
  1. Seahorse man

    Bristleworm! Aaaaaaah!

    I was watching my fowlr tank today and I happened to notice this little guy trying to burrow underneath one of my rocks. I pulled the top and then is just squeeze him into a cup without him touching my fingers. Is it a bristle worm? And if so how do I get rid of them? Are they bad? Thanks everyone.!
  2. AshwinRavi

    is this a fromia baby???

    Hello all, just recently purchased a red fromia about 4-5inches across in length. 3 days later, I find this somewhat close to where the fromia hangs out. is this a pest or a fromia baby? I don't know anything about fromia reproduction, so I am very skeptical about it being a baby. help!!
  3. kanders87


    In the past month, I’ve been noticing more (what I think is hydroids) cropping up on my rock. Can anyone confirm? Also, noticed some tiny white specks on my glass, but it was hard to get a good picture. Literally look like tiny grains of sand on the glass. No distinguishing features that I...
  4. Aaron Davis

    What is this? (No Pic)

    Hey guys, I was performing maintenance on my tank the other night and saw this dark, forest green substance on a piece of my live rock. Struck me as odd and first thing I thought to do was "GET IT OUT!". So I sucked it up via a large syringe and disposed of it. Wasn't till after did I...
  5. Syoung

    Possible Nudibranch. Good or bad?

    I found (What might be) a nudibranch in my tank, after lights out on one of my closed zoas. Photos and video from my phone. Hopefully you can shed some light on this critter! *fork to help focus camera!* Here is a video of it: Is it actually a nudibranch? Is it one to get rid of? Thanks!
  6. Transporter

    Safe...or pest ?

    Ok, so after a couple days of searching, I have still not come to a solid determination as to what kind of inhabitants can be safely kept with Zoas & paly's . Other than the obvious zoa eating nudi's and obvious non-reef safe fish, are there any other certain fish / inverts to be warry of ? Or...
  7. Rob77

    Help ID please

    What is this ? It came on a snail shell with my clean up crew ..... what it and does it need to go? Or keep ...
  8. Zoolife xD


    hey guys i have a few questions on flatworms but first let me add some background information, i currently have a nano aquarium set up for a G. chiragra mantis shrimp and i has some other cuc in there as well but no corals or fish just a marine planted tank if you will dominated by macro algae...
  9. Ryan Rioux

    Need help with positive ID! Please .

    Starting to spread like wildfire ! Not sure what they are '
  10. S

    Good or not so good nudi ?

    Sorry about the quality but taken with my phone at night with a flashlight
  11. DLuce510

    Montipora Agitating Brittle Star

    Are these any specific Brittle Star? All of these were in one small colony of WWC Cherry Tree monti. The colony had faded over the last few months and parts where dying off. I could see their legs sticking out of the dead parts but had no idea there was this many. They agitated the Monti and it...
  12. P

    Do I have black bugs????? HELP!!!!

    Today while looking at my tank i notice super small black specs moving all over my clams shell (only after lights out). They are so small I cannot get a good photo with my phone. Now after doing some research I feel like it is black bugs however, they are nowhere to be found on any of my sps...
  13. K

    Unknown Critters... Hopefully Harmless...

    I recently noticed that a frag of green mdntipora had a small area where the flesh was gone and the skeleton was exposed. It had soon before i noticed this fallen from it's spot, so I thought that it had possibly been damaged and the flesh had simply fallen off. I kept an eye on it, and a week...
  14. Mariners

    Weird brown algae or something on trochus

    hi everyone, Noticed these brown spots on top of a couple trochus snails. Thought it was just brown algae so i scrubbed it a bit but it was still there. then i dipped some hydro peroxide on a paper towel to wipe and drench those spots--it just receded into crevice or pockmarks on snail shell...
  15. B


    I recently discovered what I'm pretty sure is aptasia growing on my Biohazard Acro. It's still fairly small. Any thoughts on how to get rid of it? I've heard injecting lemon juice, covering it in glue, or getting a specific shrimp would do it...
  16. shiftline

    Algae and Pest Predators - The Natural way! - Contest!

    Protect your reef from algae and pests the natural way.. and Win a Baby Groot! As many of us just use chemicals to remedy issues.. there's something beautiful of curing issues the natural way.
  17. Aaron Davis

    Can anyone identify?

    This little guy looks like a shrimp. Swims fast. Noticed him while doing a water change.
  18. Holy_makerel

    Redbug treatment details

    Hi folks, This has been covered I'm sure but i thought i'd add my experience so far with getting rid of these little turds. If you're not familiar with what these guys look like here is a video i shot before treatment. they are TINY! this video is shot with a macro lens and extension tubes...
  19. Hella_Reef

    Good or bad snail?

    What is this? - All-In-One Aquarium Filtration