
  1. Ariana R.

    Starfish injury

    My dad has this starfish in his tank for about 4 months now, but lately when I’ve visited one of the legs of the starfish seems to be deteriorating. On my most recent visit, the leg that was originally effected looks much shorter and now the same thing is happening to another leg. My dad had...
  2. Bankertanker


    Does anyone know what this is? It's moving around the tank so it's definitely alive
  3. Alaeriel

    Asterina and Macroalgae?

    I've set up a nano macro tank to grow out some algae for the 200 gallon tank. We picked up some true live rock and it came with this little guy. Looks like an asterina to me. I've seen anecdotes of some specimens munching on corals, but very few reports about their interactions with macro. He's...
  4. marxman

    Sand Sifting Star & Corals

    Hi Everyone, I am thinking of adding a sand sifting star to my tank, but had a question before I do. I have 3 lobophyllia and 1 trachyphillia of good size on my sand bed. They are doing well and so I am assuming that their placement is correct. Will a sand sifting star have any effect on...
  5. shanzfish

    Survived the dip??

    Hi everyone, I just finished dipping and acclimating my new corals that shipped in. A couple hours later I was admiring them as they all opened up and saw this tiny starfish hanging on for dear life as my power heads blow him about lol should I keep him? Or is it a bad hitchhiker. I don’t know...
  6. Jarbour14

    Cleanup Crew General Questions, I'd love any feedback

    Hows it going everyone, I just had some questions about potential additions to my 75 gallon reef tank. I have a lot of rock with arches and plenty of caves etc. I currently have the following in my tank in terms of inverts and cleaners 1 skunk cleaner shrimp 10 nassarius snails 10 turbo snails...
  7. M

    Blue linckia brown discharge

    We got this guy a couple days ago, and noticed him like this this morning. Parameters are good, and we slow dripped to acclimate. Just seeing if anyone else has experienced this and has any advice. Thank you all for your assistance
  8. ssunthar

    How to feed starfish?

    Hi experts, as there is no Starfish specific threads i am posting it here. Do we need to feed starfish? If so, how do we feed them? Here is mine..... moving around the tank so much not sure if he is looking for food and he has enough in the tank.
  9. BTimms

    Aptasia or baby asterina starfish?

    I seem to have quite a few of these small creatures on my glass. That said it is hard to tell if these are baby asterina stars or aptasia. Any thoughts on an ID? Should I scrape them off the glass?
  10. Muffin87

    Red Serpent Starfish, ophioderma squamosissimus, reef safe or not? (nano fish, coral, clams)

    Could someone who's had a red serpent stafish in a reef tank chime in with their insight? I'd really appreciate it :) I found this old thead about it, but it's vague. It's unclear if there are multiple species of red serpent starfish, and if they are all reef safe. I just ordered a Red Serpent...
  11. I

    Starfish ID?

    I found this baby starfish in my tank a few months ago, and didn’t see it for a while, so I assumed it was living in the rocks and coming out at night. He was on my glass today, and I just wanted to know if I could find out what kind of starfish he is. I’ll describe him as best as I can, because...
  12. Pipefishlady

    Florida 3 brittle stars

    I have 3 brittle stars I would like to rehome. Different sizes, local pickup only in Palm Beach County. $1 each
  13. michaelabellz

    Am I ready for starfish?

    So my tank has been up for about 3 months now I’d say and has about 16 types of zoanthids, 2 frogspawn, 2 green star polyps, a pair of clownfish, 2 mollies, 4 turbos and I’d say probably about 13 dwarf hermit crabs. I have plenty of live rock and about an inch and a half sand bed. All my...
  14. Slightlydisappointing

    What are my starfish doing??

    So in my tank I have two pretty standard starfish and they've been pretty much leaving each other alone until recently where one of them is constantly trying to get in top of the other, I had been told that that meant that the one on top is trying to eat the other so I pull them off of each...
  15. SunnyD123

    Nano LiveStock change

    Hello. I have a 20g reef tank and ultimately I want it to be set for success. I kinda wanna incorporate a star fish and maybe taking out the snails? Or a diamond watch goby to help the sand bed? As of the moment I have 4 snails and two hermits for my clean up crew. I also have 3 fish. A black...
  16. michaelabellz

    Serpent starfish in feef tank?

    So I’ve seen a lot of mixed comments about this on whether it’s safe or not to have a serpent/ brittle starfish in your reef tank. What would your opinion be? And if not, what starfish would you recommend?
  17. Tankkeepers

    Micro stars

    Not sure if this is the correct place to ask but was wondering if anyone had any coral safe micro stars and mini brittle stars for sale
  18. efrainrodz.94

    Starfish in fluval 13.5

    Hi everyone, I recently purchase a Sand Sifting Sea Star and I was researching online that they could starve and die. Will my starfish harm my fish or crash my tank? thank you everyone!
  19. L

    Hello New to Reef 2 Reef and Saltwater Tanks

    Hello All, I am new to saltwater tanks. I recently set up a tank and purchased a Chocolate Chip Starfish. I did my research ahead of time, but I still feel clueless. If anyone has advice on taking care of our Chocolate Chip Starfish please flood me with information. I will probably post...
  20. MrDeathKills

    Starfish and which ones are okay to own.

    So I have had verying degrees of information. Can not find a big thread on what starfish are good and “bad”. Are there any Starfish that will actually adapt and be fine with tank life? I would like to stay towards the super colorful range but if that is not possible its fine. Any and all care...
  21. Perpetual Novice

    Something eating my sand sifting star??

    I have a friend setting up a 20 gallon tank. It was cycling with just snails and hermits for months. Then two days ago he added a couple clowns and a sand sifting star. Today he sent me this. What happened. It’s not totally dead year but I think he should throw it out now. Right?
  22. Reefer37

    Micro Bristle Stars?

    So I have these white what looks like starfish to me, almost like micro bristle stars, but I'm not sure. They don't seem like asterina's because they're legs are longer and thinner from what I can tell. There's quite a few on the glass I see every few days or so. Anybody know for sure?
  23. Reefer37

    Asterina Star?

    So just spotted this guy this morning before lights came on. He started making his was back into the sand bed when lights started coming on. Can anyone ID if this is an asterina star?
  24. Nate_Krohn

    Hundreds of baby snails.. urchin and a starfish?

    I woke up at about 2 am to enjoy my tank when the lights go off and there are hundreds of baby snails on the rocks and on the glass.. I also saw what looked like a baby urchin and some type of starfish. Can anyone help ID them?? I posted some pics. They’re not the best because they’re at night.
  25. G

    STARFISH! Excited to come downstairs this morning to see this little guy...

    So came downstairs to my office where my reef tank is. Started the morning ritual of cleaning the glass with a coffee in one hand when I saw this little guy on the glass! So excited, I assume totally safe in a reef system? Anything I can do to help it out?
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