treating sick fish

  1. S

    Help IDing ich vs brook

    Can someone help me determine if this is ich vs brook? Long story short, I found what I thought was a good deal on a kole tang and added it to my reef. All seemed well at first but now I've noticed a few spots on its fins which spread to all over its body. It seems to have infected my orchid...
  2. Muffin87

    Starcki damsel red blotch on caudal fin

    #reefmedic The damsel isn't eating, and it's got this red blotch on the caudal fin. Spends some time swimming, then hides again. Before putting it in the QT yesterday, I ran it though Safety stop (formalin, and methylene blue in two diffirent baths). QT tank is newly cycled but two seachem...
  3. H

    I need Help sick fish

    Hello I have a quick question and I come to r2r BC one everyone here is amazing much better ppl here on r2r then other forum sites! I would like your feed back on my sick koi, yes my freshwater koi! I been in the hobby for quite sometime now and I just got into keeping koi! the fish I got off...
  4. H

    Not sure what this is.

    Hey everyone. Got 4 Springeri Damsel Fish from my LFS had them order them they stayed in the shipping bags never touched there water brought them home floated the bags and then gave them an H2O2 dip. Followed Humboldt fish. Then put them in my 10 gallon QT tank with prazipro for 4 days did the...
  5. fishtankantibiotics

    antibiotic for fish

    Fish aid IS PROUD TO INTRODUCE AQUARIUM ANTIBIOTICS from Fish aid , a USA based company offering Pharmacuetical Grade USP quality products here in the US only! Choose from 14 different capsules and/or tablets in popular strengths and sizes. No prescription is required! Keep your fish healthy...
  6. fishtankantibiotics

    Keep your fish healthy and happy

    Fish aid IS PROUD TO INTRODUCE AQUARIUM ANTIBIOTICS from Fish aid , a USA based company offering Pharmacuetical Grade USP quality products here in the US only! Choose from 14 different capsules and/or tablets in popular strengths and sizes. No prescription is required! Keep your fish healthy...
  7. E


    Hello! I received a Dejardini Tang the other day from someone who could no longer take care of it. However when I received it, it was in terrible shape. It looks like it has HLLE and I’m not sure if it has tail rot as it was previously housed with a porcupine puffer. I also can’t tell if there...
  8. chemicals

    EMERGENCY Clownfish not eating and stringy white faeces

    Hi All, since 3 or 4 days one of my clownfish won’t eat and only swims/lays on the bottom. I noticed that he lost some weight and he won’t eat. The other clown does eat but doesn’t “look” all that healthy. I manage to capture them and put them in my quarantaine system. I figured it’s most...
  9. nursecal

    Coral Beauty Sick

    Hi all, Although I love reading all the threads because they are always incredibly helpful, this is my first post for help. My coral beauty has been hiding in caves or behind rocks in front of wavemaker lately and I’ve noticed he isn’t swimming around as normal. He has what appear to be...
  10. LSAReefers

    Medicated water ? and fluran alternative?

    Hi. I was hoping to get some advice. I will be acquiring two clown and a sixline (rehoming situation guaranteed ick) and I will be quarantining them. This will be my first quality/ medicated quarantine situation so I want to do it right. I watched the BRS TV video series and was thinking about...
  11. D

    EMERGENCY Sick Clown, Medicating Advice

    Hi everyone, you can skip to the third paragraph for the short version of this. I bought two clownfish and a randall's goby two weeks ago and added them to my aquarium (20 gallon long), these are my first fish. About a week ago one of my clownfish stopped eating, the next day it was having...
  12. K

    Velvet or Brook please help

    I just noticed these white spots all over my one clown. How can I tell if it's Velvet or Brooklynella? I attached pictures although it was very hard to capture a clear photo of it. Is there anything I can do to stop it? And do I have to start over after this, like a 100% water change? Thanks!
  13. M

    EMERGENCY Sick Fish

    I am a new reefer. I have a 75 gal tank with canister filter. Mixture of dead and live rock. Lots of healthy inverts - shrimp, snails, hermits, a conch. My fish seem to be getting picked off one-by-one by what I assume is Ich. Started with a royal gramma. Labored breathing, rough fins, then...
  14. AqauTD

    EMERGENCY Sick fish help ):

    Can someone help, I posted a picture below. This morning I woke up and he has some white spots or injury… I don’t think it is Ich… any advice.? He eats normal but his swimming isn’t the best. Any medication advice?
  15. K

    Firefish wound?

    My firefish had what appeared to be scales hanging from underneath its mouth near the right side gills a few days ago. The area looks red today. Water change was recently done. 60 gallon tank, start date was 6 weeks ago 2 clowns (doing fine) and 1 firefish Trumpet coral, mushroom coral, nirvana...
  16. Gonj

    yellow tang with ick????

    Hey all, so I’ve had this yellow tang in my tank since September 25,2021 he’s been doing great eats both the frozen food and algae I put in the tank. I recently introduced a fire fish and sand sifting goby late December who are also eating well. Today I noticed these marks on my tang, none of my...
  17. K

    Marine Velvet, Ich, Flukes, Brook or other

    I have had a case of what I think was brooklynella in the past 5 months. It started with my clownfish and they ended up dying despite our medication. We got a second batch of fish 4/5 weeks as per recommended by our fish guy, and they ended up dying of the disease too. We weren't able to treat...
  18. C

    ! - sick(?) tailspot blenny

    Hi Everyone, My tailspot blenny is looking a little worse for wear. His belly is now concave, and his face is looking really skinny. It resembles a really skinny person when their cheekbones are visible. He is now sticking to the bottom of the tank, not moving, whereas before (two days ago) he...
  19. O


    Hey guys need help, my new watchman goby started to be lethargic 2 days ago and now he spins like a corkscrew when he swims, I put him in the first chamber of my aio so the other fish won't bother him. Should I euthanize him or just keep trying to feed him. He's breathing slowed a little bit...
  20. Nate Chalk

    EMERGENCY 2 week blue tang stress?

    Hi all- I purchased this blue tang 2 weeks ago, it was picking at rocks, and eating some emerald entre + pellet. Recently over the past week, it has been hiding in 2x places total and "playing dead" i dont believe it has eated much sense. I havent noticed any white spots either. I did not QT...
  21. A

    EMERGENCY Brooklynella?

    I got my clown about 3 days ago, and he’s currently in 2.0 ppm copper power and have also dosed general cure. He was still refusing to eat so I checked for flukes with a freshwater dip, and it looks like there is mucus on his fins. I’m not sure if this is brook so can the experts help out...
  22. Floofdragon

    Help!! Idk what’s going on in my tank!!!

    I have a 90g frag tank with a Porcupine Pufferfish, Lionfish, Zebra Moray, Orange Toadfish, Dusky Jawfish, Marine flounder and an sub adult engineer goby ((the puffer and lionfish are getting moved to a bigger tank in the next year)) I first noticed my puffer fish acting weird like laying on the...
  23. MJV15

    Mouth damage Red Velvet Wrasse

    I was out of town for a few weeks and came home to to my wrasse looking like this. His.. or her mouth looks pretty beat up. There was initially some aggressive dominance issues with my six line wrasse. But it only lasted a few days. The velvet wrasse is the dominant one and they have peacefully...
  24. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Clowns keep getting Brook?

    I’ve had these two clowns since March 4th in qt 10g, heater, bubbler, pvc. I observed them for the first 4 days and they began to show signs of Brook I jumped on here followed recommended treatment treated with ruby reef bath and dosed tank with metroplex, I also did a full water change in the...
  25. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Clownfish is peeling?

    Got 2 clown in qt right now they’ve seemed fine, however today I noticed their skin seems to be peeling and there appears to be some growth in the filter as well. Any ideas as to what this can be or how I should treat this? Attached some photos below.
Cultivated Reef