
  1. Fletcher's Fish Tube

    Red Sea Reefer Madness

    Hey fellow reef keepers. My fiancé and I recently purchased our first tank 4 months ago the Red Sea Reefer 250 and it has been a blast ever since! This past weekend we picked up a used Red Sea Max 130D our second tank! This hobby has consumed us. We are in love with fish keeping. We started a...
  2. T

    Livestock Compatibility and Introduction

    I want to have 6 or so Anthias in my new build. I want to get them now and put them in quarantine now so they will be viable to move to the DT when its ready. How many can be together, and whats the best way to keep them from being aggressive? Are their any fish they can't be housed with? I'd...
  3. Struggler

    Help Picking A Tang!

    Hello guys I'm new to the hobby and still currently choosing my stocking on a 90 gallon tank I have. Currently I have 2 blue/green chromis. I am going to be adding two Ocellaris clownfish this friday and would like to add a reef safe wrasse, a Foxface Rabbit fish and then a Tang best friend for...
  4. Labridaedicted

    Mild Mannered Tangs

    Hey gang, I just had to pull my White-Tailed Bristletooth tang out of my tank since he decided he hates wrasses and gobies after a couple of months. I was pretty dumbfounded as to why he would be aggressive towards fish that aren't grazing competitors, but have no problem with the other grazer...
  5. Cherub

    Powder Blue or Achilles Tang?

    Hello and thanks for reading. I have a 133 gallon set up currently and want to add a couple of tangs. I read about both these fish on live aquaria and the powder blue is rated for a minimum of 125 and the Achilles is rated for a minimum of 180 gallons. The powder blue gets larger so I was...
  6. lonewonderer

    My LFS feeding lettuce? is this ok?

    Hello, I saw my LFS feeding lettuce for their tangs. is this ok? I know they are hervs but lettuce?
  7. Renelope

    Tang aggression

    Hello folks, Looking for some advice. Recently purchased 2 tangs, a yellow and a kole. Bought them together, acclimated them together- they are besties. Problem is my fox face. Had him for several months before getting the tangs and he is easily twice their size, but he is the shyest fish I've...
  8. shiftline

    Multiple Tangs in one Reef? - Powder Blue Rescue and curbing tang aggression

    Multiple Tangs in one Reef? - Powder Blue Rescue and curbing tang aggression! I ended up with a powder blue tang on my doorstep needing a home, I was extremely worried about adding it with my hippo tang.. (who actually didn't care..) It was the Yellow tang that seemed to have a superiority...
  9. Isabella rubalcaba

    New to the forum !!!

    Hello all !!! Girl reefer trying to help out others & learn as much as i can off the hobby !!! Currently running a 90 gallon mixed reef & a smaller 30 gallon is on its way !!! What kind of system do you have !? Will post pics of my reef soon !
  10. Jarrod

    First Quarantine Tank

    Just set up my first qt tank. It is a 40 breeder that I had as a reef tank before upgrading to a 90 gallon. I've never qt any of my fish and luckily haven't had any problems. But I want either a Kole Tang or a Tomini tang, so I figure I better setup a qt. 40 Breeder Led Light Heater Small...
  11. FLSharkvictim

    Say hello to my little friend Mr. Old Yello Tang!

    I have had old Yello for about 5 years and Mr Yello is super healthy... Tank info: 120 Mixed Reef
  12. Fer21

    Is my fish list ok?

    Hello R2R friends, I'm setting up my reef tank in few months and I have been researching some of the fish I really want to keep, my tank would be 5ft x 2ft x 2 ft (150G) mixed reef leaning more towards SPS, I would like to know your opinion, here's my list: * Regal Angel *Majestic Angel...
  13. jimmert33

    WWC OG Bounce For either Black Tang or Colorado Sunburst

    Willing to work something out if the OG Bounce isnt enough thanks!!!!! Please Pm Me
  14. want2bsleepy

    Hiding Blue Hippo Tang

    Anyone ever had a tang act like a total scaredy cat and hide all of the time? We've had three tangs for about a year in our 125 gallon reef tank: a yellow, cole, and blue hippo. They are all around the same size and always gotten along. About a month ago we added a Fiji foxface to help with a...
  15. potatocouch

    Algae eater for 55g tank - taking suggestions

    Our Kole Tang just passed away yesterday evening; the Nemos are fine, Corals are thriving; params are good. The Kole Tang has done tremendous job in cleaning algae, particularly those on the rocks and I am keen to find his replacement, which I hope would do similar or better job, whilst...
  16. haanstang

    Build Thread Haanstang's 210 peninsula

    So I've been Reefing for about 2 years now and have been planning this build for about 4 years it seems like. I have a 65g tank at the moment with a 30 gallon sump that is too wide for my stand so it's on the floor in the spare room ( soon to be fishroom ). Anyway my new build. The tank is a...
  17. robert s b.

    Build Thread Little Video of my 300g from the side view

  18. SaltySue

    Nano to look how big it is!

    Hi everyone! I'm SaltySue with the purple hair. I have kept freshwater since I was 11 yrs old & at 58 decided to go saltwater. I started with a 5 gal nano knowing it would be hard. My lfs guys did a great job teaching the basics & have read & learned a lot here! I had my nano for 15 months...
  19. Colten

    Hyposalinity on display tank

    So I'm about to start hyposalinity on my 225 gallon display tank to treat ich. I would do a hospital tank but I got about 15 fish which include emperor, yellow tang, porcupine puffer, foxface, dwarf angels, gobies and damsels. So I'm wondering what I should be expecting, is the ammonia or...
  20. MamaLovesHerReefTank

    I Want To Add A Kole Tang

    In my 125 g tank, I have a Yellow Tang, Hippo Tang and Sail Fin Tang. My LFS has a beautiful Kole Tang he got in on Tuesday. Would this be ok to add? Other livestock are 3 Chromis, 1 Pygmy Angel, 1 Cleaner Wrasse, 2 Clownfish, 1 Anthias, 2 Diamond Spot Gobies, 1 Cleaner Shrimp and 1 Peppermint...
  21. Slyler

    120 Gal Stocking Questions

    Hi Everyone, I have a few questions that I would like to hear some advice on please. To give some background information I currently I have a 72 gal bowfront, it has a HOB skimmer, and a Fluval 405 filter with Carbon. the tank has been running for 2 years now, and everything is going great...