snowflake eel

  1. E

    Snowflake Eel Swollen Snout

    So my eel has a swollen snout which appears to be mainly around the nostrils or the nose. My eel has been moving a lot more sluggish, losing a lot of yellow coloration, and can't even sense the food in front of him. He even looks smaller in general. I have been dosing a lot of vitamins (thiamin...
  2. badstorm48

    Snowflake eel question

    So, I just got a snowflake eel today from my lfs. He’s had him for 3 weeks and doing well. I fed him tonight. I was wondering how much should you feed him. Since he’s only like a foot if that maybe give or take some. I cut up a small raw shrimp and gave him about a third of that shrimp. Just...
  3. Seahorse man

    Snowflake eel compatible for my 55 gal long?

    Im wanting to buy a small snowflake eel to put in my 55 gallon long fowlr tank. At the moment I have two Occelaris clowns, one is about 2.5" and the other is 1", and one firefish goby that is about 3.5" along with a handful of small hermits. I realize the hermits will slowly dissapear with the...
  4. E

    Snowflake eel feeding.

    This may be a silly question, but for those who have a snowflake eel, at what time do you guys feed your eel (not how often)? Just wondering.
  5. Dalton Hunter

    Huge snowflake price?

    So I have a massive snowflake eel in my tank that I'm considering selling but I dont know a good price for them at the size he is at. Most I find online is for 12" max, and mine is at least 30" of not more and a little bit bigger around than a golf ball. This guy eats 8 silverside almost every day.
  6. Mistborn

    Snow flake eel feeding!

    Just felt like sharing a short gif of my snowflake eel eating a crawfish. (Yes I know it's bad for him long term, but it's just a treat.)