treating sick fish

  1. Davar93

    Treating with copper & quarantine

    Hey guys just to make sure I am doing this right and got my mass right as I do not want to kill any fish. I am using this for a quarantine tank that I have set up for some new fish that I got who look good but Wanna qt still. I am looking to treat 7 gallons and want to read 2ppm? So 70 drops...
  2. Flyboycitabria

    What is on this Tang?

    Can I get some help with identifying and treating this Tang?
  3. RealWorld

    Identification of white crusty patch on Majestic Angel

    My 5” Majestic Angel is acting and eating normally, but I noticed this white crusty looking patch just on one side of his body as shown in the attached picture/video. Does anyone know what this is, what could have caused it and the best course of action to treat it before it gets worse. I first...
  4. C

    EMERGENCY Dying fish, I believe he had 2 diseases brooks and velvet

    Hi, so my fish is sick, he is a clownfish. He is breathing heavily and has recently stopped eating. His color is looking much better than in the past. I have been treating with copper for a little over two weeks but he hasn’t fought it off yet since my ammonia got a little too high. It is under...
  5. Fish rookie 07

    Clownfish worry

    I have a recently bought very young (1.5cm) percula clownfish and a couple days after placing into the tank he has developed slightly white fades of lines directly above the fins. Could anybody help me out on whether this is just colour progression or a disease and if so what type and treatment...
  6. H

    Help identifying tang disease

    Hey guys I just picked up a tang and it’s swimming super weird. It twitches it’s head often but it also goes near the surface at times and freaks out. Just curious if anyone can identify this disease so I can cure this little bugger. The video doesn’t do it too much justice but hope it helps...
  7. S

    API Triple Sulfa Invert Safe?

    Hey everyone, Im sure this has been posted 100 times, but is API Triple Sulfa invert safe/Can it be added to food? I have a Powder Brown tang with what appears to be a mouth infection/torn tissue - I have been using kanaplex+focus mixed with frozen mysis/selcon/garlic. After about 10 days of...
  8. BluerSkiesAhead

    Sick Emporer Angel Juvenile — HELP

    Just got this little juvenile Emporer Angel last week. I got him with a baby Royal Blue Tang who was very sick. I got the tang to try to save him because he was very malnourished and had some kind of infection on his body. They both had parasites. The water in the bags from the LFS when we...
  9. What's Wrong With My Wrasse?

    Intermediate Topic What's Wrong With My Wrasse?

    Note from the Editor: The article below was written by @4FordFamily, a Reef2Reef staff member, however the article was also created with the help and input from @eatbreakfast @evolved @HotRocks, all prominent members of the Reef2Reef community and marine fish experts. The wrasse photos...