
  1. H

    Issues dosing All For Reef.

    Hello My friends, i have a 105gallon Reef tank just lps, zoas and softies. I’ve been dosing 22ml of all for reef daily for about 9 months, alkalinity has always been stable my issue is calcium, it’s always been high im thinking of ditching all for reef and going to a regular 2-part any thoughts...
  2. TurtleDude

    Build Thread Nano 10g w/Anemone, clowns, & Clean-up Crew.

    I’ve gathered the following info about my nano. Let me know what you think. lighting: Coralife Marine Aquarium Clip on Light 12 hours per day 8:30-20:30 Parameters: Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 10-20ppm Calcium 340 KH 9 Phosphate 0ppm pH 8.2 Temp 82f Tank age >2 years I’ve struggled...
  3. Ffelrod

    The Grind

    In the grind tonight. Wondering what others thoughts are on these Hanna checkers. Any lovers / haters?
  4. B

    EMERGENCY Lagoon 25 - Current Parameters - How to get my ALK,Calc, and Mag in range?

    Needing advice on how to get these parameters in check. This is a new lagoon 25 tank with 20 gallons water. Nitrate 18.7 Phosphate .02 Alk 7.3 Calc 537 Mag 1780 PH 7.8 Finished cycle two weeks ago. Currently have the following transferred from my waterbox 220. 6 soft corals and a few snails, 3...
  5. RdawgsReefs


    I'm very new to this so this is very far off for me but to me this is the epitome of coral husbandry so everything leads to it. Its the reason I got into the hobby. From what I know, getting coral to spawn/reproduce instead of fragging is few and far between. Ive only personally read about it...
  6. corinateut

    Hello New member

    Hi everyone! I’m Corina. I liin London and decided to get into this hobby! I got an red sea max nano peninsula 100L for the moment I have test kits only for Ammonia, NO2 and NO3 what else do I need to check in order to start adding corals and fishes in? have a nice day!
  7. Sidsreef

    should I stop maintaining my parameters with TM all for reef?

    Situation: I have a waterbox 90.3 that I upgraded into from a system that was 2 years old and started 1 month ago today. while I knew that I would come into some chemistry issues, this one kind of stumped me to the point of needing some help and or a plan of action. i set the tank completely...
  8. J

    EMERGENCY My Clownfish are breathing very heavy

    Having some problems with my tank with parameters out of whack. I transferred both of my clowns to a large measuring cup until I get the issues resolved. I used bottled spring water and matched the salinity from my tank. My parameters are decent for most part except ammonia which is a bit high...
  9. Kuhn

    Can't Keep Ammonia Down!

    Hello again! Sorry for such a basic and dumb question.. I'm just at a complete loss. I swear I thought I've done everything right, yet I just don't know why my Ammonia won't drop to 0. Here are my parameters... I've been having issues keeping Alk and Magnesium lower as well. It must be the salt...
  10. lucyretz

    help me figure out why my corals arent happy

    Hi all, Once again i find myself running out of knowledge. My euphyllia corals arent opening fully and I cant figure out why. PARAMETERS: ALK: 8.78 (trident) CAL: 544 MAG: 1407 ORP:200 PH: 7.84 SALT: 35.10 TEMP:77.3 NITRATE: 10.01 (HANNA) PHOS: 0.15 (HANNA) System: 2 Ai primes running david...
  11. Kuhn

    My Tachy looks like its deflating?

    Hello, all! I got this gorgeous Trachy on Thursday of last week and I'm just not sure if it's happy or not... It came in perfect and puffy, put it in my tank (acclimated it first of course) then the next day started getting smaller and less puffy... I know they can deflate at night, but tbh it...
  12. reefsaver

    Is Anyone's Hanna Magnesium Checker Not Reading High?

    I've heard about the problem of Hanna's Magnesium colorimeter reading high and recently learned that you can fill out a form on the Hanna website to get them to send out a new Reagent to correct the issue. But has anyone not had to do this and is getting similar results to other tests they do? I...
  13. Ryanakers05

    Ready for LPS or SPS?

    Hey guys I’ve been doing saltwater for 6 years now it’s been through a Fowlr system, a shark tank with soft corals and now it’s full of tangs and other reef fish along with inverts. It’s a 180 gallon tank that I believe has been well established I have soft corals and bubble tip anemones in it...
  14. G

    Hello Hello - check out my water parameter spreadsheet

    Hello, all! I’m from Central Alabama and recently started my first saltwater fish tanks; the first is 20 gal and has been running since the start of March. The second tank is 75 gal and was started a few weeks ago after I got the hang of water changes, testing the water, and getting used to...
  15. reefsaver

    Real-time Salinity Monitor?

    I was wondering if there was any Salinity testing equipment that actively reads Salinity in real-time, I use the Hanna Salinity Checker which I really enjoy but sometimes I get the feeling that it's not as accurate as a Refractometer.

    What can I change for the better? Parameters, Lighting, my process? etc

    Hi all, This post is me being selfish and wanting some advice on how to get better practices on my husbandry and overall more knowledge on this wonderful hobby we all love. I’ll be going over my lighting, parameters, equipment, water change process, and livestock I have in my 20g long nano...
  17. NEFFx

    Do you Calibrate your tests with known parameters?

    I asked Neptune about my trident being off from other test kits and they told me I have to test the test kits to the calibration solution that is provided by Neptune in the trident dosing solution to compare how off they are to one another. this seems very logical and a way to calibrate your...
  18. d3ro

    New Tropic Marin Classic salt High alkalinity. 14 dKH?! Help

    So I just got a new pack of Tropic Marin classic salt. Its dKH is supposed to be 9-10 dKH, but when I mix it up it comes out to be 14 dKH!!!?!. I mixed and tossed that bag around when I first got it. Ive made two batches with the same results. I measured and used the correct salt portions: ½...
  19. Carbon Vessel

    Algae identification GHA or something else

    Hi All, I am relatively new to Saltwater and would love some assistance with my current situation. I was a little excited with the cycle and did have lights on including white for some time ( I have learned since then). Can someone please assist in identifying the algae growth and let me know...
  20. Schraufabagel

    How much can water parameters fluctuate and be fine?

    My tank currently consumes 0.2 dkh per day and roughly 10 ppm Ca and 10 ppm Mg per week. I use Red Sea Coral Pro salt which has 11.5 dkh, 450 ppm Ca, and 1350 ppm Mg. Without a water change during a week the dkh would drop by 1.4 along with 10 ppm Ca and Mg. Is this fine if the water change is...
  21. diamondreef

    EMERGENCY Help! Water parameters are getting me frustrated…

    Hello, So I have a 25g JBJ Biocube. It was doing pretty good until recently. Been having issues with Phosphates and Alkalinity. So I’ve been going to the LFS weekly and having them test everything. Asking what I should do or not do. I went in yesterday expecting my Alk to have dropped and it...
  22. Schraufabagel

    Should I start dosing? 25 Gallon

    I have a 25 gallon tank that's going on 7 months old now. I just recently have been tracking my parameters more regularly, along with feeding and water changes. I have a small refugium with chaeto, and codium macro algae and mangroves in my main tank that may influence NO3 and phos. For corals...
  23. Woodman

    Newbie Lagoon 25

    I have no idea why my digitata montipora is bleaching (photo 4). My RBT (photo 5) has no tentacles and is hanging upside, it has been on the decline since I brought it about 7 weeks ago. The second green micromussa polyp is bailing out of the skeleton as well (photo 1). The first polyp bailed...
  24. Mikey0909

    EMERGENCY What is wrong with my zoas?

    They appear to be closed even though lights been on for hours, I will check water where is at the end of the week but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what was wrong.
  25. N

    Cerith snails

    Hi everyone, I just bought a bunch of cerith about a week ago. Since I’ve had them they all hang out right at the water line. Almost looks like they’re trying to escape. Tank temp is 78.7-79.0, haven’t had a chance to test my water but everything else (fish/coral/exsisting CUC) are doing...