quarantine tank

  1. BlueWorldJeff

    Quarantine Tank

    I'm trying to use one of my small 3'x 1'x 1' tanks for a quarantine tank. I got a sponge filter to just run in the tank, but the air pump is so loud, I am thinking of other options. Tank: I am actually using one just like this, that has an overflow box in the corner with a 1.5" bulkhead and...
  2. G

    Need Help w Quarantine Tank

    Hey everyone, I have a 215L tank which houses a couple of clowns, inverts (Chaiton, Mantis, Hermits, Snails) and some damsels. One of my clowns is a bit under the weather recently.. He developed a white fuzzy beard at one point, and retained it for about a week. This has now disappeared and...
  3. C

    New tank build.

    Started a build tread in the members tank section. It is still a work in progress but is coming along enough to have some photos. https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/custom-80-gallon-rebuild.352618/#post-4405127
  4. C

    Build Thread Custom 80 gallon rebuild...

    Long story short my 58 gallon Oceanic tank with basement sump had to come down for space. I built a new tank in the basement. All was going fine until I cooked the tank. 106 degrees and nothing lives. This thread will document the rebuild and upgrade to that system.
  5. HotRocks

    My First Quarantine

    Seeking advice... I started my first QT tank with much help of @4FordFamily a while back. Anyway after reaching fully therapeutic copper levels, all my tangs (Achilles, Purple, chocolate, Blue hippo, desjardini, and a yellow) are great. I also started with 2 leopard wrasse, 2 Bluestar...
  6. M

    Quarantine Size For CopperBand Butterfly fish

    Hey guys, first heres a little backstory, i have a 75 gallon mixed reef that i recently just lost all my fish due to ich, it was entirely my fault because i thought i could get away without quarantining. so needless to say i went out the other day and bought a 10 gallon quarantine tank but was...
  7. Giraffe0621

    Help! New fish arrived at 1.026 salinity from Diver Den when last weeks' LiveAquaria were at 1.019

    Now who do I adjust & which direction? Plan was to float new bags, match salinity & throw into QT, no drip acclimation. QT has been running about a week - no meds yet as I wanted to start everyone at the same time once they were all eating well. Fish in there from LiveAquaria who showed up...
  8. Hugo Garcia

    I’m setting up a Quarentine Tank. Please help

    Hi guys, ok setting up my first quarantine tank today for the clowns that I want to add soon to the Display tank. I think I may have added too many pvc tubes. Can someone please help and give me some tips? Also I wanted to add a Goby at the same time. Do I need to add send to the QT then...
  9. Jimmyneptune

    Permanent Quarantine

    Like the name says -Permanent Quarantine does any one have a set up that they leave up 365 days a year to QT fish? could you just have a system set up with live rock, skimmer, heater, pumps, sump, and treat the tank, with prazi or copper or hypo, if a fish does get a disease while in the QT...
  10. Jarrod

    First Quarantine Tank

    Just set up my first qt tank. It is a 40 breeder that I had as a reef tank before upgrading to a 90 gallon. I've never qt any of my fish and luckily haven't had any problems. But I want either a Kole Tang or a Tomini tang, so I figure I better setup a qt. 40 Breeder Led Light Heater Small...
  11. Jaag

    Lucky To Have One Tank As It Is

    As the title says I am lucky enough to have one tank as it is (I have a 60 gal cube with a 18 gal sump). I will be getting some new fish in my tank here soon. I would really love to have a QT tank but a QT tank to my wife is just another tank. So with the circumstances I am in QT is not an...
  12. E

    Quarantine tank advice for existing display?

    I have (new-ish) a 90Gal display tank that has been setup 7 months now, which is an upgrade on my previous 20Gal tank. I have now set-up my 20Gal as a permanent quarantine/hospital tank. I have transferred my 3 fish over to the main display where they have lived happily for around 4 months...
  13. Finatik

    How big is your Quarantine Tank ? Show Us Your QT ?

    Finally planning to set-up a proper Quarantine Tank, and I'd like to see what others are doing for QT. Please share photos, and describe tank size and set-up.
  14. revhtree

    Here we go TTM!

    Well I'm set up for my first go at TTM or the Tank Transfer Method! See anything I might be missing? 20g tank
  15. jamesbog283

    Flame Angel with ICK

    Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a great holiday and Merry Christmas! I'm going to start another post tonight with details and looking for advice on setting up an new 65 gallon tank I got for Christmas. However for this post I'm looking for advice on how to treat ick on a flame angel I...
  16. D

    Setting Up new Quarantine Tank

    I am going to gather all the stuff I need to setup a QT tank this weekend. Tank will be blacked out on 3 sides. Light Diffuser panel for a lid, custom fit. Currently reading this thread and learning as much as I can http://reef2reef.com/threads/how-to-quarantine.189815/ Tank: 20 Gallon Long...