
  1. H

    Do blue sapphire damsels eat bristleworms?

    i have heard that blue sapphire damselfish (the peaceful ones) eat flatworms, and i was wondering if they (or any closely related species) have been known to eat bristle worms? obviously im not expecting this random 6 dollar fish to have the appetite of a melenarus wrasse, but i do just want to...
  2. ReeferMadness80G

    My SPS are dying, no clue why!

    I used to be pretty active on here, years ago. Excited to see if some of the OG's are still around. Firstly, thank you for your help in figuring this out! My Tank is a 29 Gal JBJ Cube with Eshopps Nano Cube Refugium Sump Roughly 33-35 gallons overall. Parameters are pretty stable (I will...
  3. MaverickReef

    Red Flatworms in Barebottom LPS tank?

    Hello all, I have a 125 gallon LPS dominant barebottom reef tank. Recently I've started noticing some red flatworms (planaria) on my live rock and want to do something to combat them. They haven't been noticably affecting my corals, but I'm sure it would be better if I get rid of them. I've been...
  4. S

    Id please

    Please help me iD this guy. One of my hammers is struggling and when I decided to cut one of the heads this guy felt from the coral. Thank you in advance.
  5. Hugo Garcia

    Is this Aptasia?

    Hi folks. I need help identifying this pests. I’ve seen them before on my DT on a few rocks, but now they are all over the place and specially on all surfaces of my sump. Please help me confirm this is aptasia or something else? Thanks
  6. matt_work27

    Black bugs?

    Noticed some of my acro frags have head really bad polpy extension lately and decided to dip some of them in coral Rx. I was trying to zoom in on this really small black dots, can anyone verify it is a black bug or do i need better zoom? Hard for me to tell if its just debris or something worse...
  7. Jeff-Ft-Lauderdale

    So how big a deal is Aiptasia really?

    So I asked this when I first started before I knew what Aiptasia was. I have since observed Aiptasia in every single LFS retail location I have visited. They all have it in their systems. It's not a lot. It's not covering everything. But it's present. I understand and agree with the idea that...
  8. MaverickReef

    Can someone tell me what these are and if they are harmful?

    I have quite a few of these over my glass bottom and in my rockwork. They are probably up to 1/4" in size and are hard to scrape off of the glass. Everything in my tank seems to be doing well, just not sure what they are and if I should do anything to remove them.
  9. vaguelyreeflike

    Frag tank full of gross-ness, help!

    So our frag tank is just filled with detritus, algae, hydroids etc. We failed to dip the original frags which was the downfall, new ones will be dipped in reef primer and lugols, but how can we clear the tank of all of this? It looks disgusting struggling with phosphates, calcium and alk...
  10. Yourlocalreefer

    Anyone know where I can buy a manjano anemone?

    Hi i know it’s a very odd question to be wanting a pest anemone but I’m starting a pico tank in a couple months and wanted to add those for it as a species only tank. I got the idea from Reef Dork on YouTube.
  11. MaraRavenous

    There's gotta be a better way to deal with Aiptasia... x.x

    I'm 5 months in, and my little aquarium is happier than ever, with tons of biodiversity. I've got spaghetti worms, amphipods, copepods, bristle worms, and stomatellas.... And Aiptasia. The one thorn in my side lately. dang aiptasia! I've been using Aiptasia F for some time to deal with Aiptasia...
  12. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Gathering / documenting information / studies on black bugs Worst experience I’ve had in my 13/14 years of reef keeping. This has gone on for almost a full year. I recently set up a Red Sea reefer xl system and I am taking this old system down and...
  13. Townsaquaria

    White Spiders on Anemones

    Hello, I am wondering what these white spider looking pests are on my carpet and condylactis anemones. The carpet has been acting weird and traveling around the tank and settled at the top left corner. It won't eat and was doing fine for months, eating and not moving much. I took some rocks out...
  14. Erik the Red

    Berghia shop in Europe?!

    Hi everyone, do you know a reliable shop for buying Berghia nudibranch here in Europe? Apparently it’s really hard to buy them, at the moment… i have a bad infestation of aiptasia, due to neglecting my tank in the last couple of months, and i need to get back on track. I’m tempted, as an...
  15. S

    Hello Reef Pest

    Hey everyone, So I started out in the reef hobby very careless as I wasn’t too sure if I’d enjoy it and I tried to do this on a budget. Fast forward 8 months in, I never quarantined anything, fish or corals. I had a ich breakout and I really enjoy the hobby so I want to do it right this time...
  16. cabezatuck

    The last resort: Dino X

    I’ve been battling Dinos for about 9 months in two reef tanks: 13.5 gallon LPS 2 years old and 40 gallon mixed 1 year old. In the 13.5 just prior to the outbreak I had used Vibrant which I believe crashed my nutrient levels after rocking my barely established bio filter and eliminating the small...
  17. ChrissFishes01

    Nano Build Chris's 5.5 Gallon Pico Pest Reef!

    Hey guys! So, I recently had a disaster in my hobby. My apartment had to be treated for pests, and I was required to remove all of my tanks from the apartment during treatment. During this time, I ended up losing about half of my livestock - including my beloved Peacock Mantis Shrimp. I do...
  18. H

    It just gets better and better...

    A few months ago my lfs convinced me to buy some live rock to speed up my cycle. It was a huge mistake. First, I got GHA. Next, I saw an aiptasia coming out of the rock. They sold me some F-Aptasia to get rid of it. It worked. The next day I saw multiple aphasia coming out of the rock along...
  19. A

    Dinoflagellate relapse

    Some of you may know me, and unfortunately I am a recurring theme on these threads. School started for me two days ago, and since then I’ve had to wake up at 5:45. My lights are usually set to about 8:30 to 9:00, but they came on at 6:30. When I got home from school there were more...
  20. Jrain904

    Build Thread Ocean liverock - No Dosing - No Qt - Candy Basslet Reef

    I've been in the hobby for about 15 years and for most of it I had the same imported liverock that I have just moved from tank to tank. Recently we bought a new house and I decided to kind of start over. My rocks were so mature that I could get away with almost anything. I figured it was time to...
  21. M

    Is this a pest on my Candy Cane?

    I noticed two heads right next to each other starting to recede. I cut one off the other day and it exposed this red stuff I can't identify. It looks kind of like the color of coralline algae, but is semi-transparent. The head that it is on is receding near the substance in question, and...
  22. Matt1508

    Invasive Pink Algae - Pink Cotton Algae?

    This stuff started as a small patch, but is starting to get rather large and I don’t know how to get rid of it. Any idea what it is, I thought Pink Cotton Algae but it doesn’t branch or puff out into balls rather just encrust , well anything it wants to… it’s odd as I havnt introduced and fish...
  23. S

    Does bag of dry sand contain pests and need to be sterilized?

    I'm restarting a tank after a 2 year break and want to avoid pests. I've bleached my old rock and equipment but have a 4 year old bag of unused dry Aragonite. Can I consider that substrate pest free at this point to rinse in RODI water and add to my cycle tank? Or should it still be sterilized...
  24. M


    Hi! A couple of days ago I bought some coral from a local fish store. They have been closed up for the last couple of days, but are just starting to open up. However, on one of the pieces, there is somthing that looks like a small anemone. I think it is Aiptaisa, but I'm not entirely sure...
  25. alibollow

    Weird worm ? Need help identifying!

    I just found this guy in my saltwater tank in my GSP. Seems too thin to be a bristle worm?