please help

  1. Carebearsss.x

    Unidentifiable Zoa

    Hello everybody! Yesterday my boyfriend and I went up to our LFS and decided to buy some corals!! (Exciting Right!?!) Anyways while we were there, we seen these BEAUTIFUL Zoas that both my boyfriend and I couldn’t identify! We asked one of the workers what the name was, & he couldn’t...
  2. B

    Pectinia emergency

    Hey fellas I bought a nice pectinia yesterday days and when i put it in my tank she looked great. Today she had gaping holes where her mouth were and there is one almost ripping appart. Parameters show that the water is stable, still doing the kh mg and ca, i have moved the coral to a low flow...
  3. Carebearsss.x


    Hello! Kinda new with the hobby and I’ve found these “Bubble” like things in my tank! Any idea what they might be??
  4. Carebearsss.x

    75 Gallon Tank. Any Suggestions?

    hellloooo everybody! im looking to buy some lighting for my 75 gallon tank! which brand would you recommend I should get?
  5. Carebearsss.x

    No Freaking Idea What These Are!!!

    Please help!!! My boyfriend and I have just spotted these tiny tiny white spots in our tank! They kinda look like worms? THEY. ARE. EVERYWHERE. Can anybody try and identify these things?? *the picture isn’t the best quality, i apologize for that * Also, excuse the algae! *any tips on...
  6. J

    I think I have worms

    Can someone please I.D. these pictures
  7. midibless

    Possible Velvet?

    First post! Please be gentle. I've been running my tank for several months now and it's doing fantastically, but I recently got some sort of parasite. Although I have a green machine UV light installed, I still picked something up. I've treated where I can without completely removing all fish...
  8. damselindistress

    Tang took a leap

    Last night I was tinkering with my skimmer after lights out and I must’ve startled my Tomini Tang because he took a flying LEAP out of my tank - I don’t mean he causally hoisted himself over the side I mean he took flight. It was so fast that all I heard was a splash and then wild flapping...
  9. damselindistress

    What is happening to my nem - pls help!

    Calling all nemsperts - perfectly normal looking RBTA been in my tank a month or so. 2 days ago started walking but I corraled him into a floating basket all yesterday which ROYALLY ticked him off. Last night I tried placing him on a high rock and he latched on immediately. I fed him a small...
  10. Snake132

    $$$Please help$$$ porcupine puffer skin peeling !!!

    i have to write this fast So had the pp 4 weeks now no problem ...... He eats fresh tiger prawns chunks daily healthy happy . 3 days ago I saw 3 white spots on each of his eyes and thought it’s just white spot because my powder brown got it again and has it . And I was already in the process of...
  11. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  12. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  13. Jeremy K.A.

    Fish dropping dead like flies!!!

    I need your help Reef2Reef crew! In my 55 gallon mixed reef I've lost 3 fish this week. Parameters are Po4 undetectable/trace, nitrates undetectable/trace, Alk 10, Calcium 460. The symptoms are as follows: This is on different days, I'd feed the tank and the fish would eat. First time, Bangaii...
  14. Snake132

    Need help lawnmower blenny !!!

    This morning I couldn’t find him my [lawnmower blenny ] and once I did he was hiding in an unusual place under the rocks and (white in colour)which is not his usual colour and he appears to be (breathing rapidly) ... is he dying ? What can I do to help at the moment ? And what is wrong with...