
  1. Bruce Burnett

    Triton test

    So I figured after a little over 4 years without doing water changes I would send in a test. I knew when I sent in sample calcium was high and made adjustment on calcium reactor. Other than adding a little manganese anything standout? @Randy Holmes-Farley
  2. MarioI

    Build Thread Mario's Triton Reef

    Hello everybody, I am new to this board, so I'll start with a short introduction of myself: My name is Mario and I am from Germany. I own a reef tank since 2009, I started with a 30 gallon tank as my first aquarium and since summer 2015 I own a 100 gallon reef. I am an engineer, therefore I'd...
  3. Herby’s reef

    Is GFO necessary with a large regfugium?

    I have always run GFO and had very good success with it. Recently I have been running a very large triton style refugium with the Kessil refugium light. I have 0 detectable nitrates or phosphates with this, and I recently stopped changing my GFO. I still have 0 detectable phosphates with a...
  4. Peter K

    Triton Test Result Questions

    Hi everyone, Just got my first triton test results back and I had a few questions regarding some of the importance of the dosing suggestions they listed. A few of the issues I have already been correcting even before I got the results back as it's been some weeks since I bottled up the...
  5. pmaddox

    Seeking Help! - Triton Results: Tin, Aluminum, Potassium...ZOMG.

    I've been having mysterious issues with my sps and acans specifically not wanting to expand or let polyps out. Time and time again I've studied and talked to others to try and zero in on the issue(s). Finally, I decided to get a Triton test and I'm still having trouble breathing after reading...
  6. Mmoore0324

    Question regarding Core7

    Hey everyone, My current system is about 3 months old and is approximately 107 total system gallons. I set the system up from the beginning using Triton Methodology. I currently have a 20g refugium growing Chaeto very nicely on a reverse photo cycle. I have done zero water changes and set...
  7. A

    Aquarium and flow

    I am contemplating using the Triton system on my new tank. I have a used Elos 120xl which has a 1/2 return pipe, a quick google search shows its at best good for 800 gph. The 127 gallons in the Elos times 10 has me looking for 1250 to 1300 gph. This seems like a substantial shortcoming. Has...
  8. Colin B

    125 gallon reef tank build, looking for advice and pointers for success.

    Hello, I am new to the forums but have been keeping reef tanks/fowlr tanks for the past five years. I recently picked up a 125 gallon tank that was brand new from craigslist for $100 dollars so that was too good of a deal to pass up. So, since I have picked up this tank, I was looking to see...
  9. Jim Harrison

    Eshopps r-200 questions

    Before I pull the trigger on this - I'm building my 75 gallon reef tank and want to go with the Triton method. Will the Eshopps r-200 have enough fuge space for a 75g dt? It's 10x7 and I don't know if I will be able to grow enough chaetomorpha in that space to make the Triton method...
  10. Francoreef

    Thinking about triton

    Hey guys i to am tired of water changes and was interested in trtion. Sadly i do not have enough room for a fuge tha is 20% my tank volume being that i have a 60 cube and everything must fit in the sump. Is there anyone here using the triton 7 elements for other methods? How is it going for...
  11. Yas

    Refgium lighting time

    Hello, I know the refugium light is supposed to be lit on when the display tank light turns off to prevent PH swing. What about keeping the refugium light on 24 hours a day? Will it still prevent PH swing? Is there any adverse effect? Thank you for your input in advance! Yas
  12. Peter K

    BRS Magnesium O.K. to use with Triton "Other Methods"

    Hi all, I just started triton "other methods" this past Monday and things seem to be holding steady and doing well so far. I have noticed that over the past 5 days my magnesium has dropped from 1300 to 1200 but all the other parameters are staying stable. (I've been testing everything...
  13. Moonfruit777

    Triton Results and STN

    Hello I got a triton test done and the results are attached. I still have a lot of trouble with STN on my Acros... Do any of the water parameters show reasons for STN? Most parameters show up with a green light but maybe there is something... Colors are good; growth is slow but noticeable (on...
  14. PiscesPower

    Tumbling issues with mixed media in Avast Marine Spyglass

    @AVAST Marine I started using the spyglass a few weeks ago. I have the small size in the return section of my RSR 250. I had to plane off a bit of acrylic on the base to make it fit but did not interrupt the integrity of the chamber. I have mixed the prescribed amount of ROX carbon and GFO...
  15. Will Milberger

    Triton questions

    I grabbed the manual from the top of the first page and started reading through many of the posts in this thread. Now I have some confusion. I have an "established 75g tank" . 5 fish, crabs, snails, 2 corals (colony polyp and a green candy cane). About 130 lbs of live rock, heavy coraline...
  16. PiscesPower

    Salt choice with Triton water change recommendation. Results attached

    Got my first Triton test back. Elevated Tin & Zinc, see full test results if desired. Have been running full Triton since I put this tank up on August 31, prior to that I was using the Red Sea Reef Care Program on my...
  17. uniquecorals

    Triton Sale, 10% off all Triton until Monday! at

    The #Triton sale! All Triton products 10% off! just enter code TRITON10 at checkout ICP tests for the deepest insight into your water chemistry, 4 Part balanced and complete daily additives in the Core 7 product line, correctional trace element dosing guided by science.
  18. Reef of Fillory

    What is your current Triton Core7 Dosage?

    I just bought Triton supplement package and I am looking to see what people who are using the Triton method have found as their steady/stable dose. If you're using Triton, I'd like to know: 1) What dosage of the Triton supplements are you using? 2) Your total system volume 3) Your stocking...
  19. Reef of Fillory

    Very simple/basic cost comparison vs water changes/dosing

    I put together a spreadsheet to compare the expected cost of using the Triton method vs different % water changes. Here's a link, it's editable and downlaodable by anyone with the link. I don't claim to have any knowledge of the system or its costs aside from what I put into the calculator. If...
  20. rockskimmerflow

    Triton Core7 Additive Strength - Thoughts?

    Hi Randy, I'm very curious as to how Triton might be able to achieve the Core7 dosing supplements high concentration while still maintaining a balanced 1:1 dosing profile. I can only imagine avoiding precipitation in the alkalinity component is quite a challenge at those concentration levels...
  21. zachxlutz

    Triton Results Analysis - Zach's 120 Gallon Reef Resurgence

    All - I got my Triton results back this morning and I just want to see what you folks think. I'm battling a serious dinoflagellate invasion that won't seem to go away. I'm dosing up phosphates on a daily basis to around .2 ppm and it will drop to almost nothing within 24 hours. I notice my...
  22. Kyle Rinker

    Triton Core 7 via dosing pump question

    I have set up an IM Nuvo Mini 40 in my office (see below) and it has been running for about 8 weeks now. It will eventually be an SPS dominant tank so I have been looking at various methods of nutrient control/supplementation. I love the idea of the Triton method and have been looking at the...
  23. D

    Debating the switch to Triton ... however...

    I would love to get on board with this system but a few things are of concern. My sump does have a refugium but it is not quite the recommended size. My system water volume is about 180 gallons and the sump I estimate to be around 10 gallons. It does house a nice ball of chaeto... Currently I...
  24. certain_code

    Algae blooms when dosing Core7 products

    I have been running a Triton tank for about 2 years now. I made the switch to the Core7 product line about 6 months ago now and have noticed that dosing it has caused algae to form in my tank, seemingly Cyano. In all fairness, I have not done an ICP test in about 6 months. The last test read...
  25. Want2BS8ed

    Missing Barcodes

    Who should we contact about missing barcodes? It usually takes a few days for a sample to be logged in California, but I have had one out now ~for a couple of weeks. Thanks, M