
  1. Jeremy K.A.

    Devils hand help

    Hey again. I have a very large Devils hand in my 55 gallon mixed reef, along with many many loose fingers and small devils hands that drop off frequently. It's very healthy, but perhaps not happy at the moment. I say that because while it looks great, it doesn't have any polyp extension lately...
  2. F

    Lighting options for 110g deep

    Hey so I am starting my build on my 110g tank... (dimensions are: 48”long, 30” deep and 18” wide) - will have NO bigger than a 2” sand bed (probably closer to 1.5”) I would like to use LED’s if I can but I want something that will be able to grow some LPS near/on the sand bed and throughout the...
  3. Solis Reef

    Corals before and after photos.

    Let’s see those before and after photos of your corals. I will star this is one of my favorites one.
  4. TopShelfAquatics

    TSA Ebay Auctions Ending Tonight!

    Do not miss this round of amazing frags!
  5. Tyler Tacy

    Toadstool HELP! White rash? Bacterial infection? Normal?

    Hello! -------------------------ANY INSIGHT WOULD BE AMAZING!-------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: I recently purchased a giant toadstool from my local LFS. Someones tank blew up in there living room and they had gotten a lot of corals/fish. Saw this giant toadstool he was not...
  6. NovaReef

    Build Thread NULL

    In this thread, I will be posting all of my pics for my 120g.
  7. Fishboy&crazycatfishlady

    Beginner coral, where to start

    Hey all! This is my first rodeo with saltwater, so far so good! We’ve been taking our time, moving slow and being patient. Tank has fully cycled. Established a pod population, have two happy Darwin Clowns, and adding to the livestock tmr! But I am READY for some corals in my tank! The tank is...
  8. Envisionist22

    Fragging Corals of Big Rocks

    New to this forum and after searching everywhere can't seem to find a good answer. My question is, How do you frag coral that is one a really big rock or on a piece of Rock that provides structural support to the rest of your rocks? Im assuming i can frag in the tank if i cant remove the rock...
  9. S

    Build Thread 40B Mixed Reef Build

    Hey Everyone, I'm starting a 40 breeder reef tank build as an early birthday present to myself (Birthday is September, but it counts right?). I'm going to be posting constant updates with pictures as I have nothing else to do while I wait for my tank to cycle. This will be my first tank, so...
  10. MrReefBuster

    Build Thread 40 Breeder Reef

    Hey guys, here's my first post. I Have a 40 Breeder softie reef. I my channel in YouTube where I'm documenting my progression. Here's the link:
  11. Facebook


    See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
  12. RickG

    Radion graph

    Hey guys! So I setup a radion G3 Pro recently and just wanted some input in what settings you guys are running on your radions. I have read that the SPS AB+ produce some good results with corals. I am keeping a mixed tank. Thanks in advance!
  13. mcgdz86

    Build Thread 36g Bowfront Upgrade

    Had an old 36g bowfront that I am converting from freshwater to saltwater. This will be make second reef tank. I'm hoping to keep maintainence/care easier so I will be doing mostly fish, with a few softies, and maybe a Nem for the clowns. My first tank I used live rock and ended up just having...
  14. mgoesma

    So My Fiancee Talked me into a seahorse tank

    So my Fiancee has been asking since i got back into the hobby for sea horses. I'm sure many of you have had this problem. I keep telling her that we cant put them into my Display tank because they will die. :-( Well just last week she figured out a new angle. I have a 37 column that i keep...
  15. Hella_Reef


    I'm curios to find out if these mushrooms are in fact jawbreakers!!!!!!! Sorry for the poor quality, let me know if u need a better view to ID, this is the best I could do as of now.
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