eye?

    So i have a porcupine puffer and have had him almost a year now, but today when i came home one of his eyes lost the blue fluorescent color to it, does anyone know what it could be and why does this happen?
  18. caribbean reefing

    Help identify this fish please

    went collecting in playa del carmen And got few fish that i dont know what they are. this is one of em These fish are about 2 inches tiny size Now i know some angels change color but cant seem to find anything on this lil beut
  19. L

    EMERGENCY What’s these?? found them in my larval tank and now i don’t see any larvae.

    hi everybodies, so i finally have the time to raise my fish and here goes. my larval tank is about 3liters, it’s a black bucket with a bubbler so i’m raising neon gobies here’s a time line -fish hatches -i do a minor water change -i buy more rotifers for backup and put them into the tank - i...
  20. S

    New tank with a hitchhiker?

    I recently invested in a tank from someone who was moving. The coral was beautiful and everything looked healthy and well. I recently noticed a new small white mass on a rock that was in the tank that was never there before. After some small investigating me and my wife thought that it was a...
  21. T


    Hi! I have no clue what any of these things are and my internet searches are fruitless. Pic 1: they are like clearish little sac like things sticking off of rock. Pic of frag base, is this aptasia? Blue picture. Is this a ok worm?
  22. DcoarM

    White specs in water?

    Hello all, I have a couple of videos to upload here, but my tank has been up for a month and a half and I have a lot of white specs in the water? The first with all flow eliminated in the tank. The second has one powerhead on low. I had a buddy say they think it is micro bubbles, but those...
  23. J

    What species is this ?

    Hi guys , I bought this zoanthid from a fish store recently, but I’m wandering what is the name of this zoanthid. It is a pink body with white tentacles. I searched all over the internet about this but unfortunately it couldn’t find anything about it. Any idea ?
  24. F

    What is this?

    I got home from work and noticed these very strange looking spider web like pouches in the display tank. The biggest one in the picture seems to be resting in a dead spot where maybe some uneaten food is under it. I started the tank on 10/10, and added my first fish about a week ago. I have not...
  25. CelestialCorals

    What’s is on my Yellow Tang?

    I’ve had my tang for 3 weeks now & it’s been fine. It’s still swimming fine, eating good, not acting unusual at all. I’m feeding it seaweed with garlic & he has a great appetite as you can see in the video. I’m suspecting this to be ich but all my other fish look fine & don’t have anything...