
  1. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Starry Night Octopus

    The Starry Night Octopus (Callistoctopus luteus) got its name from all their bright white spots because it resembles a night’s sky. They are extremely strong and master escape artists, so be sure to secure all of your rockwork and have a tight fitted lid. In house, we are feeding this octopus...
  2. Nutramar Foods

    Bodacious Bodianus Atrolumbus

    The Palebar Hogfish is a rare fish for a few reasons. One is that no matter where you are, it has only two common names: Palebar and Gold Saddle. Almost every fish you can think of has a half dozen names or variations on this name. The second reason is that while it is a common fish within its...
  3. Nutramar Foods

    The Pacific Pearlfish (Carapus dubius) Video

    The Pacific Pearlfish (Carapus dubius) is a very unique and odd species! They are known to inhabit the body cavities of pearl shells, pen shells, Laevicardium cockles and sea cucumbers, which is a sight to see! In house, we are feeding them our Nutramar live Artemia nauplii (baby brine shrimp)...
  4. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of the Week: Blue Spotted Tamarin Wrasse

    The Blue Spotted Tamarin Wrasse is not commonly seen within the marine aquarium hobby. This beautiful species will grow to be about 14 inches in length, so they will need substantial swimming space. Use caution if adding to a reef aquarium because the Blue Spotted Tamarin Wrasse is known to nip...
  5. Nutramar Foods

    The Wet Pet Called Cube

    Trunkfish like the Cubicus are omnivores, cruising the reef for different algae, sponges, and invertebrates to eat all day, every day, the primary reason they are not suggested for reef aquariums, but also a reason why a varied diet is important for their long term health. When the fish are...
  6. Nutramar Foods

    Quality Marine Labs Successfully Breeds and Rears Wide-band Clownfish (Amphiprion latezonatus)

    Clownfish have long been one of the most popular fish and considered to be one of the best starter fish in the marine aquarium trade. Advances in culturing techniques have allowed commercial farms in the US and around the world to grow thousands of clownfish each year for the marine ornamentals...
  7. Nutramar Foods

    The Yellownose Butterfly

    Many Butterflyfish have reputations for being challenging to keep, as many of them have very specific diets, and Yellownose Butterflyfish have an undeserved reputation as they are not obligate corallivores (something that eats only coral). In the wild, Yellownose graze on algae and the...
  8. Nutramar Foods

    Quality Marine releases second batch of QM Labs Aquacultured Purple Tangs conditioned with Nutramar Foods

    Contact Your favorite retailer to get yours now before we run out! To learn more about our product line follow us on Instagram @nutramarfoods
  9. Nutramar Foods

    Quality Marine: The Prettiest Cardinal You Forgot About

    The Yellow Striped Cardinalfish is an underrated species that really bring a lot of activity and color to an aquarium. In house, they are being fed an array of Nutramar Foods and frozen meaty foods. What is your favorite species of Cardinalfish? Yellow Striped Cardinals have a very wide...
  10. Nutramar Foods

    Quality Marine Labs Successfully Breeds and Rears Zebrasoma xanthurum

    Check out the amazing news from Quality Marine using Nutramar Foods! Click Here to Learn More
  11. Nutramar Foods

    New Product Alert: Nutramar Marine Complete Shots!

    Nutramar Marine Complete Shots are suitable for everyday feeding for your fish, LPS corals, and other invertebrates. Sticks easily to the side of the tank or rockwork allowing your fish to graze whilst giving you a close-up view of your fish feeding! This food is cold extruded to ensure no loss...