
  1. littlemacros

    Hello Semi-newbie with a problem

    Hi everyone, I have a identification situation i need some help with. First, I want to introduce myself. My name's Alissa, and I'm from Michigan. I was in th reef hobby for a few years. For 3 years I had a 65 gallon deep sandbed reeftank that I set up in a way that I only had to do fresh water...
  2. Diveks

    What to do with clean up crew when restarting tank

    Hey everyone, So sadly i have to restart my tank since it has so many aiptasia everywhere, its covering every inch of the tank, even the glass and sand. It is a 210 gallon tank so its been a hard process. The fish have been moved to my friend’s tank. Although, im not sure what to do with all the...
  3. Cque2222

    Pennsylvania Wanting to buy hermits and snails (cuc)

    Hello! Looking for someone to ship around 7 hermits and 7 snails and a conch to increase my population in my nano. mainly looking for turbo or trochus snails.
  4. Lylelovett

    Local Trochus snails?

    Hey all, Before I order snails by mail to be shipped in this 100 degree weather... :) I wanted to see if there are any local shops that usually carry them? Kona Reef in Phoenix usually don't... Recommendations? Thanks.
  5. Best in Shell: Snails for the Reef Aquarium

    Beginner Topic Best in Shell: Snails for the Reef Aquarium

    Snails can be a very useful part of a reef tank, consuming algae, detritus and harmful microfauna that can make life difficult for your corals and fish. In a sense they act as a janitorial service for your tank, which is probably why teams of snails and other scavenging organisms are called the...
  6. B

    Ohio WTB a few different fish and inverts.

    I am currently looking for a few different fish to add to my collection. I'm rather particular about patterns with clownfish so if you have any WYSIWYG that would be awesome to see photos. I'm hoping to find a bonded pair of MochaVinci Clownfish Grade B x Davinci Clownfish Grade B. If someone...
  7. Schnizzle

    Spiral of eggs and baby snails

    Two for one here: Question 1 is what are the eggs pictured below from? They are all over the place. I have searched for a few days now and cannot find an answer. It is about 3/16" or 5mm. I have introduced 2 Astraea (I believe, pictured below), ~18 Cerith snails and 6 dwarf blue leg hermits...
  8. nightmarepl

    Vermetid snail HOW to kill them help!

    so i got invaded by these darn Vermetid snail absolutely hate and want destroy them all within 2 days i had 4 on my hammer coral keep him 1/3 the size have liek 3 on my toadstool I’ve tried ripping them off currently ordered some stainless steel clippers to start chopping but is there any...
  9. Evan28395950

    Ammonia Concern

    I had my biggest snail die on me. It’s probably been 2 days since, and I finally decided to check, and sure enough he was dead. I pulled out the main parts, but some of his body when flying throughout the tank. Should I be concerned about ammonia rising?
  10. DeepBlueSomething

    Stomatella Snail Reproduction?

    Last night, I noticed in my sump a handful at least of small (pencil eraser-ish or smaller) snails cruising through my skimmer section of the sump and my skimmer column itself. The appearance was most like a stomatella snail. Can anyone confirm that this is likely or possible? Any concerns or...
  11. G

    Trochus Snails - Totally Inactive: HELP

    Hye guys, when I first ever got Trochus Snails I thought I had found the best thing since sliced bread. They literally cleaned the entire tank in a matter of weeks. Since having a few die, etc. I finally went back to the LFS for a cleanup crew (even though I'm there every second day pretty much...
  12. Reefer18

    Clean Up Crew Help!

    I currently have a 30 gallon soft coral reef and the cleaners in it is 1 scarlet skunk cleaner, 1 dwarf feather duster, and 1 margarita snail. I want to add more to my CUC and want to add 12 dwarf blue leg hermits, 2 mexican turbo snails, 1 more margarita snail, 2 cerith snails, 2 astraea...
  13. GenericReefer

    How to ATO.

    Hey guys! I've been looking into an ATO. The thing is the budget :( Absolutely cannot go over $100, but still looking for lower range prices. I've found a bunch of low cost ones on this ebay store: but my other worry are my...
  14. Idoc

    What should I feed my snails in QT?

    The beginning CUC has arrived from Reef Cleaners and I've put them into a 20g long tank that I setup as an invert and coral QT. What should I feed them for the next 76 days? It's a new tank, so no algae growing yet. Snail species: Florida Cerith, Dwarf Cerith, and a few Nerite Snails (looks...
  15. Giraffe0621

    Help ID Snail -- Whelk?

    I have found several of these snails in my TBS live rock shipment -- from 1/2 cm to 1 cm maybe? These are whelks, because of the "trunk," right? As in BAD snails to remove since they can harm other crustacean shells? Thank you!
  16. 1

    Best snails for diatoms?

    Hey everyone, My tank is going through the diatom phase right now, but it's super hardcore right now. Water changes have been reducing it but there are many blotches of diatoms in areas where I simply can't reach. It seems there's way more than enough to sustain at least a few snails as the...
  17. LEOreefer

    Clean up crew thread

    I saw a thread around here a few weeks ago that had pics of all different clean up crew critters and how they work in the aquarium. I tried searching for it but can’t find it. Anyone know where it might be hiding and can link it ?
  18. marissas47

    ISO stomatella snails

    Is anyone selling any stomatella snails that they would ship to upstate NY ? I'd love to have some but never see any for sale anywhere. Thanks !
  19. coralfish12g

    5 Inverts PERFECT for Beginners! - Setting Up a Reef Tank

  20. Mwag

    Snail in a hermit crab shell?!

    I picked up my clean up crew on Saturday and everyone seems to be doing fine. It I noticed TWO snails at the top of the tank in hermit crab shells. They are alive and indeed snails. I don't know what type of snails they are but was wondering if snails ever change shells. I have a picture of one...
  21. Steven91

    Snails in Fuge

    Hey fellow reefers, I have a sump with a refuge on my 120 with Chato in it but i have some unwanted algae in my refuge currently. I was wondering if I could put any type of snail in to eat the unwanted algae instead of me scraping it and cleaning it. Thoughts?
  22. rantipole

    Adding Snails

    I'm a new reefer. My tank has had fish and some softies for a little less than two months. I've got some hair algae going on, so I have been thinking of adding a few snails. I have some questions: 1) Do you quarantine snails before adding them to the tank? 2) Do you dip snails before adding...
  23. Robink

    Abalone pics...

    Just thought I would share pics (sorry they're cell pics) of the abalone I got on Live Aquaria. He was huge at least 3+ inches. He is part of the cleanup crew in new setup. As you can see plenty of algae for him to eat. I had also put some nori in there for them but no one has touched it...
  24. RickG

    Snails Dying

    hey guys quick question. I have 125 gal tank that I set up early December 2016 and this is the second batch of astreas snails that die on me. My parameters are all on check. As for livestock I have two tangs, two clowns, some blue reef chromis, red legs, blue legs, 2 emeralds and cleaner shrimp...
  25. alexytman

    Interesting Snails

    I'm looking for colorful or interesting looking snails. So far I am very interested in the ninja star snails they have a very interesting shape and nice tone of gray
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand