
  1. F

    what causes fish / corals to die?

    Hi everyone I have been looking after my fish and coral for about 18 months now. I have a 180 gallon 6 foot aquarium with mostly lps and softies, I tried some sps but only the montipora has been growing and doing well. After this time I would imagine my tank should be stable enough that...
  2. G

    Im in a battle right now and I need your help!

    After being successful with a FOWL tank I decided to take it a level higher and make it a reef tank. I started with KENT MARINE NANO CORAL A AND B and VIPRASPECTRA 165W I dosed accordingly and only once since starting this tank, I want to say a month ago. Im currently still using Instant ocean...
  3. G

    Are my parameters unhealthy for new reef tank? If so how do I lower them?

    Last week I ordered coral frags and decided to start my reef tank in my 29 GAL which was FOWLR before. Now I knew nothing about reefing or the chemistry but taught myself while waiting for my corals. I set my reef tank up and used Kents Nano Reef A&B to start up the tank. However After using Red...
  4. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Are these params good?

    I have a 125g aquarium, with a fluval fx4. It has a carbon filter, some filter floss(mostly for catching the diatoms), and seachem matrix media. I have a Coralife 125g protein skimmer that still has microbubbles for about a month now and it is pretty loud, but does produce skimmate. I have some...
  5. Jaden9933

    Lowering alk

    My alk is at 17 dKH and I was told a water change would fix this. However, after changing out about 5gal from my 20gal tank, the alk stayed the same. I’ve read in other threads that some people suggest acid, but others heavily warn against it. Is this a problem I just have to wait out?

    Practicing on keeping the right parameters

    Hi everyone, I have a 20gal tank that I've modified to keep it an all-in-one tank. I started in late February of this year and it's going really well. Since started it's been cycled and I have added a Turbo snail/Emerald crab, then waited a few weeks before adding in two clownfish. Livestock is...
  7. gr2

    Ammonia test kit help

    Hi everyone I’m having some trouble reading whether my ammonia is at either 0ppm or 0.25ppm. In person it has more of a green hue but it has tested this color for about a week now. My nitrite is at 0ppm. I’ve attached a picture with flash and without flash. What do you guys think?
  8. sullivansp

    HELP! Battling tissue necrosis of my SPS!

    For the past 2 months, I have been dealing with slow tissue necrosis (STN) on many of the SPS in my tank. Multiple mini acro colonies (~4 in) have bitten the dust and I cannot figure out what is causing it to happen. Also, some SPS frags were also affected by STN while just one of them succumbed...
  9. C

    Any of my parameters look wrong here?

    New to this forum or any forum. First post 3 months in the hobby. Anything look wrong with my parameters? have abit of coralline growth , the spike in orp is after extreme removal of 80% GHA on and in the crevasses of my live rock. Any tips are apperciated . Thx Gif Below Idk how to add it to...
  10. J

    My Bachelor Thesis is based on creating a self-regulating Aquarium. Can you guys help me brainstorm a plan?

    Hey guys, I really need your help. I am a mechanical engineer tasked with designing and configuring a self-regulating Saltwater Aquarium but unfortunately I know nothing about aquariums (Well, not true, ive been reading up a bit, but id still consider myself completely ignorant on the subject)...
  11. Hunter90 HD

    EMERGENCY Very high alkalinity levels!

    Hi reefers, I am in need of some serious advise, I am new to reefing so learning the ropes, but basically I have a very bad problem with a very high alkalinity level. To give you some information on my setup, I have a Fluval 57 tank, running on OU water and Red Sea salt for SPS dominant...
  12. R

    Test Kit

    I have a 36 nano reef that’s about 5 - 6 months old. Every time I test it says my parameters are perfect. I don’t believe that is accurate because I have had 2 fish die this week, although my coral are looking healthy. I’m using the API test kit, but looking for a new one. What would y’all...
  13. K

    What other parameters are effected by salinity swings?

    I’ve been reefing for over a year now and just got my first ATO system. I have a 10 gallon mixed reef tank and I would top off around 16-20oz of water a day due to evaporation. My question is, prior to setting up my ATO, what other parameters were likely effected by the salinity swings between...
  14. Afkomjorgen

    High Nitrates in 28g Nano, Need Help deciding next solution

    Hello, I need some help deciding how to fix some high nitrate water parameter issues in our tank. We have a 28gal tall reef/fish tank that has been running for about 1 year 2 months ( has had fish for 1 year). This is our first salt water tank. Fish : 2 Clown Fish that are about 3"...
  15. Mattc123

    New tank parameters and conditions

    I started a new tank about two weeks ago and used Dr. Tim's and biospira to start the tank. This is in a 32 gallon biocube. I have 2, 3 year old clownfish and a brand new cardinal who was kinda the guinea pig to see if the tank was safe before putting in my beloved clowns as well as a small...
  16. KeystoneMalone

    Water Testing / Maintaining Parameters

    With the risk of sounding somewhat foolish, I think I am over/under thinking water testing. I have a 20g that has been up and running for about a year now, and im pretty sure im not testing as much as I should be. I do 5g water changes every 2 weeks, really have no big issue with algae (with the...
  17. D

    New Reefer Guide- Mixed Reef Parameters!

    As a new reefer research and writing personal guides is the best way for me to learn. I've created a list after extensive research for the best parameters and wanted to share it with more newbies. I wrote it so it comes up easier on the search results! This is not meant to be a technical guide...
  18. V

    Does your aquarium enjoy good music or really bad music?

    Can we get a controlled experiment where we determine if playing music near our aquarium increases or decreases coral growth and overall tank happiness? My tank is next to my shop speakers and I'd like to know what my corals taste in music is so I can evict the ones that listen to mumble rap...
  19. Taborct1

    Ca, kh, and mag readings high

    I'm new to saltwater but have been a freshwater hobbyist for awhile now. My SW aquarium is up and cycled. It currently stocks around 15 hermits and 1 Molly along with several different corals. I am using IO reef Crystal's for a salt mix. The first post cycle water change was done 6/29 but I...
  20. Louiemiller9

    SPS only frag tank starting to BLEACH!

    Hey guys so about a week ago I noticed that some of my monti cap as well as various acros are starting to bleach. I will attach photos to show what I would call bleaching... maybe I am wrong. 50 g frag tank , running 4 T5 metal halide, 2 kessil 160s , no protein skimmer just 40lbs love rock in...
  21. BighohoReef

    What test kit brand are you using?

    Hi R2R Community! My FIRST POLL! Some quick background: I’m a numbers and data guy so I love it when people post polls and give feedback. I can’t tell you how many purchases in this hobby because of that. This morning while testing nitrates I was having trouble finding the right color to match...
  22. KeystoneMalone

    Baseline Parameters / Coral Growth / Dosing

    Hello reefers! Hope everyone and their families are doing well & enjoying the extra time with their reefs. I have a few questions- going to try and keep it relatively painless Quick facts about the tank in question: -IM Nuvo 20 - Weekly 5 gal water change with 0.00 TDS water since the tank has...
  23. Jjd531

    Help with reef fusion/parameters

    Hello so I've been trying to get rid of algae in my reef tank and to start I tested my parameters because I have not tested them in a while, my alk was 170ppm according to my hanna meter and my calcium was 675ppm which is pretty high but not really a concern. The tank is a 20 tall and has an...
  24. TommyGo

    I don't know what is wrong

    I started my tank in March of 2019. Things have been going well until recently. I've noticed some, not all, of my SPS and LPS corals' tissue start to recede. I thought this could be due to dosing vibrant so I stopped dosing it 4 weeks ago. My issues continued so I bought an ICP test to try to...
  25. The Fish Tank Hobbyist

    Parameters have me puzzled.

    Anyone else have the following that is below happen with your tank parameters before? If so - why would something like this happen? - I’’ll list the parameters next and below the parameters I will list the question that came up after the results! They have me a little puzzled relative to...