
  1. X

    white stuff on my pink pincushion urchin help!

    Hi guys! I was wondering to get some help, yesterday I saw this in my pincushion urchin, at first I thought it was just sand that somehow got on him, but when I watched him today the white thing was still on him. I took several pictures, but the one on the post is the best one I got. It would...
  2. stephanjupillat

    Pennsylvania Live Goods FREE Halloween Urchin. Pickup only: Jamison PA 18929

    Bought this guy a month or so ago. He's just too large for my tank. I have a bunch of tuxedo urchins that are the perfect size and was hoping the Halloween urchin would be about the same size. Nope. He's about 2.5" wide. My tank is 60 gallons. Recommended for larger tanks, or ones with a lot of...
  3. Lebowski_

    What are the most dangerous aspects of this hobby?

    Many of us have heard of a Palytoxin (If you haven’t, read this). Lionfish and urchin toxicity is also pretty widely known about. Corals and anemones have stung people badly enough to cause numbness, pain and scarring. Water and electricity…drip loops people! What are some other risks which...
  4. CoralsAnonymous

    Happy Easter Sale! Get 15% off your entire order with our Easter Egg Hunt - Ends April 12th!

    Join our Easter week sale with up to 60% off select livestock and an additional 15% off your entire order with our Easter Egg hunt! Find the Easter Egg hidden throughout our website for the code to get the discount on your order! FREE shipping for orders over $299.99 to the 48 Continental US...
  5. CoralsAnonymous

    Livestock [Corals Anonymous] Happy Easter Sale! Get 15% off your entire order with our Easter Egg Hunt - Ends April 12th!

    Join our Easter week sale with up to 60% off select livestock and an additional 15% off your entire order with our Easter Egg hunt! Find the Easter Egg hidden throughout our website for the code to get the discount on your order! FREE shipping for orders over $299.99 to the 48 Continental US...
  6. B

    The cyano eater

    I’d like to present my lovely urchin friend who likes to eat cyano and clean my frags :) Except he’s not eating the majority of the green algae. I’ve got nassarius and one margarita. What should I get to focus on green algae? 5 gallon that’s about 2 months old.
  7. G

    urchins in 75 gallon

    could i keep 2 pincushion urchins and 1 black longspine in a 75 gallon
  8. MrsPewterschmidt

    Hungry hungry urchins

    I don’t want my pincushion urchin to get hungry but I also don’t want to over feed and I’m not sure quite how to tell. My current tank is 25 gallons, and is 7 months old there is a little algae on rocks and glass but not too much so I figured I’d have to supplement. I added my urchin last week...
  9. Starfishandseahorse

    Urchin releasing fountain of white balls

    UPDATE: Every response I receive confirming the balls are poop gets to play a part of the mounting evidence that I just spent multiple hours of my life staring at, photographing, and squishing urchin feces (multiple times) with my bare hands. Then I posted about it online for all to see...
  10. JBR

    Let’s see your Urchin’s Hat Choices!

    Haven’t seen any threads on this recently, Urchins are famous for their stylish hat accessories, let’s see them! *Please post pictures!
  11. elm03

    Sea Urchin Poop?

    Soooo I was watching my tank for a little bit while I was on my computer next to it and I noticed my pincushion sea urchin expelling tiny coco puffs from the back side of him. This is definitely a silly question, but I just want to make sure he is ok and that it's normal. I literally have never...
  12. bvanfish

    Short Spine or Tuxedo Preemptive Strike

    I have a newer tank roughly 1 month old with 2 clowns, 6 snails, 1 conch, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 hermit. All my parameters are holding nicely. I am doing weekly 10% water changes. I have some diatoms that my conch is mowing down. My question is I can start to see a little algae coming. The main...
  13. crazyparrot

    Invert issues - young lads first tank

    Hi there, Looking for a little advice on critters on behalf of my son as we’re not having much luck on that front. He’s 13 and has had his tank (fluval 60l spec marine) running for a year. It has the standard kit plus an added wave/flow maker and an ocean free hydra nano filter) Background...
  14. K

    Does urchin poop gets struct between the spines?

    Does urchin poop gets struct between the spines? If it gets struct due to low flow, how to clean it?
  15. OldRed1

    Low profile black urchin

    This small urchin, a little larger than a quarter in diameter, came as a hitchhiker attached to live rock from the Gulf of Mexico. I wish I could get a better photo, but it’s perched upside down on a rock I can see only from this angle. Could it be some form of pencil urchin? h
  16. Ashtaroth

    Urchins in a 20 gal?

    Should I buy a long spined urchin to go in my 20 gal with 2 clownfish? Is it overstocking it? Will the spikes harm the fish? Sorry, I'm a noobie
  17. Nemosis

    New Urchin Hat

    Urchin decided to put down the empty shells and put on something a bit more colorful! Let’s see those cool urchin hats!
  18. A

    Help identify urchin

  19. S

    Long spine urchin - Kalamazoo $10

    Looking to sell my long spine urchin $10 Located in Kalamazoo
  20. T

    Lymphocystis on a sea urchin?

    So I've had lymphocystis in my tank now ever since I introduced this urchin (I saw the white stuff near his mouth when I took him out of the bag) and now my clowns have it. Been like that for a while and besides the things showing up on the clowns every once in a while nothing had has happened...
  21. B

    Question! Tuxedo urchin do be crazy...

    So right now, my urchin climbed my glass and I'm currently wondering... how. How does he attach himself to the glass? I thought that maybe he has a foot by its mouth but then I saw his mouth faced up to the surface (I was feeding him nori) and realized he's gripping the glass with his side...
  22. I

    Snail or Urchin

    I have an astraea snail that has been good at cleaning my tank, but it poops a lot. More than I even expected. I was wondering if any sea urchins have as much waste as snails. If any don’t have as much waste what type? Thanks.
  23. SlugSnorter

    Urchin hats?

    Urchin hats? I know the 3d printed ones, but what are other cool urchin hats you've seen or experienced? Im talking corals, big shells, a hermit or two, etc
  24. Onixom

    Urchin show off

    Hi everyone, ive loved the idea of urchins especially the tuxedo urchin just love the way they pick everything to wear as a little hat and parade around the tank. I dont think the urchin i have is a tuxedo urchin (LFS just said urchin) however he also picks things up and parades around the tank...
  25. G

    Anyone else’s urchin do this?

    This is my urchin with my Aussie Deadpool mushroom on its head, it’s carried it all the way over from the opposite side of my tank lol. Is this normal and why do they do this?