
  1. JayinToronto

    Certain Death! Is there an organism, if present in our aquariums, that there is no coming back from?

    This question came to my mind today when I was thinking about all the discussion around Aquabiomics and the genetic diversity in our aquariums. If we want to increase the genetic diversity in our own systems there are a number of methods we currently use such as adding live rock, mud or sand...
  2. J

    Help! Can any one tell me what these are?

    Sorry if this has already been answered! But can any one help me and tell me what these are?
  3. jaihutcherson

    SPS/Acro pest help needed! Please

    Mods, my original post was started: Please delete as I am better educated and informed..... but still need help identifying. hey all, SPS/Acro dominated 150g reef -trigger sump, curve 5...
  4. TrevisSpease


    saw this little guy in my tank and immediately got him out. have no clue what is is can’t find anything about it. moves almost like a jellyfish???
  5. catalystNfacade

    Aptasia or worse?

    Are these aptasia or something worse? What should I do?
  6. Variant

    Observations From Using Lugol's for Live Rock Pests

    I wanted to note some of my observations from using Brightwell Aquatic's Lugol's solution to rid my live rock of pests. In hindsight, I would have been more intentional about doing this and taken photos and logs, but I figured I'd write something up. Context: This is my third attempt at using...
  7. J

    What in the world is this creature??

    Anyone can ID this for me? Today one of my hammers died. Last night it wasnt happy and looked extremely stressed. Sucked to see it that way cause it was fine just hours before in the morning. So i dipped it in iodine and put it back thinking its a bacterial infection. At midnight i came down and...
  8. ReefSoup

    Zoanthid Pest Identification

    Looking for help identifying what this is on my zoas. This is the first time I’ve ever seen them in the tank. Is this some type of nudibranch? Thanks in advance! #reefsquad
  9. Davar93

    Copepods or pests?

    Hey everyone I noticed these small little blobs moving around on my screen few days ago. I didn’t dope any copepods but just some more one and only from dr time and another fluval beneficial bacteria. Should I be taking any action? Hope these aren’t flukes? Thanks!
  10. M

    Friend or foe

    A couple of months ago I noticed what I though was a zoa polyp from a previous zoa growing on my rock work. There was a green circle that glowed under blue light like the zoas used to so I was quite happy to have it growing back. I thought nothing of it but to my surprise, a few more of the...
  11. Hadders95

    What are these?

    Hey I was cleaning my tank and removing hair angle when I noticed a small tail coming from under one of my mushrooms and then saw a few more on the side of the rock, I also noticed there was a lot of these creatures in my sump and in the bottom of my skimmer, can anyone tell me what they are...
  12. BigOunce11

    What are these worms?

    Hi, these started appearing pretty much as soon as i started my tank and i think they're really ugly. Does anyone know what they are and how to remove them? They seem to like growing right where the soft lps tissue would cover when they grow whuich may be a problem as theyre very sharp and hard...
  13. Hadders95


    Hello, I came home from work tonight sat down to eat dinner and notice some small object moving in my tank, I took a closer look and saw it was a worm I saw mother one and don’t know what they are, did they need to go or what. Cheers for any help which you can give this is the video for it
  14. TangAddict

    Bristle worms and other bugs in nano tank

    I have a 16 gallon bio cube with no fish or coral right now. It’s been running for about 8 months. I’ve noticed tons of what look to be bristle worms and lots of other little bugs running around the sand bed. Want to be sure what they are so I can remove them. Couldn’t get great pictures though.
  15. Justgottadiy

    Making the same mistakes over and over

    Ok , so this won’t be to most people’s liking since there’s dif strokes for dif Folks. As reefers we need to be more responsible than we are. We need to start helping our fellow hobby members become better reefers through less miss-information when we’re telling someone how to deal with pests...
  16. Reefer37

    White tube? Worm?

    So I've started seeing these random white tubes along my sandbed and rockwork. Any ideas on what they might be? A worm? I'm really not sure.
  17. Hadders95


    Hello I have noticed these little pests in my tank I am not sure what there are, can anyone tell me what they are. Cheers
  18. Reefer37

    Vermetid ID?

    Anyone help ID that these are vermetid snails underneath my new ricordea? Just notice it tonight.
  19. Reefer37

    Web-like Algae

    Hey everyone! I've been reefing for only 3 months now, so still learning a ton, and I'll tell ya, I can't wait until I can sit down and actually enjoy my tank instead of obsessing over learning and trying to figure every single detail when things change. That's a side note though. :p So I've...
  20. D

    Any clue what this is

    Found this kind of animals in the back of my tank. In the filter / sump part of my Aquamedic Cubicus. Are they harmfull?
  21. damselindistress

    Bristle or Fire?

    Couple of questions please...woke up to find 3 of these bristle ? worms cruising around my unlit tank. I'd just like to say I MAY NEVER STICK MY HAND IN MY TANK AGAIN. 2 of the worms looked like greyish-tannish nondescript bristle worms but this one looked it a fire worm...
  22. nightmarepl

    can i Coral RX these Corals? please advice

    slowly ill be bringing in my corals into the my new tank have a few corals i want to bring in hopefully not killing them using coral RX dip small list of stuff i currently have, Red Acan, Toadstool, Duncan whisker, rasta zoas, few other zoas , palythoas , Xenias, Hammer Coral, pretty sure thats...
  23. M

    Flatworm type?

    Any idea which fw type this is and if so, should I work to eradicate via FW Exit or let it run it’s course?
  24. Jeremy K.A.

    Monti Eating Nudis Predators HELP!!!

    Hey you guys I made the awful discovery of Monti Eating Nudibranchs in my 55g tank. I plan on breaking off the dead portions, pulling out what I can to dip and scrub and add something to eat them. What fish can I get to help control/eradicate these little monsters? I've been told melanarus...
  25. kentofms

    NOPOX withdrawls / flatworms

    Hello. I have a 120 gallon spsd tank (there is a thread if you want to see it) and its about 6 mo old. I'm running triton method, but I have been feeding a little heavy lately and as a result have had slightly accelerated diatoms on the sand and a need to clean the glass daily. I ran NOPOX for...