peppermint shrimp

  1. JohnnyTsunami213

    Hello New Reefer [Primetime Reefs]

    Hey everyone my name is Johnny and I am brand new to Reef keeping and saltwater aquariums. I originally joined Reef2Reef to learn from all of the experts here but I am also looking forward to sharing my journey and knowledge with those that come after me. I’ve been doing a lot of research on...
  2. ZooMontana88

    Peppermint Shrimp babies!!!

    My peps just released babies in my qt tank! So exciting! Thought I'd share a short video...
  3. ZooMontana88

    Build Thread 75g Build Progression

    Hey y'all! I have a few photos to share of my setup. Added 3 macros today. Currently have a Clown and a flower nem in quarantine tank. Will post those 2 after introduction to display. Display has 1 Royal Gramma, 1 Citron Clown Goby, 1 Condylacti, 1 Bubbletip, 2 colonies of polyps, 1 colony of...
  4. Salemsoul

    Dang Nature, you scary! Duncans ate my peppermint shrimp

    A littleback story.. a few days ago my peppermint shrimp was seen trying to take food from my duncans. On my IG @spellboundreefing a handful of people warned about them eating their coral and that I should take him out. Today I went looking for my peppermint ship my duncans ATE HIM! They look...
  5. 00Barracuda00

    Shrimp/Fish Interactions?

    I have 2 black/white ocellaris clowns, and the three shrimp I added to the tank are DESPERATE to clean them. The clowns simply aren't having it. Could this be because they are tank raised and have never seen/experienced this behavior before or because they just aren't usually ok with being...
  6. ThunderGoose

    Shrimp reproduction questions

    1) My lone peppermint shrimp (from Florida so it should be Lysmata wurdemanni) looks to be holding eggs. She's never done this before. So I used my Google-fu and found that they are proandrous hermaphrodites. They all start out as male and them become hermaphrodites (and maybe then become...
  7. alexjoha

    Shrimp die off

    Shrimp die off I have had 2 cleaner shrimps for about 1 yare now, healthy and fine. I have also added 5 peppermint shrimps for about 2 weeks ago. Both cleaner shrimps have died the last weeks. And I have lost 2 peppermints as well. the system is 210gallons in total. Tank tread for more info...
  8. danschoenherr

    Peppermint Shrimp eating my Rock Flowers

    So I noticed one of my rock flowers weas looking a bit "dishevilled" and was moving around a bit. Then, I wasn't able to locate it, which didn't really concern me as there are a lot of hiding places. But one night near lights out, I noticed the 2 Peppermint Shrimp that I have prowling about the...
  9. potatocouch

    How to kill Aiptasia (preferably under water)?

    Peppermint shrimp doesn't seem to work (I put in 3 small one yesterday and I don't see them anymore LOL .... let alone them fixing my Aiptasia). I had a bigger Peppermint shrimp earlier this year and it seems to work on those Aiptasia but shame, I think it gets eaten by the BTA; perhaps what I...
  10. DRTYshredCo

    Dying Trumpet / Candy Cane ??

    Recently I’ve been noticing my Candy Cane getting thinner and thinner, it now had it’s skeleton completely exposed. From what I’ve heard these are supposed to be dang near indestructible... my parameters read ok (outside of higher nitrates). Coral looked decent on 14 Feb & a week later (20 Feb)...
  11. Decat

    Tube Anemone and Peppermint Shrimp

    When I first put my Tube Anemone into my invertebrate quarantine tank my peppermint shrimp immediately popped out from hiding and went to town eating its tentacles. So I quickly setup a tank divider and placed all peppermint shrimp on the other side. My question is simply what is the...
  12. Elgringodiablo

    Mysteriously Dying LPS

    So... For the past few months all of my LPS corals have been dying in two of my tanks. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is happening. I've lost thousands of dollars worth of rare hammers, torches, elegance corals, gonipora, chalices and acans. The acans have been dropping heads...
  13. Phatfish

    Peppermint shrimp?

    Hello friends! I have a couple of pest anemones in my 60 gal. One is a majano, and one aptaisia. I can only see the two. Just little guys. I've had them here and there and I usually just kill them as they pop up. Hasn't been a big problem so far. However I'm going to be adding a peppermint...
  14. Fish Werx

    Rogue one.....

    Or, I should say one rogue peppermint shrimp! I have one lone peppermint shrimp (refered to from now on as PS) left in m DT from a moment of shortsighted decision making one afternoon. I got a nice cleanup crew set up for my 120g and since I chose the larger size I was offered a free sea...
  15. wherenext

    peppermint shrimp tore up new hammer coral..any chance it can recover

    OK, so I just bought a new 2 head frag of hammer coral. I dipped it, acclimated it and added it to the tank. Within 15 minutes it was nice and fully opened, looked great. A few hours later, I see one of my 3 peppermint shrimp tearing the hell out of one of the heads, pieces flying away and it...
  16. Sarah007

    SHRIMPOCALYPSE! Help Water Testing. Mean Clownfish.

    Hello Reefers, So within a couple days I've had all my shrimp (4 year old pistol shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp) die. I've also had 9 out of 10 hermit crabs die off. The shrimp and the crabs seem to turn over on their backs and then slowly kick around and die over the course of a couple days...
  17. SBlisters

    Brand new to salt water- day 1

    Hello! I just had the surreal experience of winning a salt water tank last night. it is 30gal and has a variety of coral, live rock, a few types of snails, 2 Peppermint Shrimp and a young Clownfish. I was able to set it up last night with 90% of the original water and added 3gal of distilled...
Big Sale !! UP To 50% OFF !! On Fish Antibiotics