tank advice

  1. X

    Anyone know of 48 x 20 x 20 tanks?

    I am looking for a specific dimension tank, preferably reef ready and rimless. The closest I have found are seapora 75g coming in at 48x18x20 and waterbox's Marine X 110.4 coming in at 47.2 x 19.7 x 21.7. My third option, would be a glasscages tank. I have heard good things about them, but the...
  2. Sharebear

    Which Tank would you get

    In the process of downsizing my 350G acrylic tank. Although customized tank sounds more superior and stable option - I am getting stuck into a black hole of going back and forth and doubting all my decisions... Rimless is pretty but traditional canopy style might fit better with the overall...
  3. T


    So I am new to saltwater/tanks in general and I wanted to know if I would have room for a flame angelfish and a sand sifter goby. Currently I have a 29 or 31 gallon bio cube (I don’t know which) and as of now i have 2 of ocellaris clowns, a purple dotty back, and a skunk cleaner shrimp. I keep...
  4. joefeets1

    New tank internal struggle

    So I am looking to get a new tank. I currently have a 20 gallon cube and 60 gallon cube but would like to upgrade to something bigger. I was originally planning on waiting a while to do this but the seams my 60 cube are starting to get questionable. I bought that tank used (for a steal) and...
  5. akurt928


    I had a velvet outbreak 8 weeks ago today that killed off all my fish unfortunately, I’ve been fallow since then but for some reason had a green hair algae outbreak as well as spikes in ammonia, my phosphates , alk, cal, nitrates, ph are all well within recommended ranges I’ve been able to take...
  6. SaltyShel

    Can anyone ID? Multiple different critters!

    Hey y’all, I need some help. I’ve got a more detailed background of my tank on my build thread, I’m going to post a few pics and if anyone can help me ID I would be so thankful. I’m going to have to restart my tank & rip clean, especially with all these issues, but I would still like to know...
  7. O

    “Unfurbished” 75 Gal and 125 Gal, what are some fun options?

    Hello everyone! I’ve been in the hobby for around only 6 months, I started with a 75 Gal with only 4 fish, but now have a 75 gal and 125 gal. I want a new long term setup for both of the tanks, I most certainly want coral in at least the 75 gal. I am considering clownfish only I’m the 75 gal...
  8. O

    Tank leak or humidity?

    Is my tank leaking? Or just the humidity due to the tank? Under the table where the tank is put in, the tiles is always slightly wet, wet like when you blow against your window and it fogs and you touch it, thats what it feels.
  9. agame2021


    So what is the function of a canopy? Is it really something that helps that much? I ask because I don’t think it looks that great and would rather have open top. I like the rimless look too but want to hear the pros and cons before I make a decision.
  10. Victory652

    Building frame for 125 gal tank

    Hello Everyone! I am looking at building a frame for my 125gal tank. I am looking for ideas on the best way to design the front of the tank for accessibility and function. My current plan is to have a metal base frame then adding wood around it for looks and function. Tell me you ideas or what...
  11. ReeferHendrix

    Micro bubbles help

    Trying to figure out the best way to get rid of all these micro bubbles in the tank. I think the main cause is the hob protein skimmer
  12. Hefromabove

    Looking for large tank build planning advice

    I'm currently in the beginning stages of planning to get a larger sized tank, at least 300g+ though probably closer to 500g+, and have about a million and a half questions. I did have a 65 gallon tank for close to 3 years, but sadly had to part with it due to changes in housing arrangements. Me...
  13. Bigrig67

    45 gallon fish suggestion

    I currently have a 45 gallon saltwater tank I took over and is a rescue tank.. all my levels are steady and have live sand and dry rocks that have been in the tank over 3-4 months now.. The rescue tank came with 2 clown fish and I have recently added a royal gramma basslet.. what fish should I...
  14. S

    Marine aquarium driving me round the bend!

    Myself and my fiancé got our first saltwater marine aquarium last May 2020 in lockdown as we had always spoken about one. We did loads of research and got a 240L juwel rio, it has the 2 power heads, filter & protein skimmer. Currently in the tank is live rock, live sand, 1 x blue tang, 2 x clown...
  15. jcabral125

    New and need tank advice

    Hello everyone so clearly by the title I’m new to the hobby and need some help. A little backstory first I took over this tank from my former roommate that moved and didn’t take the tank with him. Before I took over the tank it had been broken down to be moved and set back up 2 times but the...
  16. jcabral125

    Novice needs tank advice

    Hello everyone so clearly by the title I’m new to the hobby and need some help. A little backstory first I took over this tank from my former roommate that moved and didn’t take the tank with him. Before I took over the tank it had been broken down to be moved and set back up 2 times but the...
  17. D

    Is my tank overstocked? Please help!

    Hey everyone! So, about 4 months ago I set up a Red Sea 20g Max Nano. It’s been an awesome tank but my concern is that it might be overstocked. I know 4-5 is typically the max on fish but if they are juvenile you can possibly get away with more. I know opinions vary on that. Anyways I currently...
  18. Z

    Going crazy with the different things I need/don't need the more I read. Can anyone clear things up?

    So I haven't bought anything yet except CaribSea South Seas Aquascaping Base Rock and and still in my research phase. I want to get a 40-50G reef tank that is silent or near silent. I read I need a protein skimmer + filter , then I hear I just need a protein skimmer and no filter, then I read...
  19. Alexgar224

    Why are my corals ticked off?

    Good evening, This is my first post to this forum so here's to hoping everything goes well! haha I've been wondering why my tank hasn't been doing too good for the past 2-3 months. The corals have basically been retracted and slowly dying off for the previous time stated. my current tank...
  20. zachSalty

    EMERGENCY Are these worms safe?

    Help! I just was creeped out of my mind when I went in to check on my new mates and saw all this creepy crawlers. Please tell me these are not fire worms and just bristle.. and should I get this under control?
  21. jcabral125

    Not reading calcium correct?

    So I’m not sure if I’m completely losing my mind but I’ve been struggling getting my calcium levels up and I’m starting to feel like my test just isn’t accurate. I’ve never had this problem with my api test kit before but this is strange. I have a Xenia coral, green galaxea a very very small...
  22. S

    Help removing Sand Bed

    Hi all, So I have a nano 10 gallon tank with LPS and softies. Recently I battled dinos and was able to get them low in my tank. However, I lost my LPS corals along with zoas. Now I am seeing other corals getting affected. Dinos are still in the sand bed. Nitrates are running at 10 and...
  23. Ascartes

    New Tank Cost

    Hello everyone; I'm sure this has been asked and gone over a few hundred times but here I am anyways as I haven't quite had all my questions answered. I was looking at something 'around' the 175G mark for the display tank. The red sea 650max, or 900 3XL are kind of what I've been pointed to...
  24. ChristieM

    Life after velvet.

    So my newest tank had velvet and the very last fish, (there was only 3 but still sad), died. I loathe velvet with every fiber of my being. Now, I’m wondering what to do. I want to change the substrate anyway so I thought I would chick the old and start new, change the filter/media and let it...