
  1. F

    Refugium rejuvenation - Should chaeto be changed out?

    Dear R2R Members, Should the cheat in my refugium be replaced with new cheato and miracle mud? Basically revamping it. Thanks! Tanner
  2. reeferfoxx

    Is my refugium light okay?

    So I decided to start a refugium in the back chamber of my All-in-one JBJ 30. I went ahead and purchased this LED Submersible Light - I bought the smallest one since the back...
  3. N

    Display Refugium Lighting

    Im setting up a display refugium for my already existing 90gal mixed reef. What i'm having trouble with is deciding on a tank size and light that will grow Caulerpa, Halimeda, Penicillus capitus, ect. The tank sizes i'm looking at are 29 and 37 because i already have a stand 30in x 12in. Since...