
  1. M

    Trying to make my QT tank look nicer, can I add live rock?

    I'm about to set up a 10G QT tank since I'm dealing with ich in my display tank. Since the QT will be near my display, I wanted to set up something that looks nice. So far the only fish I'll be treating is a filefish. I'm also going to be using copper. That being said, can I add a piece of...
  2. Muffin87

    Does a 10G coral QT need testing for Alk/Calcium?

    My coral QT got its glass a bit scratched up, so I'm thinking of making into a fish QT. I'd like to replace it with a Waterbox 10G, but I'm unsure. Is a coral quarantine tank that small gonna need weekly testing for Alk and such, even if it has only a few corals in it? Thanks!
  3. psycjoe

    Chalice is growing eyes?

    I have a chalice coral in quarantine and I'm noticing what looks to be small zoa polyps growing beneath it. Does anybody know what this could be? I'm really just curious if this could be some kind of pest. The chalice is purple and red but the "eyes" are growing green.
  4. newreef1

    Powder brown in QT

    Hey so my Powder brown is currently in QT, I got it on Sunday and it seemed fine, it’s in QT, didn’t add anything to let them settle in. The other fish are eating, the powder brown hasn’t eaten yet, it’s only been two days so I figured it might take some time. I added some copper power to the...
  5. B

    Super territorial fish being a bully! Now what?!

    Hey coral friends! BACKGROUND: I got both fish as juveniles, are now a few months old. In a perfect world, one would have been female, but perfection will not come. Separated from each other for a week, and tried to reintroduce the victim fish, and the bullying continued. At this point, I...
  6. 4FordFamily

    Dr Reef’s QT’d Fish - BIG order, Video in my 500G

    Mike at Dr Reef is a real stand-up guy. He went WAY above and beyond for me. I ordered 13 fish from him, and just placed another order just as large. All arrived healthy except one clown tang which just didn’t ship well - it happens to us all. His packaging was great, the process was easy...
  7. Gretchacha

    QT mandarin, or straight to DT?

    I’m evolving a mixed reef tank that currently has rock, sand, snails, conch, corals, coco worm, rock anemone, pom pom gracilarus macroalgae, phyto, pods, and brine shrimp. A large wild caught mandarin is on his way to me from Alyssa’s Seahorse Savvy next week slong with 2 small brittle stars and...
  8. Gretchacha

    Whitefish roe from WholeFoods for clownfish that won’t eat

    My clownfish in QT hasn’t eaten in over a week and is getting weak. I’m desperate to get something in his belly. My WholeFoods has whitefish roe processed only with salt that I can get tomorrow. Any thoughts on this as a food to get him eating again...
  9. hazylogic

    Happy w/ Dr Reef

    I’ve ordered 2 QT’d Achilles from another vendor and both were DOA. Tried Dr Reef for an Achilles and Clown tang. Both arrived happy, fat, healthy, and eating! They’re in acclimation now so the rest of the tang gang can get used to them - but ecstatic I finally have my dream fish (Achilles)!
  10. taylormaximus

    Questions about Tank Transfer Method QT?

    So some brief backstory here, I set up my first saltwater tank about 6 weeks ago, got it cycled and added my first fish last week (firefish goby). I decided to forgo QT for the first fish fully aware of the potential consequences of this, figuring I'd get lucky with my first fish and I'd get my...
  11. CincyReefer07

    Which of these should be removed during Prazi-Pro?

    Last time I did prazi-pro during QT for my magnificent foxface, I think I may have went about it wrong. Just looking for solid clarification of items from my 60 breeder QT tank need to be removed during prazi or can stay. Last time I removed EVERYTHING from my hob filter and let dosed the prazi...
  12. TheTruTaric

    why everyone SHOULD order from Dr Reefs quarantine

    Forget other vendors, I will explain why Dr. Reef has not only been the best vendor I have ever worked with but additionally the most honest, Below is my personal experience with doctor reef showing their superb dedication to their customers. If you want peace of mind this is who you should...
  13. N

    Sudden Clownfish Death

    Hi All, I know things like this get asked a lot but I haven't found an answer to help me yet. I'm essentially in the beginning stages of setting up my first saltwater tank (I have a blog thread on my profile if you want to see everything. It has a lot of detailed parameters/hiccups I've been...
  14. Sikorskym14


    Over the last two weeks I’ve had two fish go on me, the first was my scopas tang. Looked so weak he was laying down all over the tank so I pulled him and put him in QT, however he eventually passed. Now, about a week or so later I find my blonde naso tang looking a bit weak and swimming a bit...
  15. D

    Help Me Identify (this is in my QT)

    Hi All - I set up my QT with 100% fresh saltwater on the 18th and I added a pair of clownfish. I did a 35% water change on the 20th. I have been dosing Seachem prime, stability, and stressguard. A small patch of this appeared on one of the PVC fittings and it is growing. Could you please help me...
  16. J

    Spots on gem tang (ich?)

    Hi everyone, I have several fish in quarantine right now and one of them is this gem tang. He is currently in a 55 gallon hypo-salinity tank with a blue jaw trigger, melanarus wrasse, leopard wrasse, and a pair of long fin clowns. They were in my 265 gallon along when I someone managed to get...
  17. bbpros2b

    Quarantine Bubble Tip Anemone

    Hello everyone I have a Green Bubble tip Anemone in a fully cycled quarantine tank and it looks like it’s doing excellent. But I Do have some questions?? I ordered an apogee MQ 510 and checked the par in the quarantine tank where the anemone is currently at and it was only about 30 par and 60...
  18. 1Matthew

    EMERGENCY Possible Velvet

    Hi all, last week we noticed signs of ich/ velvet on our mimic tang. He was scratching up against rocks .Unfortunately, that fish recently passed. The tank currently has a clown, 1 purple dottyback, and a pajama cardinal. The clown had ich around 7 years ago when we first set up the tank but...
  19. V

    Copper power alternatives for QT (UK)

    Hello there! Starting in the reef world and want to take the safe route, so I'm going to quarantine everything that goes into the main tank, I've been reading this forum for some time and watching plenty of videos (like the BRSTv Series for Qarantine 80/20) and everything seems sound, except...
  20. P

    Quarantine Single Clownfish?

    Fairly new saltwater tanker here running a FOWLR… I’m getting a new clown to replace one of a pair that died a couple months ago (cause: stopped eating. No idea why. Treated the tank for parasites (prazi+metro) and all other fish and crabs have been fine and lively since with no health issues...
  21. Erik the Red

    Quarantine with European available medications

    Hello, I’ve recently bought a midas blenny, a gramma loreto, a Banggai cardinalfish and a clown goby. Fishes have been doing well for about 3/4 weeks until now, and I can’t see any sign of disease so far. Apart from the clown goby, which likely suffered a prolonged shipment time and perished...
  22. CincyReefer07

    Prazi or Copper First for New Fish QT? Does it matter?

    I’ve read humble.fish quarantine procedures, this is my first time quarantining any new fish. I have a 60 breeder with a couple powerheads, heater, and marineland hob filter for QT. Im picking up a Magnificent Foxface tomorrow and am setting my QT up tonight. My LFS recommended starting with...
  23. H

    Nitrofurazone Powder for QT

    Hey everyone running 80/20 BRS tv quarantine. Im on day 4 just did my 1st 100 % water change. My Nitrofurazone powder came in the mail. I dosed the tank i wore a mask and gloves. My concern is when its diluted in the water is it safe to make skin contact and what not when doing my next water...
  24. L

    Help!!! Can i quickly set up a quarantine tank for a wild caught seahorse i just bought??

    My father bought a seahorse on his way home from South florida. And he, not knowing the difference, bought a wild caught seahorse. What should I do to prepare for it??
  25. A

    QT question

    So I just introduced two Picasso clowns to my 29gal system. Shortly after, introduced some inverts. One of my clowns took a quick fall from brook. It all went down within a day. Needless to say, I lost one of my first fish in the hobby. As of now I have a QT tank setup and the remaining clown...
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