reef aquarium

  1. C

    Tank Setup Help

    I used to have a 55 gal Fish only tank with some live rock so not totally new but still a pretty much a newby . Before my aunt passed away she gave me a 130 gal acrylic tank and some other stuff. Problem is I don't really know know if I can utilize what i have from her and stuff from my old...
  2. Z

    New to saltwater aquariums. Advice needed.

    So I've been thinking of getting a saltwater reef tank for quite some time. Today I came across a post on a 55 gallon cube saltwater tank that comes with everything, even a clownfish. Only problem I have is how I would move everything, tank, live rock and sand, fish, etc. When I get to my house...
  3. alexjoha

    Large Build Alexjoha`s divider aquarium - 190gallon mixed reef

    About me: I work offshore so I`m away from my tank for 2-3 week at a time so I need a system that more or less can manage itself for that period of time. This tank will therefore be as automated as I possibly can make it, So that the tank sitter (girlfriend) has to do as little as possible with...
  4. F

    No water change reef tank?

    I recently have been spending time learning more about no water change systems that I have known about for years. Does anyone have any information on these or feedback? I am planning a HUGE reef tank and a no water change system like this is very appealing. One company I came across was this...
  5. jna042404

    DIY reef safe decor

    What type of sealer would I use over plastic? Specifically a small toy to make it salt water safe. I've read everything from silicone type 1 to UV resistant epoxy to you don't even need to seal plastic... I'd like to know from someone who has actually done this with no issues what I would need...
  6. cwb_reeftank

    Holiday themed coral

    with the holidays coming up what's some good holiday themed corals to have.
  7. Maven

    New 60 cube build

    Tank has been up and running 8 months now. Switched over from a 55 long with a canister. The sump has made life a million times easier. Currently have a sailfin tang, yellow wrasse, 3 bar gobi especially, lawnmower blenny and a mandarin. Adding clown pair this week more pictures to come. Been in...
  8. Chelsie

    Clowns loosing black coloring

    I have a frostbite clown and a phantom clown both babies still. When I bought them the black coloring was pretty dark but I noticed that since they have been in my tank their colors change. The change seems most drastic when the light changes from a whiter color to the blue. White light=paler...
  9. cwb_reeftank

    night mode?

    What does the night mode do on a pump and what is its effects on the tank. Also what is the purpose of it and is it good to use?
  10. cwb_reeftank

    Help!!!!! emergency

    my Jebao rw-4 has stopped working. I came home from class tonight and saw that my pump was not working. I have spent probably over an hour working on it trying to fix it and nothing is helping. does anyone have any suggestions on a new pump for a 55 gallon. I already have a hydor koralia...
  11. cwb_reeftank

    possible stocking list

    I have a 55 gallon tank and in it now I have a yellowtail damsel, a chrub angel, and a melanurus wrasse. my tank looks pretty empty right now but I have been looking at several different fish that would do good in my tank Fish list: Fathead Anthias (maybe 2) Yasha Goby Pinkbar Goby McCosker's...
  12. cwb_reeftank

    Red Sea Salt

    why can't I find any reviews on red sea salt. all I can find is red sea salt pro. does anyone on here use it? I just got some because my alk is to high for my system and I don't like doing a water change and it bring it back up. i'd rather keep it low at like 7-8 and not at 12.
  13. The Acclimation Box: Can This Thing Really Work?

    The Acclimation Box: Can This Thing Really Work?

    Elite Aquatic’s Acclimation Box Acclimation boxes are an essential tool for adding new fish to an existing tank, but a tool which is often overlooked or disregarded. I was once a skeptic myself, and I have a feeling many reading this are far from convinced. After all, how could this little...
  14. pH And The Reef Aquarium

    pH And The Reef Aquarium

    For many aquarists, pH is not something that they have much experience with aside from their aquarium. For many, pH is almost a black box measurement: something to be considered, but whose physical meaning makes little sense to them. This article will describe pH in an intuitive way (as...
  15. What is Alkalinity?

    What is Alkalinity?

    Most reefkeepers know they need to measure alkalinity, and most know it has something to do with carbonate. But what is alkalinity exactly? Why is it important? How is it measured? This article will answer those questions and give you all of the information that you need to fully understand one...
  16. Phosphate in the Reef Aquarium

    Phosphate in the Reef Aquarium

    The phosphorus atom is one of living matter’s basic building blocks. It is present in every living creature and in the water of every reef aquarium. Unfortunately, it is often present in excess in reef aquaria and that excess has the potential to cause at least two substantial problems for...
  17. Nitrate in the Reef Aquarium

    Nitrate in the Reef Aquarium

    Introduction Nitrate is an ion that has long dogged aquarists. It is typically formed in aquaria through the digestion of foods, and in many aquaria it builds up and can be difficult to keep at natural levels. In the past, many aquarists performed water changes with nitrate reduction as one of...
  18. What Is A Protein Skimmer And How Does It Work?

    What Is A Protein Skimmer And How Does It Work?

    When you go to the beach and “sea” foam, pun intended, you will also smell a very familiar odor. The ocean is a gigantic system of natural filtration and chemical dosing. Today we will focus on the filtration factor. Protein Skimming! First off, what on Earth is protein skimming and why do we...
  19. Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

    Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

    Being a artist for fun and profession, I see things different than most people. I decided to create a article about composition, balance, color, and depth within your reef aquarium. I really hope this can help some of you out to create your dream looking reef that is pictured in your head. Once...
Black Label Aquatics