red sea 170

  1. Leon Gorani

    Has anyone made a custom set up for a Klir Fleece Filter Di-4 in a Red Sea 170?

    I am trying to figure out how I can fit the Klir Di-4 filter roller into the sock section of a Red Sea 170. I am thinking of ripping out the glass and holder of the filter sock and making a custom tray/holder to hold this type of filter roller. I have a new Red Sea 170 so I do not want to mess...
  2. C

    Hello New Red Sea 170 in NJ

    Hello Reef2Reef! I've been reading the posts here on an off for years, and finally have a tank up and running. Still a total beginner, so I'll be reading and posting from time to time to expand my knowledge base. Thanks everyone for the great forum.
  3. C

    Refugium Question - Red Sea Reefer 170 Baffle kit from OctoAcquotics

    I am thinking of buying the Octo Aquatics Red Sea Reefer 170 baffle kit to divide the sump where the skimmer sits into a refugium on one side. Question 1: which side should I make the refugium, and which side should I make the skimmer? (Picture...
  4. C

    Nano Build Red Sea Reefer 170

    Red Sea Reefer 170 build 2 1/2 weeks in to first cycle: -Ecotech Radion XR15 Pro G4 with RMS Mount - Mobius Compatible -Ecotech VorTech MP10 powerhead - Mobius Compatible -Ecotech Vectra S2 return pump with barb connector - Mobius Compatible (just upgrades from sicce 3.0) -IceCap K2-50...
  5. M

    New stocking list Red Sea 170E

    Dear reefers, I’m planning to upgrade my tank to a Red Sea 170E MAX. At the moment I have a pair of clownfish and a cleaner shrimp. But I really don’t know what fish I should add because there are so many. So I thought I could get some help here choosing fish and invertebrates for the bigger...
  6. C

    Hello Brand New - Starting with Red Sea 170

    Brand new to salt water reef tanks. Just bought a used Red Sea 170. Based on a friend’s recommendation My plan is to go Ecotech everything so that I can synchronize to the new Mobius app. I am in the processing of buying a used Ecotech MP10 and then will need to buy the upgrade chip to make it...
  7. D

    Red Sea Reefer 170 plumbing

    I am looking to buy a red sea reefer 170 tank only for $250 CAD soon, the only thing is it comes with none of the plumbing, return nozzles, overflow strainers, sump or stand. This is okay with me, I can make a good stand, and I have a spare sump. The only thing is I have no idea how to do the...
  8. B

    Upgrading to Red Sea Reefer 170

    What’s going on everyone I am upgrading to the Red Sea reefer 170 at the end of the month and wanted to see what everyone things for livestock. Currently I have 2 clowns and 1 mandarin goby “eating frozen” curious what else I should add for live stock. Any inputs for possibly CUC too? Thinking...
Tenecor Aquariums