
  1. Soren

    Build Thread 125-gallon Peaceful Reef

    Due to acquisition of two Marineland 125-gallon tanks, my build plan has changed significantly. Current plan is to have a 125-reef with a 125-sump with the main chamber for a macroalgae display. Screenshot of 3D-model of current plan (2021-10-04 16:06): [/SPOILER] Kind Regards, Soren
  2. Kryptonian

    Blue Tang looking for a new home in Austin...

    What's up Austin, Have a 4" Blue Tang looking for a new home. I'm in Lakeway. Here's the Carfax. Purchased from TSM Aquatics first week on June. Beautiful fish with full color and no blemishes. Eats like a stinking pig and is also very friendly with everyone in the tank. He's been eating LRS...
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    My Baby Naso Tang, “Darlin’”
  4. lilithereefer

    can it work?

    hi i am new to reefing and i am planning on getting a 55 gallon reef tank. i am wanting to get the smallest option for a blue tang on reef beauties and also a yellow tang but i dont know if it will fit. can somebody help?
  5. D

    Powder blue keeps laying on his side

    I purchased a PBT about a month ago. He was initially in quarantine in a 20g long because that's what I had available. I quickly realized that was way too small for him and upgraded to a 55g quarantine. He's been in copper for about 3 weeks. One morning he was laying on his side and breathing...
  6. Rubber Chicken

    Yellow Tang, 2clown fish, Gobbie, 2 turbo snails

    Moving so I need to rehome some fish. Please help. In Northern VA.
  7. J

    Kole tang help

    Hey everyone, two days ago I noticed some very small looking "particles" on my kole tang. Yesterday I didn't see them, and last night I saw them again. This morning with the lights off, I got these pictures. This is my first saltwater / reef tank, and I have no idea if this is ok or if it's a...
  8. Shannon Califf

    Illinois Beautiful Gem Tang For Sale!!!!

    I have a beautiful gem tang for sale. The only reason Im selling it is because my purple tang and him fight to much. He has gone through a full 30 day qt with 2.0 ppm copper safe. Also went through 2 rounds of prazipro and treated for internal parasites. He eats like a pig and is beautiful in...
  9. H

    Help identifying tang disease

    Hey guys I just picked up a tang and it’s swimming super weird. It twitches it’s head often but it also goes near the surface at times and freaks out. Just curious if anyone can identify this disease so I can cure this little bugger. The video doesn’t do it too much justice but hope it helps...
  10. KJones90s

    Sick Tang?

    Just transferred a Atlantic Blue from my quarantine to my display 125...all of a sudden I start seeing white everywhere. It was hard to take a good photo for you guys but can anyone please help diagnose so I can treat. I’d hate to have my first tang keel over on me... I quarantined for 3 weeks...
  11. DrewFish

    Just how "same time" is the old mantra "you have to add all of your tangs at the 'same time'"?

    I am in the cycling phase of my Red Sea Reefer XXL 750. While not a monster, it is 200 system gallons and should be able to support a few tangs. While I sit and daydream of my stock list, reading how to do it right, I see over and over again that one should add all of the tangs at the same time...
  12. DQM5

    California selling powder blue tang

    hi guys, selling this PBT been in my tank for 9 months.. got him/her size of half dollar now about 4 inches. firm on $30. I'm located in Orange County.
  13. L

    How many tangs really...

    How many tangs does a 180 gallon tank need to control algae? Is one enough if you are keeping up on husbandry?
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    My powder blue tang with my Jaw Breaker Mushroom!
  15. g.knight

    Building a tank around lionfish. Ideas? Suggestions?

    Hey, R2R. Back again trying to learn what I can. Ok, I’m convinced I’m getting 125g tank and I want a lionfish to be the “star” of the tank (at least for me) so I’m building around it. This is going to be a living room tank so it needs to have kind of a “wow” factor to it. My partner thinks the...
  16. Sawyer Breslow

    Fish Stocking - 65gal, 3ft length

    Hi all, I’ve been running my tank for about a year and a half. just looking for some opinions and experience on fish stocking. I’m deciding on what fish to add to my 65 gal mixed reef tank. My current stock includes in order of introduction to the tank: 1. Fire goby 2. 2 false perc Clowns 3...
  17. Underwater Passion

    EMERGENCY Spots on hippo tang after 4 weeks of treatment

    Hey everyone, So I am a little frustrated because I can’t figure out what’s on my hippo tang. A little over 4 weeks ago I placed all fish in a hospital tank and treated for what I suspected to be velvet. After 4 weeks of cupramine treatment maintained between 0.45 and 0.55 I am still seeing...
  18. KJones90s

    Tang Identification

    Had a tang sold to me as a Atlantic Blue...but upon closer inspection I’m thinking it might be a purple. What do you guys think? I’ll try to get better pictures later as I just did a water change.
  19. BighohoReef

    HLLE on my Tang?

    Reading, comparing, treating... I went to FishMD and am self-diagnosing my Kole which I think has HLLE (Head and Lateral Line Erosion disease) He has patches on the underside near the left side flipper. I started treating him with beta glucan I can't keep him still long enough to take a...
  20. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Yellow Tang Hiding

    I put this in the newbie section since it's probably a stupid newbie question. I just finished my QT period. Matched salinity and temperature of the QT to my DT, and added my yellow tang directly in. He looked a bit distressed upon entry to the DT and has no gone into hiding in the rocks. Is...
  21. T

    Shy Tomini Tang

    I've recently gotten a shy new tomini tang from diver's den. I have a 29 gallon quarantine tank but there had been an incident with my pair of captive bred mandarins. I had gotten a pair about a week or so before but my male was missing his right pectoral fin and was very small and thin ( I...
  22. shawnriv

    Thin Yellow Tang (Video)

    Hello All - About a year ago I had to move out of my home and put my 90G in storage. In the meantime, I set up a holding tank for my yellow tang and corals. The yellow tang has never really been on the fat, heavy side but always ate anything I put in the tank. The tang is not large and has been...
  23. Rijodan

    Whats wrong with this Yellow tang?

    Hey just trying to help my younger brother out today, hes recently joined the hobby when another brother quit and gave up his tank. Hes learning quickly but also super excited and his dad took him to petco today and bought the roughest yellow tang I have ever seen that wasnt already dead...
  24. Purple Tang

    Purple Tang

  25. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Is this Ich, Flukes or something else?

    I've been recently posting about my yellow tang in QT who has been stressed out for the last week or so. I just did a 10% water change (temp and salinity match). Following the guidance of some helpful members on this forum, his stress has gone down. I've kept all lights off, added more Nori to...