puffer fish

  1. B

    Looking to get a Saddle Valentini puffer

    Live aquaria has the option to buy one from hawaii or one from sumatra. I was wondering if anyone knew the differences and if one is a better choice than the other? The Hawaii one is listed also as medium but twice the price as the Sumatra one. thank you! Brieanna
  2. tattedupabe

    What is wrong with my puffers eye?

    So i have a porcupine puffer and have had him almost a year now, but today when i came home one of his eyes lost the blue fluorescent color to it, does anyone know what it could be and why does this happen?
  3. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Valentini puffer Dying???

    I just got this puffer in the mail today, the bag had hardly any air in it so I tried to work fast. I floated him for about 10 min and drip acclimated him for I’d say 45min doubling the water volume twice. I did not net him or remove him from the water he did not puff up at all. He was swimming...
  4. BaileyB

    Please help with puffer fish :(

    So I’ve had my porcupine puffer in QT for 25 days now being treated with copper safe. I have also treated prazipro and maracyn two over the last couple of weeks. Any one able to identify what this is on his skin? He’s been eating pretty well and responding to food good. He goes nuts for krill...
  5. Karicoyner

    Spiny Box Puffer For Sale

    Bought 2 days ago from Petco, looks great and eats right from my tongs. Other smaller fish in the tank really don’t like him and hide, looking to re-home. $25 OBO
  6. A

    MAPPA Puffer not eating

    I had purchased a MAPPA puffer from NY Aquatics 4 days ago. The puffer seems healthy, but has not interest in food. I am not that experienced with puffers, so not sure what is the best method to try and entice to eat. I was thinking of ghost shrimp next as I already tried clams on a half...
  7. I

    Valentini puffer help!

    My valentini puffer was hanging around the back corner and two big brown globs came out his belly. one was a little smaller but they had 2 black dots on them but I can’t find where it went to take photos. what was that??? Should I be worried? I only have one puffer in the tank.
  8. TankMaid

    Build Thread Lowboy Lagoon Display Tank

    All, thank you for your warm welcome to the site and your answers to all my previous questions. After all of the gathered info, I decided to do a build post. I will stick mainly to images with a little annotation. I started 2 months ago with nothing. I bought a 50 gallon Lowboy system that is...
  9. D

    Fiji blue spot puffer Skinny and krill

    Hi guys, I got this Fiji blue spot puffer about a month ago. It shipped looking like this and I’ve been feeding it a mix of krill, mysis, lfs chunky blend and clams on the half shell soaked in selcon. He’s become addicted to the krill, and I’ve been trying to ween him off. LFS said to starve him...
  10. J

    Tank Reboot, Going Fowlr

    Going from reef tank to fowlr with bare bottom. Some type of puffer will be included as the main attraction! 220 tank w/75 gl sump. A few questions: Pros & cons of no corals? Would you add softies for movement? Would you need to dose or just water changes? Light schedule with no corals? Fish...
  11. Spydersweb

    Have you ever done something foolish that caused a preventable death?

    So, I did something foolish and my poor puffer had to pay for it. I was performing a tank transfer(no discussion about TTM, please) with my Valentini puffer and a few other fish. I bought a second Penguin 200 as a filter, but it was missing a piece on the intake, so I couldn't attach the...
  12. Spydersweb

    Getting my Valentini to eat different foods

    Hello all, So, I picked up a young Valentini puffer about a week so, and he’s kind of a pain in the butt to feed. For the first couple of days, I couldn’t get em to eat anything. I tried mysis, krill, silversides, and SF brand carnivore cuisine, all cut into appropriate sizes, but every time...