peppermint shrimp

  1. Matt Bravo

    Gramma bothering peppermint?

    Hey guys, got a peppermint shrimp today and my royal gramma started picking at it like crazy. It found a place in the rocks where the gramma won’t reach it though. Is it gonna be like this long term? I used to have a smaller one but he disappeared one day. Could the gramma have actually eaten...
  2. UkiahTheTurtle

    Berghia Nudibranchs disappeared after I put them in the tank.

    So I got 3 Berghia Nudiabranchs about an month ago and I put them into my tank to deal with Aiptasia and the Aiptasia amount has not been decreasing and I have not seen my Berghia Nudiabranchs since I added them. What do I do because I really need the Aiptasia gone but everything I have tried...
  3. jabraha1

    Violent Peppermint Shrimp

    Has any one had issue with peppermints attacking rock flowers? I figure that like any scavenger it’s sometimes just trying to steal food off the surface of the nem. But I’ve lost five rock flowers in the past few months when they pick so much the nems release their foot and the peppermints...
  4. Cole_Voeller

    Quarantine For Peppermint Shrimp?

    Hello all! So I plan on getting some peppermint shrimp for some of my tanks, however I have only ever purchased quarantined shrimp from Dr. Reef. I actually have only purchased inverts through him specifically, besides the original few hermits I got months ago. Unfortunately he is out of stock...
  5. 1epauletteshark

    Which cleaner shrimp should I purchase?

    I have a small 17gallon aquarium and yesterday I went out and bought a coral banded shrimp not realizing how agressive they are and that it would eat my sexy shrimp, my question is which other cleaner shrimp should I buy? A pacific (skunk) cleaner shrimp or a peppermint shrimp? Fish plans: 2x...
  6. C

    Peppermint shrimp harming GSP?

    Hi! I recently just got my tank started and got a GSP and a mushroom, along with a CUC of Trochus snail and a peppermint shrimp. I asked my LFS if they were reef safe and they said yes. However, my GSP after putting it in the tank was doing great, it was all the way open after about an hour but...
  7. N

    Peppermint Shrimp Shortage?

    I've had an aiptasia outbreak. Had a peppermint shrimp years ago. But now that I really need some. I can't find any anywhere. I could order them from Ora through Algae Barn. But shipping is outrageous. And I'm skeptical they will arrive DOA. I've never orderd fish online. I live near Suffolk...
  8. Current Tides

    Berghia Nudis?

    anyone have experience with berghia nudibranchs? I recently came across a 125g with nothing but a moray eel and plenty of aiptasia lol. at first I was thinking peppermint shrimp, but I didn't think the eel would leave them alone. then I thought about berghia, thoughts? open to suggestions always.
  9. J

    Aptasia problem… nudis with a six line?-peppermint-filefish

    Hey guys! Long time no see so I have a pretty big aptasia problem I currently have a six line wrasse, I have been doing aptasia x, but they seem to spread to other places after. I’m guessing when they stress during, they’re releasing their babies. I really want to get 5 or 6 (medium size is...
  10. Fam5dad

    Natural Aiptasia predators

    I started my reef 2 months ago. I found 1 aiptasia about the size of a quarter last night. :( I want to introduce some aiptasia predators so that long term maintenance is built into my solution. Plus I am lazy. ;) A copperband is more than I want to take on right now, just too delicate this...
  11. A

    Pregnant Peppermint Shrimp

    my husband has 2 peppermint shrimps in our tank and i noticed that both of them are pregnant, we haven't had any other peppermints in there for quite a while so how is this possible? i'm confused. i'm almost 100% sure they're both pregnant, i google plenty of pictures of pregnant peppermints and...
  12. adamlodge14

    Aptasia removal

    Hiya guys, I have had a 15 gallon marine tank up and running for 3 months now. Yesterday I saw a tiny wee aptasia anemone on the frag disk which my leather Coral is on. I instantly took it out and dipped the coral and disk in a coral dip solution (aqua forest protect dip) and tried to remove as...
  13. JuliaRuss

    Can mushroom kill shrimp?

    Hi guys! So this morning I found my mushroom plug flipped over on the sand. And my normally perpetually hiding peppermint shrimp is hanging on its last breath out in the open (so it’s probably not molting). Can mushroom sting and kill the shrimp?? Or it’s just a coincidence? Thank you so much!!
  14. jgvergo

    How many Peppermint shrimps should I get?

    I have an 85 gal DT and I have a growing aptasia problem. I'd say I have between 25 and 50 visible Aptasia at the moment. I have decided on using Peppermint Shrimp to manage the Aptasia. I know that Peppermint Shrimp are "hit or miss" when it comes to dealing with Aptasia so I want to get more...
  15. jk1824

    Peppermint Shrimp and Tube Anenomes

    New to the forum, what’s up guys. I currently have two peppermint shrimp which I used to rid my tank of aptasia. It worked very well, they were gone in a day. The peps have no made any motion towards destroying any coral in my tank. I do feed them shrimp pellets which seems to keep them happy...
  16. Biota_Marine

    Livestock Got Aiptasia? Check out our Aiptasia eating filefish chowing down!

    Hey Y'all We know hobbyists want Matted filefish that eat already Aiptasia, so we feed our matted filefish aiptasia and hydroids weekly so they can recognize them in your tanks. Check out the GoPro video below. If you have a huge Aiptasia problem I recommend a few of these guys with our...
  17. F

    Fire Clown Fish compatibility with Peppermint Shrimp

    I added a Peppermint shrimp to my Fluval Evo tank a couple of hours ago to eat Aiptasia that’s started growing in my tank. I was absolutely horrified to see my Red Fire Clown attack it, then pick it up and feed it to his BTA!!! I can’t find anywhere on the internet to say Peppermint Shrimps...
  18. michaelabellz

    EMERGENCY Peppermint shrimp eating frogspawn?!?

    I’ve never heard of a peppermint shrimp eating frogspawn or any coral for that matter but I just added a frogspawn to my tank after acclimating for 2 hours and as soon as I put it in my peppermint shrimp went straight towards it and started picking off the tips and eating it while some just...
  19. duesmortem

    Favia Recovery Potential

    so my favia has been partially devoured by my peppermint shrimp. The shrimp hasn't touched any other LPS corals I have in the tank. Just wondering if this favia coral can regenerate its tissue after having so much of it taken off? Should I just donate the plug to my LFS?
  20. plankton

    How worried should I be if I have some shrimp and planning to add 'Berghia' Nudis?

    I have a heavily stocked and thriving SPS tank ... that also grows Aptasia shockingly well. I've hit the Aptasia with Aptasia-X, CaOH concentrations and added peppermint shrimp (3) but all I've been able to do is scatter the aptasia further into, under, inbetween my LR. I've read the many...
  21. R

    Anything reef safe that eats peppermint shrimp?

    Heres the quick and dirty. aptasi in my tank. knowing nothing about Berghia I put ten, yes ten in my tank a year ago. Berghia are shrimp food and I just need the buggers gone. Have been trying the trap method for several weeks and no luck yet. Is there a simpler solution - turn them into...
  22. kriva5

    Peppermint Shrimp Question

    We added a peppermint shrimp to our reef tank and he's been hanging out in the top corners by either the return or the intake. He occasionally runs around upsidedown by the back wall. Is this normal behavior? I was expecting him to find a cave or crevice under the rock, so him staying at the...
  23. nanonøkk

    what’s the most reef safe shrimp

    ok so i’m wondering on what the most reef safe shrimp is because i’m looking to get one and as i’m looking i’m not seeing very good things. so i first though coral bandit shrimp because i heard- they were reef safe but the i kept reading and it looked to be a 50/50 on if they would eat corals...
  24. Sleeping Giant

    Peppermint shrimp ordered

    Well I finally am joining the team fighting apstatia, I ordered my first peppermint shrimp, after a month of letting 2 bergula nudibranch try and attack it. They did nothing so far, and haven't seen them since I placed them. So I figured, what the heck I'll order 1 peppermint shrimp and see how it goes...
  25. Slickraptor13

    What happened to my Acan?

    So I have a nano tank that has been up for about a year now, and I'm starting to add some corals to it. My tank inhabitants are as follows: 2 nano clowns, an orchid dottyback, a lawnmower blenny, some snails and a peppermint shrimp. Coral wise, i have a small colony of GSP, two Zoa's, a...
Reef Chasers Aquaculture