sailfin tang

  1. Sleeping Giant

    Build Thread The Sleeping Giant 75 gallon build

    I joined R2R yesterday, here are pictures of my tank
  2. Blakjax

    Sailfin Tang Diagnosis Needed

    I currently have a 65 gallon qt set up. I’m running copper power at 1.75 with 4 fish - 2 clowns, 1 longnose, and 1 sailfin. They have been in qt for 5 days (3 in full therapeutic levels of copper). I’ve now noticed this white bump on my sailfin. It’s been there since I got it but seems to be...
  3. dzolot

    Sailfin tang pick at corals?

    Hi everyone, i recently bought a young sailfin for my 150gallon mixed reed. The tang keeps picking on my hammer coral. Has anyone had any experience with this or have any suggestions on how to deal with, short of just removing the tang from my tank?! usually he just picks near the hammer...
  4. JustGetACat

    Ich, Velvet, or something else?? I just can't tell!!!

    I have a sailfin tang that has been QT'ed for about 4 weeks now. Her first 10 days she was being treated with 20mg/l of Chloroquine Phosphate (CP), and then went back to just observation (no meds in the water). She started to show signs again of what I thought was velvet. I got the best pictures...
  5. Peach02

    Naso tang happy in this tank?

    Essentially I'm thinking of a upgraded tank and would a naso tang or sailfin tang be happy in a 6" 2" 2" foot tank with light rockwork