pest id

  1. psycjoe

    Chalice is growing eyes?

    I have a chalice coral in quarantine and I'm noticing what looks to be small zoa polyps growing beneath it. Does anybody know what this could be? I'm really just curious if this could be some kind of pest. The chalice is purple and red but the "eyes" are growing green.
  2. M

    Frog spawn not opening and I found this

    Frogspawn not opening
  3. C

    What is this, a snail? Or something else?

  4. C

    What is this white stringy creature?

    I thought the white stringy guy might be a bristle worm, but Im not sure
  5. H

    EMERGENCY Small larva living in filter NEED SOLUTION ASAP

    What are they and how to get rid of them? What product to use safe for fish and coral. Thanks
  6. N

    Need help Identifying pest

    Hey everyone, Looking to see if anyone has a clue of what this might be. I have quite a few on different rocks in my tank. I’ve researched as much as I could and found nothing. Thanks!
  7. S

    Mysterious Growth on Return Pump - HELP

    Hi all, I am new to the Reefing Hobby and just stared my first set-up in November of 2022 with an old tank I used for freshwater (cleaned thoroughly). I do weekly water changes of around 15-25% but have never cleaned the chamber that houses my pump (including the pump) since staring the tank...
  8. NewCaliCaptives


    I’m having some really weird stn issues going in in my tank. It’s a 10 gallon and has been going good for a couple weeks i’ve been having some really bad tissue loss on some sps and some lps that i have no idea what it is or what to do to treat. 1.025 sg P04 0.00 (hanna phosphate ULR) NO3 8.0...
  9. R

    Is this a feather Duster?

    I Need an ID on this please. I Came home and saw this under my gsp not sure what it is. It opens then looks like it get frightnend and closes.
  10. C

    What is this worm like thing?

    What is this on my glass?
  11. L

    Pest? Hydroid

    Hello. I have a 3 month old 20 gallon tank. Also I am new in this hobby. I got two corals of the same lfs. I found on one vermatid snails and removed them as soon as I understood what it was. Now I found at a similar area on that hammer coral small formations , 1 bud with 2 hairs/ filaments or...
  12. ChuckTownReefer

    What kinda NUDIBRANCH is this? How BAD is this??

    Found this nudi just walking around on the side of the tank. I have put Berghia nudibranch in the system like 7 months ago but it really doesn't have the same colors as a Berghia nudibranch does. This one has red and a brownish body. I don't see any bit marks on anything just went through and...
  13. Deep Dive Aquatics

    Is this just a normal bristle worm?

    Hello everyone, saw two of these guys on my rockwork and pulled them out of my tank. If you could believe after I got some photos and videos they started to fight and one got bit or ripped in half. Crazy
  14. Deep Dive Aquatics

    Help identifying this weird worm

    I've already removed two of these things from my tank and I'm pretty sure there is more. Straight up Killed or irritated some zoa's to death. Should I lose sleep?
  15. TheFruitGoon

    Weird Worm Thing? Help!!

    Hey guys! My friend found this weird critter in their tank and we have no idea what to ID it as. Looks like some type of worm. Unfortunately there’s no pics of it in the water but I’ll attach a couple of pictures from outside of the tank. The spikes along it move almost like an urchins spikes.
  16. Xxflounderxx

    Possible pest copepod?

    So I lost a few corals lately trying to figure out is this is a pest they are the white ones next to my copepods about 4 times the size any help is greatly appreciated
  17. A

    Crab ID- Living in Coral/Zoa Colony

    Can anyone help me ID this crab and is it coral safe? I noticed my zoas have been looking poor and dissapearing and not sure if this guy is to blame. Video is attached along with some photos. cheers
  18. S

    Brown-ish discs on my candy cane?

    I woke up today with these brown discs on one of my heads of candy cane. They appear to be moving and i just want to check what they could be and if they are pests. If so how would i go about removing them? Thanks (sorry for the dark image, lights just turned on)
  19. BurtMacklin

    What is this huge worm that's as hiding in a rock

    I pulled a piece of rock out to kill vermetid snails with a dental pic. I thought, "let's flip it over and see if there's anything underneath by chance". I see the thin end of this worm-looking thing sticking out. When I touched it with the pick it retracted into its hole. I pulled the sand and...
  20. AshenEmberose

    Creepy Fuzzy Things and other Tiny Critters in my Tank

    Okay so I have this container in my tank that used to have my Chaeto algae ball but thats been gone for a while and nothing new has been added in months and now the cup has these fuzzy white almost squid looking things attaching to the plastic of the cup? You can see the vine-like leg things...
  21. Hordearii

    White Worm Looking Things on my Neon Green Cabbage Leather

    Hi all, I'm wondering if you all can help me figure out what pest is on my neon green cabbage leather? They are white and are about 4mm long and 1 to 1.5mm thick. They only seem to be in my cabbage leather and nothing else in the tank as far as I can tell. I did a RODI rinse and it seemed like...
  22. MrShibainu

    Vermetid Snails?

  23. W

    Small white bug on euphelia

    So recently I have noticed the fleshy part on my euphelia receding and I had chalked it up to it recently splitting. But then tonight I turned on the lights after they normally go off and noticed all these small white dots that move all over it I can't see much other than a moving white oval if...
  24. vaguelyreeflike

    Pest Identification

    What are these? Friend or foe? On the undersides/edges of Zoa frags.
  25. oceanicwave

    Snail-like creature (pest?) on zoa and blasto

    Hi everyone! Greetings from Indonesia! It's my very first post here.. I need a help on identifying these annoying creatures: They kinda look like a tiny shelled snail.. Around 2 weeks ago I noticed my zoas and palys aren't opening up and also some went missing. Few days ago I randomly...
Dr. Reefs Quarantined Fish