
  1. B

    Mexican Turbo snail hibernation?

    I couldn't find a better thread to post this in, but after fighting off a dino outbreak I had zero algae in the tank. At least noticeable algae. Although there are copepods. I've noticed the last two or three days my large Mexican Turbo snail hasn't been moving at all. Now I know he's still...
  2. B

    How do I feed my snails?

    I know this may sound like a stupid question, but I recently been battling dinos and because of that I've had no other algae in the tank. I've had a low toxic form of it and my snails we're munching away. But I did two blackouts and now there's nothing for the snails to eat. I really don't want...
  3. M

    Crab & Snail shell question

    I currently have a couple of turbo snails and small blue leg hermit crabs in my tank. Im guessing that eventually they will outgrow their shells and need replacements. I found a set of cool looking shells on amazon but I’m not sure if theyre safe for aquariums. For example it doesnt specify if...
  4. M

    Snail friend or foe?

    Just found this tiny snail. I wonder what it is? I have 1 nassarius snail, 3 trochus and 2 turbo snails in my tank. No idea where this little guy came from though. Sorry for crappy photo.
  5. BleachedCoral

    How do I go about adding copepods to my aquarium?

    Hi, my aquarium's cycle seems to be nearing its end as the nitrites fall and the nitrates rise, and I'm looking into adding copepods & other small critters to my refugium and DT because I hear they're useful, especially since algae is beginning to grow on the rocks. Where do I buy from however...
  6. nathang

    Oregon WTB Nano conch (strombus maculatus)

    Looking for these snails, thanks!
  7. SaltyShel

    Help!! My snail is acting weird!!!

    Someone please tell me what’s wrong with my snail! I have two (turbo?) snails, one is acting completely fine! There’s plenty of algae in here for them too. This one was upside down in the sand last night, seeming to try and grab onto the rock. I moved him next to a rock so he could easily get...
  8. M

    Snail ID help

    Today I noticed a snail crawling around on top of my Astrea snails shell. He must’ve hitchhiked along with some corals maybe? Idk, but my online searches haven’t proved fruitful. Could anyone help ID this little guy and whether he’s good/bad?
  9. B

    Normal conch behavior???

    I purchased 2 strawberry conch. For a week after purchase they were SUPER active and exploratory. One still is 2 weeks later but for the last 3 days the other one hasn't moved. Is it stuck? When you see the picture you'll understand why I'm concerned about it being stuck.
  10. oceanicwave

    Snail-like creature (pest?) on zoa and blasto

    Hi everyone! Greetings from Indonesia! It's my very first post here.. I need a help on identifying these annoying creatures: They kinda look like a tiny shelled snail.. Around 2 weeks ago I noticed my zoas and palys aren't opening up and also some went missing. Few days ago I randomly...
  11. ScubaFish802

    What type of Snail?

    What type of snail is this? It looks like the north east (of the picture) area of the shell the spiny portion is broken off if that helps.
  12. I

    Snail or Urchin

    I have an astraea snail that has been good at cleaning my tank, but it poops a lot. More than I even expected. I was wondering if any sea urchins have as much waste as snails. If any don’t have as much waste what type? Thanks.
  13. E

    Help identifying snail

    I've seen these guys periodically in my tank for years. They're small, around 1/2" to 3/4" long, seem to be mostly on the glass or rocks, and have a little brown bit of shell at the very back of their tail. I haven't been able to get a better picture than this, but their proboscis has darker...
  14. sealed

    Nassarius issues??

    Added in a serious snail to my tank about a week ago. It immediately burrowed into the sand. I have not seen its siphon since then. I will occasionally bump it when I see its shell towards the surface of the sand to see if it’s still kickin’, which it is. why no siphon though? Too deep I...
  15. Drakal

    Snails out of shape/dying (nassarius on their back)

    Hello, For 3 days I have had my two nassarius and a cerith which are in bad shape, the nassariuses are on their backs (see photo) and the cerith does not move at all. They were fine until recently, they ate well (I put a mussel from time to time to feed heavly, the last one was last week and...
  16. nomad6

    What’s growing on my snail?

    Newbie here, seen it get larger over past few weeks there’s two growths on it, Thoughts???
  17. maxemorris

    Turbo Snail Sitting on Sandbed

    I got my mexican turbo snail about a week ago from my lfs, and it immediately found a crevice in my rock and didn’t come out. A few days later he was on top of the rock, and in attempt to make him do his job I stuck him to the glass. He was on there for a while and when I came back to check on...
  18. Firepony

    Snail or mushroom??

    I don't know if this is a snail or baby mushroom?? It was free floating when I seen it. I took it out of the tank for over an hour and It didn't move. (But in the tank it went to a moon shape so I know it's alive lol) Is it good or bad lol tried to get best pic I could. The one in the cup zoomed...
  19. J

    Anemone growing on snail

    My rock flower anemone recently spawned and I just noticed that there is an anemone growing on a snails shell. Should I move it or leave it?
  20. Foggy Pirate

    Turban snail help…

    Hey y’all. So I don’t have an older picture cause I didn’t relize until recently but my large turban snails body seems to be shrinking a lot. I’ll attach a picture, I understand it’s hard to know Exacly what’s going on if anything from the picture however here it is the body use to be large and...
  21. Gyurooo

    What is this green thing on my snail?

    Hi, I tried to search and google but did not find any answer. I just noticed this green thing on my snail's shell. I tought its bubble algae but its string like almost like a small worm but solid not moving and forms an "arch". Also what are those red strings? Should I take out the snail and...
  22. H

    What’s this hitchhiker on the back of this Trocus snail? Looks like a double clam of sorts?

    Noticed this on the back of my snail today while I was checking the tank out. Let me know what you think it is! I’m curious to know. Ignore the algae, I’m in a outbreak and trying to take control of it.
  23. C


    So just got some live rock and I found two of these snails they are white with horizontal red stripes. Very small and have a bit of a trail behind them that appears to be a part of them and not just a slime trail. They have not done anything remarkable just appear to eat algea. Does anybody know...
  24. Isaac_Tang

    Mystery Snail

    Hey Folks, so I noticed this little guy on the glass today, the tank is maybe about 5 or 6 months old, my rock is live rock but lately I haven’t added anything new, I’ve noticed some to what I believe are feather dusters that are growing on the rock work which I have no problem with however I...
  25. M

    Trochus snails dying while other snails thrive

    I have a 1 year old 75 gal mixed reef tank that has a variety of inverts including a variety of "snails" (trochus, Mex turbo, nassarius, cerith, strawberry conch, bumblebee, and even limpets) My trochus (favorite snails) seemed to be the only ones suffering, while the others are doing well. Out...